يوروبا ونيفرزاليس 4 نظام تجاري
يوروبا ونيفرزاليس الرابع هو استراتيجية استراتيجية كبيرة وضعتها بارادوس ديفيلوبمنت ستوديو ونشرتها بارادوس التفاعلية، تتمة ل 2007 يوروبا ونيفرزاليس الثالث. ويهدف هذا يوروبا ونيفرزاليس إيف ويكي كمخزن يوروبا ونيفرزاليس الرابع المعرفة ذات الصلة، ومفيدة لكلا اللاعبين الجدد والخبرة وللطرق.
تريد أن تساعد في تحسين ويكي؟
يمكن لأي شخص المساهمة في ويكي. إذا كنت تريد أن تصبح مساهما يرجى تسجيل (على الرغم من أنك يمكن أيضا تحرير مجهول)، وتحقق من الصفحة المطلوبة العمل. إذا كنت بقعة أي شيء في حاجة إلى تحسين، لا تتردد في إجراء تحرير. إذا كنت تخطط لإجراء أي تغييرات كبيرة فمن المستحسن أن تقرأ المبادئ التوجيهية نمط أولا.
حول يوروبا ونيفرزاليس إيف.
إن تجارب الاستكشاف والتجارب والحرب والدبلوماسية الحقيقية ستستمر في الحياة في هذا اللقب الملحمي الذي ينعم بالعمق الاستراتيجي والتكتيكي الغني. الاستعداد للانضمام إلى مجتمع في جميع أنحاء العالم من أكثر من نصف مليون لاعب وتجربة الدراما والتوتر التي فقط المرحلة الكبرى من التاريخ يمكن أن توفر. بعد نجاح الاستراتيجية الانتقادات اللاذعة / آر بي جي الصليبي الملوك الثاني، استوديو التنمية بارادوس على استعداد ليأخذك إلى عوالم القديمة والجديدة - كل واحد لك لاتخاذ.
يوروبا ونيفرزاليس إيف الميزات الرئيسية:
حول استوديو التنمية بارادوس.
حول استوديو التنمية بارادوس.
استوديو تنمية المفارقة هو المطورين وراء الامتيازات الاستراتيجية الناجحة مثل الصليبي الملوك، أوروبا ونيفرزاليس، قلوب الحديد & أمب؛ فيكتوريا. استراتيجيتها / آر بي جي لعبة الصليبي الملوك الثاني هو الانتقادات اللاذعة واحدة من أعلى تصنيف الألعاب 2018 وفقا ل ميتاكريتيك. يعمل بارادوس ديفيلوبمنت ستوديو حاليا على لعبة بناء الإمبراطورية القادمة يوروبا ونيفرزاليس إيف التي ستطلق سراح 13 أغسطس 2018. وكان الاستوديو المطور الرائد للألعاب الاستراتيجية الشهيرة عالميا، وتركز على الكمبيوتر منذ عام 1995. اليوم استديو مقرها ستوكهولم هو مركز مجموعة واسعة من المشجعين و مودرز على حد سواء، مع متناول التي تمتد في جميع أنحاء العالم ووجود قوي في الولايات المتحدة وأوروبا.
وتعتقد استوديوهات تنمية المفارقة في قوة لعبة استراتيجية رمل - نوع خاص من الخبرة حيث يمكنك تعيين الأهداف الخاصة بك وتحديد الأدوات التي سوف تستخدم للوصول إليها. ألعاب رمل تعطيك الحرية لا مثيل لها لإنشاء مصيرك وكتابة القصص الخاصة بك. عندما تلعب مبارياتنا، نريد منك أن تشعر بأن مصير العالم حقا تقع في يديك - وفقط عليك أن تقرر ما هذا المصير يعني.
يمكن الاستمتاع بمفارقة الألعاب استوديوهات الألعاب منفردا أو متعددة - ما يصل إلى 32 شخصا يمكن أن تتنافس، التعاون أو تتآمر في الألعاب التاريخية الغنية لدينا. تطوير المفارقة ستوديو هو أيضا مؤيد كبير من المحتوى الذي تم إنشاؤه المستخدم. كل من مبارياتنا يمكن أن تكون مضاءة لتتناسب مع رغبة قلبك. الاستمرار في إعادة اختراع وتقدم كل من هذه، فضلا عن خلق عناوين جديدة تماما، هو مجرد وسيلة واحدة الاستوديو يبقي انها 500،000+ أعضاء المجتمع يعود لأكثر من ذلك. بنفس القدر من الأهمية هو شغف الاستوديو للاستراتيجية الغنية، المشتركة من قبل معجبيهم، وإرثهم من توفير ألعاب عميقة جدا وتحديا أن كل يقدم مئات الساعات من اللعب.
متطلبات النظام.
متطلبات نظام ويندوز:
الموصى بها متطلبات النظام: نظام التشغيل: ويندوز فيستا / ويندوز 7 / ويندوز 8 المعالج: Intel® Pentium® إيف 2.4 غيغاهيرتز أو أمد 3500+ الذاكرة: 2 غيغابايت من ذاكرة الوصول العشوائي مساحة القرص الثابت: 2 غيغابايت هد الفضاء الرسومات: نفيديا غيفورس 8800 أو آتي Radeon® X1900، 1024mb ذاكرة الفيديو المطلوبة. بطاقة الصوت: كرت الصوت المباشر المتوافق مع X ديريكتكس: 9.0c دعم وحدة التحكم: 3-زر الماوس ولوحة المفاتيح ومكبرات الصوت متطلبات متعددة متعددة: اتصال إنترنت أو شبكة محلية متعددة متعددة: ما يصل إلى 32 لاعبين آخرين في وضع متعددة.
الحد الأدنى لمتطلبات النظام: نظام التشغيل: ويندوز فيستا / ويندوز 7 / ويندوز 8 المعالج: Intel® Pentium® إيف 2.4 غيغاهيرتز إيلر أمد 3500+ الذاكرة: 2 غيغابايت من ذاكرة الوصول العشوائي مساحة القرص الثابت: 2 غيغابايت هد الفضاء الفيديو: NVIDIA® جيفورس 8800 أو آتي Radeon® X1900، 512MB ذاكرة الفيديو المطلوبة. الصوت: بطاقة الصوت المتوافقة X المباشر: 9.0c دعم وحدة التحكم: 3-زر الماوس ولوحة المفاتيح ومكبرات الصوت متطلبات متعددة متعددة: اتصال إنترنت أو لان متعددة متعددة: ما يصل إلى 32 لاعبين آخرين في وضع متعددة.
© 2018 بارادوس التفاعلية. "يوروبا ونيفرزاليس إيف" هي علامة تجارية مسجلة لشركة بارادوس إنتيراكتيف. كل الحقوق محفوظة.
بيجي 12: لغة سيئة، العنف اللعب عبر الإنترنت | إسرب T: مرجع المخدرات، لغة معتدلة، موضوعات جنسية خفيفة، عنف معتدل.
تنطبق تقييمات بيجي فقط في أوروبا، في حين أن إسرب هو فقط في الولايات المتحدة.
يوروبا ونيفرزاليس 4 نظام تجاري
قد تحتوي هذه المقالة على معلومات قديمة غير دقيقة للتيار اللعبة. تم آخر تحديث لها ل 1.13.
تتناول هذه المقالة شبكة التجارة ودخل التجارة. للحصول على معلومات حول السلع التجارية وإنتاجها وقيمتها، انظر.
إن التجارة وإنتاج السلع التجارية هما مصدران رئيسيان لبلد ما، والثالث هو. كل مقاطعة تنتج، والتي تعطي الدخل لصاحبها مباشرة. ثم تدخل القيمة التجارية للبضائع إلى نظام، حيث يتم توجيهه وجمعه في نهاية المطاف من قبل التجار كدخل تجاري.
ويمكن تلخيص النظام التجاري في اللعبة على النحو التالي:
في جميع أنحاء العالم ترتبط لتشكيل شبكة عالمية من التجارة. وتستضيف كل عقدة النشاط التجاري لمجموعة من المقاطعات المرتبطة جغرافيا. المال في هذه الشبكة التجارية العالمية يمكن أن تتدفق بين العقد التجارية في اتجاهات التجارة أحادي الاتجاه وكذلك إنهاء في العقد نهاية. هذه الوصلات بين العقد التجارية ثابتة ولا يمكن تغييرها أثناء اللعب. يمثل المبلغ الشهري للسلع التجارية المنتجة محليا والواردة في عقدة تجارية. وتولد القيمة التجارية من كمية وسعر الإنتاج في كل مقاطعة. وتجمع جميع المحافظات قيمتها التجارية في القيمة التجارية الإجمالية لعقدة التجارة المرتبطة بها. توفر علامة التبويب التجارة قيمة تجارية مجمعة في عقدة بينما يعرض وضع الخريطة التجارية أداة تلميح مدرجة محليا يتم إنتاجها بشكل منفصل عن القيم الجيدة للتجارة الواردة. هو رقم خام يمثل رقابة البلد على التجارة في العقدة. وتحدد القدرة التجارية الأولية للبلد على مجموع القدرة التجارية لجميع البلدان الموجودة في العقدة ما سيحدث لقيمة التجارة في كل عقدة. وتستخدم القوة إما للاحتفاظ بالقيمة التجارية داخل العقدة (إذا كانت الدولة تجمع مع تاجر أو في عقدة منزلها)، أو نقلها إلى الأمام في الشبكة التجارية (إذا كانت الأمة تتوجه من هناك مع التاجر، أو أنه و أبوس ؛ ق ليس عقدة المنزل وليس لديها التاجر). يتم توليد الطاقة التجارية من قبل المحافظات، والتجار. ويمكن أن تؤثر الأحداث والمعدلات أيضا على قدرة تجارية للبلد في عقدة. يمكن إرسالها إلى عقدة تجارية لجمع جزء من القيمة التجارية للعقدة والقيمة النسبية تتناسب مع حصة الدولة من القوة التجارية في العقدة أو توجيه القيمة التجارية للعقد في اتجاه معين. العقد التجارية [] انظر أيضا:
وتنقسم المقاطعات في العالم إلى مناطق ترتبط كل منها بعقدة تجارية.
كل عقدة تجارية لديها مجموعة محددة مسبقا من العقد المنبع والمصب، والتي يمكن أن تتدفق قيمة التجارة من وإلى، على التوالي. كل قيمة التجارة التي تدخل عقدة تجارية من المنبع إما سيتم جمعها هناك أو نقل المصب إلى عقدة تجارية أخرى. ويؤدي الجمع في عقدة تجارية إلى تحويل حصة البلد من القيمة التجارية إلى الدوقات مباشرة.
القيمة التجارية تأتي من مصدرين، قيمة التجارة المحلية والقيمة التجارية الواردة. وتنتج المحافظات الأساسية قيمة التجارة المحلية. واردة هي القيم التي تأتي من العقد المنبع.
الدول التي لها قوة تجارية في عقدة لها تأثير على قيمة العقدة والقيمة النسبية بما يتناسب مع حصتها من إجمالي الطاقة التجارية.
يمارس هذا التأثير بإحدى طريقتين:
جمع القيمة التجارية: تتحول الحصة الوطنية من القيمة التجارية إلى دخل. يحدث هذا تلقائيا إذا كانت العقدة هي العقدة الرئيسية، أو إذا تم إرسال تاجر للقيام بذلك. وسيؤدي جمع التجارة في عقدة غير منزلية إلى خفض القوة التجارية للأمة إلى النصف في تلك العقدة. نقل قيمة التجارة إلى الأمام: يتم إرسال حصة وطنية من القيمة التجارية إلى الأمام إلى واحدة من العقد المصب. وإذا لم تجمع الأمة في عقدة، فإن حصتها من القيمة التجارية سترسل إلى أحد العقدة المتصلة مباشرة. يتم اختيار عقدة الوجهة تلقائيا، ولكنها قابلة للتهيئة إذا تم إرسال تاجر إلى & كوت؛ نقل الطاقة التجارية & كوت؛ (تسمية خاطئة).
عقدة المنزل هي العقدة التجارية التي تقع فيها المدينة التجارية الرئيسية في البلاد. وستقوم جميع الدول تلقائيا بجمع حصتها من القيمة التجارية من عقدها المنزلية، وإرسال قيمة تجارية نحوها من العقد الأخرى إن أمكن. يقع الميناء التجاري الرئيسي عادة في عاصمة الدولة، ولكن يمكن نقله ل 200 مع دلك.
وتصنف جميع العقد غير المنزلية على أنها محلية أو أجنبية. وتسمى العقدة المحلية إذا كان 20٪ من السلطة التجارية المقاطعة محتفظ بها من قبل الأمة. ولهذه الأغراض تعتبر العقدة المنزلية محلية .. ويأتي التمييز في حالتين:
وبعض الأفكار والتقاليد وما إلى ذلك تعطي مكافأة للسلطة التجارية على وجه التحديد في العقد أو التجارة، إذا واجهت الدولة أنها تعاني من عقوبة -1٪ إلى القوة التجارية لكل نقطة من التوسع الزائد في العقد الأجنبية ولكن ليس في العقد المحلية.
إذا لم يتم جمع الأمة في عقدة، ولا أي عقدة المصب، حتى من خلال القفزات متعددة، ثم أنها ليست مؤهلة للتأثير على قيمة التجارة في هذه العقدة. ثم يعاد توزيع حصة الدولة من القيمة التجارية بين الدول المؤهلة. وبالتالي فإن القوة التجارية للأمة في هذه العقدة تهدر بشكل فعال. ولا يزال بإمكان الأمة الاستفادة من ذلك. إرسال مثل هذه العقدة إما لجمع أو نقل سيجعل الأمة مؤهلة للحصول على قيمة التجارة بطريقة طبيعية.
القيمة التجارية [] انظر أيضا:
وتمثل القيمة التجارية الدوقات (النقود) في الشبكة التجارية.
قيمة التجارة المحلية []
قيمة التجارة المحلية للعقدة هي مجموع القيمة التجارية لجميع المحافظات التي تنتمي إلى العقدة. وعلى مستوى المقاطعات، تمثل القيمة التجارية كمية السلع المحلية المنتجة مضروبا في سعرها. في وضع خريطة التجارة تحوم الماوس فوق عقدة تجارية وفتح مربع يظهر قيمة التجارة المحلية.
إجمالي قيمة التجارة []
القيمة الإجمالية للتجارة في العقدة التجارية هي مجموع قيمة التجارة المحلية (من المحافظات)، والقيمة التجارية الواردة (من عقد التجارة المنبع)، ناقص القيمة التجارية الصادرة (إلى عقد التجارة في المراحل النهائية). وتوزع القيمة الإجمالية للتجارة بين البلدان ذات القوة التجارية في العقدة. ويمكن العثور على إجمالي القيمة التجارية للعقد التجارية في فئة عقود التجارة / التجارة في قائمة العقد التجارية. ويمكن الاطلاع على ملخص القيمة التجارية في لوحة عرض العقدة التجارية كخطوة تبين القيمة التجارية المحتجزة التي تمثل القيمة التجارية الإجمالية ناقصا قيمة التجارة الخارجية.
مكافأة تجارية متعددة []
بالإضافة إلى توجيه قيمة التجارة الصادرة من خلال وصلة خاصة معينة، فإن كل تاجر يطبق دفعة للقيمة التجارية على تلك الوصلة --- أي أن قيمة التجارة الموجهة تزداد بنسبة مئوية عند مرورها بين العقدتين، القيمة التجارية واردة من عقدة المصب هو أكبر من القيمة التجارية المنتهية ولايته المقابلة للعقدة المنبع. وهذا يؤثر على جميع التجارة على هذا الرابط، وليس فقط البلد التاجر، لذلك التجار متعددة يمكن أن تعزز التجارة على نفس الرابط. مجموع دفعة هو:
زيادة التراكمي 0 0.0٪ 0.0٪ 1 + 5.0٪ + 5.0٪ 2 + 2.5٪ + 7.5٪ 3 + 1.6٪ + 9.1٪ 4 + 1.2٪ + 10.3٪ 5 + 1.0٪ + 11.3٪
وجود أكثر من خمسة التجار لن تزيد من دفعة أخرى. يتم تعديل دفعة من قبل الدولة & أمبير؛ s توجيه التجارة: على سبيل المثال، إذا كان أول بلد تاجر و s + + 20٪ توجيه التجارة دفعة من التاجر سيتم زيادة إلى + 6.0٪. حاليا أمر التاجر غير مفلس، وبالتالي فإن التاجر مع أعلى التوجيه التجاري لن يكون بالضرورة أولا.
وتحدد القوة التجارية حصة السيطرة على القيمة التجارية للأمة في العقدة.
(القيمة المحلية + القيمة الواردة) * ترادبور / توتال تريدور.
ويمكن إما جمع هذه القيمة (تتحول إلى دخل)، أو أن يتم نقلها في اتجاه المصب.
مصادر الطاقة التجارية []
يتم تحديد القدرة التجارية للبلد في العقدة التجارية من خلال:
السلطة التجارية الإقليمية [] المراكز التاريخية للتجارة وغيرها من معدلات السلطة التجارية المقاطعات في 1444.
وتساهم كل مقاطعة بمبلغ من الطاقة التجارية في بلدها المراقب في عقدة التجارة المحلية. ويمكن رؤية المبلغ الدقيق والحسابات ذات الصلة في إطار فئة التجارة. وتبلغ الطاقة التجارية الأساسية 0.2 لكل تنمية في المقاطعات. (10 +)، والميناء الطبيعي المهم (+10)، ومصبات الأنهار (+10) أو الرسوم الصوتية (+20). ويشار إلى هذه الرموز الخاصة مرئية على الخريطة التجارية، وعند اختيار المحافظة في السؤال. وتتعرض القوة التجارية للمقاطعة لمعدلات مختلفة على الصعيد العالمي (مثل 2٪ لكل نقطة من أركان البلد)، والمحلية (على سبيل المثال، تحصل المقاطعات الساحلية على 25٪ من مكافآت الطاقة التجارية). توفر التجارة أيضا مكافأة الطاقة التجارية (تصل إلى + 125٪).
وتتاح للجمهوريات التجارية خيار بناء مركز تجاري واحد (+10) لكل عقدة تجارية في مقاطعة مملوكة (باستثناء العقدة المنزلية) ل -50 نقطة دخول. معدلات القوة التجارية الإقليمية [] بعض الأفكار والسياسات تحسن القوة التجارية للمقاطعات. تقاليد أفكار المكافآت السياسات + 25٪ & # x2017؛ فكرة الاستعمارية 2: التجارة كونتيننتال فكرة مازوفيان 7: المتجر المركزي & # x2017؛ + 20٪ & # x2017؛ فكرة الغوجاراتية 5: محور التجارة في المحيط الهندي فكرة هانزيتيك 6: المساهمات المنتظمة فكرة والاشيان 2: تقييد التجارة الخارجية & # x2017؛ & # x2017؛ + 15٪ فكرة الشركس 2: التجار من جنوة العميل فكرة الدولة 5: امتيازات التجارية كانم بورنوان فكرة 7: واجبات على الصحراء التجارة ياركاندي فكرة 7: تشجيع التجارة تاريم & # x2017؛ + 10٪ تقاليد كوتاي تقاليد لان نا تقاليد بيغو تقاليد روستوف تقاليد ورزبورجية فكرة التجسس 3: فحص فكرة أماغو 5: تسيطر على فكرة التجارة الأنديز الساحلية 2: شبكة الطرق الجبلية فكرة بريميش 5: فيجيزاك هاربور غولدن هورد إيديا 4: تأمين الطرق التجارية كونغو الفكرة 5: المثلث التجارة مالفي فكرة 7: مالوا الأفيون أورلانيس فكرة 2: بورت أورليانز سامي فكرة 4: تشجيع نمو السوق الشتوية سافويارد فكرة 6: جبال الألب تولس سيليزيان فكرة 6: العلاقات الهانزية فكرة الإسبانية 5: أسطول الكنز & # x2017 . & # x2017؛ التحويلات من التجار أسفل النهر []
وتتمتع أي دولة لديها ما لا يقل عن 10 نقاط قوة تجارية للمقاطعات في العقدة بانتشار تلك السلطة في اتجاه المنبع. ويضاف مبلغ يعادل 20 في المائة من القوة التجارية للمقاطعات الوطنية إلى مجموع القوة التجارية لتلك الدولة في كل عقدة مباشرة في اتجاه المنبع حيث يشار إليها على أنها تحويلات من التجار في اتجاه المجرى.
يوفر ميركانتيليسم مكافأة للسلطة التجارية المقاطعة يساوي ضعف نسبة ميركانتيليسم المدرجة. ارتفاع ميركانتيليسم يزيد رغبة الحرية في الموضوعات الاستعمارية تصل إلى 25٪.
وتبلغ نسبة الزخم المرکزي الأولي 10٪ ولکن بعض البلدان تبدأ بنسبة 25٪:
بعض الأحداث والقرارات والبعثات تعطي زيادات أو نقصان دائمة للزئبق، وبعضها:
شركة تجارية [] المقال الرئيسي:
المقاطعات في الحصول على + 100٪ السلطة التجارية المحافظات. هناك 15 منطقة في جميع أنحاء آسيا وأفريقيا التي قد يكون لها شركة تجارية. . العقد مع شركات التجارة فيها تعتبر العقد التجارية المحلية ويمكن جمعها من قبل التاجر دون فرض عقوبات على الإفراط في التوسع.
السفن الخفيفة [] حماية التجارة []
ويجوز لأي بلد أن يزيد من قوته التجارية في الملاحة البحرية (غير الداخلية) بإرسال سفن خفيفة في مهمة حماية التجارة. زيادة الطاقة التجارية في العقدة التجارية التي تحمي التجارة فيها بقاعدة تتراوح بين 2 في السفينة (بارك، التكنولوجيا الدبلوماسية 2) تصل إلى 5 في السفينة (الفرقاطة الكبرى، التكنولوجيا الدبلوماسية 26).
الاسم الوصف 2 بارك 2 8 10 10 كان بارك هو سفينة شراعية صغيرة، تستخدم أصلا للتجارة. وقد وفر تكييف هذه الحروب بديلا أصغر وأسرع للمراكب الأكبر حجما. 9 كارافيل 2.5 10 13 10 كان كارافيل سفينة صغيرة جدا المناورة التي يمكن أن تبحر مع دقة عالية في رحلات اكتشاف طويلة. على الرغم من أن تصاميم متنوعة، كان كارافيل فورسيل، مربع رئيسي و أتين ميزن. حجمها أصغر حصر عدد البنادق على متن الطائرة، ولكنه يعني أيضا أن هذه السفينة الخفيفة يمكن استكشاف المياه الضحلة الساحلية ومصبات الأنهار. فاسكو دا غاما، كابوت، كولومبوس وماجلان تستخدم كارافيلز خلال أواخر القرن الخامس عشر وأوائل القرن السادس عشر الرحلات. 15 التباطؤ المبكر 3 12 15 10 مع تزايد التجارة الخارجية، كانت هناك حاجة إلى سفينة مرافقة سريعة لتوفير رحلة آمنة. وقد وضعت فرقاطات في وقت مبكر لهذا الغرض. وكانت سفن أصغر حجما وأقل حجما من الحروب مع سطح مسدس واحد، ووفرت الحماية من القرصنة في المياه الخطرة. 19 فريغيت 3.5 16 20 10 مع مرور الوقت، تطورت الفرقاطة. أصبحت أكبر ومدججة بالسلاح، وأحيانا مع اثنين من الطوابق بندقية. الفرقاطة & نبسب؛ ق مزيج من السرعة وقوة النيران يعني أنه يمكن تجاوز أي سفينة مع المزيد من البنادق و أوغون أي أسرع السفن. وكان الأسطول الذي بناؤه كومنولث إنجلترا في 1650s تقريبا تقريبا من الفرقاطات. 23 فريغات ثقيلة 4 20 25 10 سفينتان مغطيتان تحملان عادة 40 بندقية. 26 الفرقاطة الكبرى 5 24 30 10 نوع أكبر من الفرقاطة، يحملون أسلحة إضافية.
لاحظ أن كل سفينة خفيفة يزيد أيضا من إجمالي الطاقة التجارية في العقدة، وبالتالي فإن الزيادة النسبية لكل سفينة خفيفة هي:
وهكذا، على سبيل المثال، فإن إضافة سفينة واحدة ذات قوة تجارية من 2 إلى عقدة مع قوة تجارية إجمالية قدرها 20 ستكون زيادة نسبية قدرها 2 / (20 + 2) = 0.0909 & # x2026؛، بينما تضيف سفينة ثانية من هذا القبيل إلى العقدة ستكون زيادة نسبية قدرها 2 / (22 + 2) = 0.0833 & # x2026؛.
بعض العلاوات لسفينة التجارة هي:
بشأن حماية بعثات التجارة لا يمكن إرسالها إلا إلى حيث كان البلد بالفعل والوفاء بها. ينطبق القيد على نطاق العرض حتى عندما يتم إزالة الاستنزاف البحري في التكنولوجيا الدبلوماسية 22. إذا كانت التصاريح، يمكن لأي بلد أن يرسل إلى عقدة دون أي قوة تجارية أولية ومن ثم المتابعة مع السفن الخفيفة التي تحمي التجارة (طالما أن هذه هي ضمن مجموعة التوريد). وهناك طريقة جيدة للترتيب للحصول على مجموعة إمدادات مواتية هي من خلال كسب من دولة في محيط العقدة التجارية المستهدفة.
مصادر أخرى للسلطة التجارية [] التاجر الحالي: وجود تاجر يزيد من القوة التجارية للدولة من قبل +2. الميناء التجاري الرئيسي في المنطقة: أمة يحصل على +5 قوة تجارية إضافية في عقدة الوطن. في حين يمكن إقناع دول أخرى (من خلال الدبلوماسية) أو إجبار (من خلال الحرب) على نقل ما يصل إلى 50٪ من قوتها التجارية أيضا (اتفاقات نقل التجارة لم تعد تأخذ فتحة علاقة دبلوماسية) ). وكملاحظة، لا تنقل النقابات والأوساط الشخصية السلطة التجارية إلى أهلها. وعلى هذا النحو، فإن الاتحادات والنقابات الشخصية قد توجه التجارة بعيدا عن طريق مفضل أو عقدة تجارية منزلية. ومع ذلك، قد يطلب من سوزيرين 50٪ من السلطة التجارية و أبوس؛ ق، بتكلفة رغبة الحرية. معدلات الطاقة التجارية [] معدل القدرة التجارية العالمية [] تحسن بعض الأفكار والسياسات قوة التجارة العالمية. تقاليد الأفكار المكافآت السياسات + 20٪ فكرة التوسع 7: التجار تنافسية فكرة التجارة 1: الدعاية التجارة الممارسة أراغونيز فكرة 5: شركات التاجر تشارترد & # x2017؛ + 15٪ & # x2017؛ فكرة دانزيجر 2: فيستولا نهر التجارة همبرغر فكرة 1: مدينة الهانزية فكرة الرومانية 6: فاناريوت التجار & # x2017؛ + 10٪ M & # شفك؛ تقاليد نستر تقاليد ثيودورو البندقية التقاليد فكرة أنتيمورو 6: تعزيز السيطرة على تجارة الرقيق الفكرة العربية 5: البدو التجار أراواك فكرة 3: أورينوكو التجارة الفكرة البيزنطية 5: فئة التاجر البيزنطي تشام فكرة 3: تشيمو فكرة 6: اقتصاد متخصص فكرة غوتنيش 4: إعادة بناء فكرة الهانزية التجارة 1: نهاية الاخوة الانتصاريين فكرة هولشتاين 6: التجارة بين البحار هورمز فكرة 5: الحفاظ على تجارة الاحتكار سلطنة عمان فكرة 5: المساواة بموجب القانون فكرة أمريكا الوسطى 2: ألتيبيتل ميلانيس فكرة 6: التاجر برينسس مقديشان فكرة 3: تجارة الذهب شرق أفريقيا فكرة نجدي 3: سفن الصحراء النرويجية فكرة 5: اغتنام الفرصة أوغاساوارا فكرة 6: تحسين ناكاسيندو باغارويونغ فكرة 2: تجارة الذهب الفكرة البرتغالية 3: فيتورياس بسكوفيان فكرة 6: الفنون والحرف من بسكوف روثنيان الفكرة 4: الشرق والغرب سونغاي فكرة 1: الذهب لتجارة الملح سولاويسي فكرة 6: منظم التجارة فيجاياناغار فكرة 1: تعزيز التجارة فكرة غرب أفريقيا 3: كولا المكسرات البربر الطموح جونبوري الطموح طموح طموح الطموح السواحلية الدبلوماسية التوسع: السفارات التجارية الاستكشاف-مبتكرة: إهمال حميدة + 5٪ & # x2017؛ الفكرة المملوكية 1: تجارة البحر الأحمر الفكرة الوطنية 4: قانون العقود نوفغورود الفكرة 4: السيطرة على الكونزية الهانزية & # x2017؛ & # x2017؛ معدل قوة التجارة الداخلية [] العقدة الرئيسية والعقد حيث تعتبر الدولة لديها أعلى قوة تجارية في المقاطعات تعتبر محلية. كلا المحافظات الخارج ومحافظات شركة التجارة العد. وتشير قوة التجارة الداخلية إلى القوة التجارية في هذه العقد. لا تعاني عقد التجارة الداخلية من الإفراط في التوسع. بعض الأفكار والسياسات تحسن قوة التجارة المحلية. التقاليد أفكار المكافآت السياسات + 25٪ تقاليد ميسكان التقاليد الكورية أشيكاجا فكرة 4: توسن-بوجيو بيلوزيرو فكرة 4: التجارة الشمالية فكرة المجرية 6: تعزيز المدن إيروقويز فكرة 3: حراس الباب الشرقي فكرة تيموري 6: السيطرة على طريق الحرير زامبيزي فكرة 3: السيطرة على تجارة زامبيزي & # x2017؛ & # x2017؛ + 20٪ & # x2017؛ أندو فكرة 2: إينو التجارة موتابان فكرة 6: السيطرة على ثروات موتابان فكرة أوشي 2: التجارة الكورية راجوسان فكرة 2: مركز التجارة تريبيزونديان فكرة 6: محطات طريق الحرير & # x2017؛ + 15٪ & # x2017؛ مدري بهري فكرة 6: تعزيز التجارة البحر الأحمر أوتومو فكرة 4: الترحيب نانبان التجارة أوتسونوميا فكرة 3: حاجز شيراكاوا & # x2017؛ & # x2017؛ + 10٪ التقاليد الأفغانية تقاليد دانزيجر تقاليد الهوسان تقاليد كونو التقاليد الكندية أندرا الفكرة 7: تشجيع كورومانديل التجارة فكرة البلوش 5: السيطرة على التجارة الخارجية فكرة الدوقية الفرنسية 1: رجال التجارة الفكرة الألمانية 2: فر & # شفك؛ هلينغس & # x2212؛ أوند هيربستميس غرناطة الفكرة 4: مضيق جبل طارق إسهيكي فكرة 1: شوغو من التانغو فكرة حجازي 2: تجارة البحر الأحمر فكرة شمال غرب المحيط الهادئ 4: عيد بوتاتش فكرة شان 4: السيطرة على جوهرة التجارة فكرة سيبيريا 2: تجارة الفور سيبيريا شوني الطموح الطموح السنهالي ياركاندي طموح & # x2017؛ معدل قوة التجارة الخارجية [] العقود التجارية غير المحلية تعتبر أجنبية وستعاني من عقوبات مفرطة التمديد. وتشير القوة التجارية في الخارج إلى القوة التجارية في هذه العقد. التجارة الخارجية في الخارج تتلقى المكافآت التالية: أفكار التقاليد المكافآت السياسات + 30٪ & # x2017؛ & # x2017؛ & # x2017؛ بلوتوكراتيك-تريد: تريد كونتورك نيتورك + 15٪ & # x2017؛ & # x2017؛ & # x2017؛ أرستقراطية التجارة: التجارة الروابط سياسة التجارة البحرية: المشاركات التجارية المحصنة + 10٪ تقاليد هرمز تقاليد راجوسان فكرة كورونيان 3: دوقية ميركانتيليسم فكرة الجينوي 3: إعادة بناء التجارة الجينية هوسوكاوا فكرة 3: مدينة ساكاي الفكرة الأيونية 6: إنترب & # xF4؛ من شرق المتوسط & # x2017؛ & # x2017؛ -1٪ تساوي أوفيركستنسيون، هذا المعدل هو غير مقيد (على الأقل إلى 300٪). التوجيه التجاري []
يتم تطبيق التوجيه التجاري كمكافأة مضاعفة للسلطة التجارية المستخدمة للتوجيه عند تحديد التجارة العقدة الصادرة.
ويزداد توجيه التجارة ببعض الأفكار والسياسات. أفكار التقاليد المكافآت السياسات + 33٪ & # x2017؛ العمانية الفكرة 1: التاجر المحلي التفضيل و # x2017؛ & # x2017؛ + 25٪ فكرة التجارة 6: التلاعب التجارة فكرة نافاران 5: عبر بيرينان التجارة فكرة كلب صغير صغير 3: الموانئ الشمالية & # x2017؛ الدفاع عن النفس: قانون الحياد المسلح + 20٪ التقاليد الغوجاراتية التقاليد كوتاي التقاليد ريوكيوان فكرة أراغوني 3: التجارة المتوسطية فكرة هورون 3: زوارق بيرشابارك فكرة مابوتشي 4: مابوتشي النسيج باتاني فكرة 2: جنوب بحر الصين التجارة بسكوفيان فكرة 7: بسكوف قبل الجميع أوكيناوا التجارة دانيزيجر الطموح طموح النرويج طموح أوريسان طموح ترانسيلفانيا توسيع التجارة: تشجيع البحرية التجارية + 15٪ فكرة عربية 1: تجارة المحيط الهندي فكرة كندي 6: تراث الإمبراطورية لوكسمبورغ فكرة 3: فكرة موزيل التجارة أوشي 5: ميركانتيل ديبلوماسي & # x2017؛ & # x2017؛ + 10٪ التقاليد البنغالية تقاليد البريتونية تقاليد تقاليد هانزا الأيرلندية التقاليد كراكوي التقاليد السلطانية السلطانية تقاليد مدري بحري تقاليد أورلانيس الفكرة الكرواتية 2: لؤلؤة الأدرياتيك فكرة غرناطة 4: مضيق جبل طارق فكرة جوان 4: التجارة في آسيا فكرة سيليزيا 4: راوبريتر سولاويسي فكرة 1: إنترا-أسيان تريد نيتورك & # x2017؛ + 5٪ & # x2017؛ الفكرة الوطنية 6: الحالة التجارية & # x2017؛ & # x2017؛
كل نقطة من التقاليد البحرية أيضا يزيد من كفاءة توجيه التجارة بنسبة 1٪.
قافلة الطاقة [] ملاحظة: يتم عرض القيم تحت معدلات البلد من واجهة الحكومة حتى من دون ثروة الأمم دلك، ولكن من دون تأثير في العقد التجارية.
فالأمة التي توجه من، نحو أو جمع (في ميناء تجاري رئيسي فقط) عقدة تجارية داخلية تتلقى قوة تجارية إضافية. قوة القافلة هي التطوير الكلي / 3 والحد الأقصى في 50.
كسب + 33٪ مكافأة لقوة القافلة.
تزداد قوة القافلة من خلال أفكار وسياسات معينة. يمكن أن تتجاوز 50 مع هذه المكافأة. أفكار التقاليد المكافآت السياسات + 33٪ & # x2017؛ & # x2017؛ & # x2017؛ التأثير البحري: قانون التعاون + 25٪ & # x2017؛ الفكرة البلوتوقراطية 6: المدن الحرة فكرة التجارة 7: المفاوضات السريعة & # x2017؛ & # x2017؛ + 20٪ التقاليد الجوية تقاليد بادن تقاليد لورين تقاليد مارافي تقاليد ساديان فكرة بربرية 3: ترانس & # x2212؛ سهاران تريد فكرة دالي 2: طريق الحصان الشاي فكرة هوسان 4: ساراكونان كاسوا خيفان فكرة 3: واحة ميرف نيجني نوفغورود فكرة 1: في التقاء العمالقة أودويف فكرة 7: تعزيز نهر أوكا التجارة الفارسية فكرة 4: تحسين طريق الحرير سونغاي فكرة 7: التجارة عبر الصحراء فكرة تومبوكا 5: التجارة بين البلدان الأفريقية ياركاندي فكرة 1: طريق الحرير الشمالي & # x2017؛ & # x2017؛ + 15٪ فكرة كانغرا 5: تعزيز التجارة الجبلية & # x2017؛ & # x2017؛ + 10٪ & # x2017؛ الفكرة النوبية 4: تشجيع التجارة لمسافات طويلة & # x2017؛ & # x2017؛ حظر []
إمبارجينغ هو خيار في شاشة الدبلوماسية التي تسمح للبلاد للاستفادة من قوتها التجارية ضد دولة أخرى، وبالتالي، مما يقلل من قوة الدولة في التجارة في العقد التجارية المشتركة. شاشة التجارة يظهر الرموز لكل دولة محظورة وأولئك إمبارغينغ أمتك. وضع الماوس فوق كل رمز الأمة يكسر العقوبات في كل عقدة تجارية مشتركة.
إبعاد بلد ما له الآثار التالية:
وتعاقب الدولة المدافعة على القوة التجارية في جميع العقود التجارية التي تتمتع بها كلتا الدولتين. ويصل حجم العقوبة إلى نصف حصة المهاجم والقوة التجارية في العقدة التجارية قبل الحصار. هذه العقوبة تكدس بشكل مضاعف مع معدلات أخرى. يتم تعديل الدولة المدافعة عن الدولة المهاجمة من قبل -15. ويكتسب المدافع أيضا نزاعا تجاريا ضد المهاجم ما لم يكن الحصار متبادلا. وتعاني الدولة المهاجمة وكفاءة التجارة من عقوبة -5٪ ما لم يكن المدافع منافسا. لا تحسب العقوبات ضد الحد الأدنى للعلاقات الدبلوماسية. ويكسب البلد المهاجم ما يصل إلى + 10 إسقاطات الطاقة إذا كان الهدف منافسا، وهذا المبلغ يتوقف على مدى تأثير الحصار بشدة على التجارة المستهدفة.
يمكن زيادة كفاءة الحظر بما يلي:
أفكار التقاليد المكافآت السياسات + 33٪ & # x2017؛ & # x2017؛ & # x2017؛ + 25٪ & # x2017؛ فكرة التجسس 6: بريفاتيرز & # x2017؛ التجارة المسيئة: قانون مكافحة التهريب + 10٪ & # x2017؛ بيتسيميساراكا فكرة 2: القراصنة الموانئ الفكرة القبرصية 7: غارة التركية التجارة فكرة الملغاشية 3: موانئ القراصنة الجبل الأسود فكرة 4: البلقان غوسارس ناكسيان فكرة 3: أرخبيل الفرص فكرة كلب صغير صغير 1: تراث القراصنة & # x2017؛ & # x2017؛ التجار []
يستخدم التجار لتغيير سلوك مسار التجارة الافتراضي عن طريق جمع أو توجيه التجارة. يجب أن يكون التجار متمركزين في عقدة تجارية للقيام بعملهم، ويمكن أن يسافروا فقط مسافة يحددها بلد ما، مما يزيد مع، و.
لاحظ أن توظيف التجار ليس واجبا على النظام التجاري للعمل. كل دولة سوف تجمع تلقائيا من عقدة منزلها، وإرسال التجارة نحو ذلك إذا كان ذلك ممكنا. التجار عادة:
وجمع في العقد الأخرى من عقدة المنزل، والتوجيه التجاري، وهذا هو، والتحكم في الطريقة التي يتم نقل القيمة التجارية الصادرة المصب، كشرط مسبق لإرسال لحماية التجارة في العقد حيث الأمة ليس لديها قوة تجارية أولية. اكتساب التجار []
كل بلد لديه قاعدة من اثنين من التجار. وتشمل الوسائل الدائمة للحصول على المزيد:
التقاليد الأفكار المكافآت السياسات +1 التقاليد الأمريكية التقاليد البلغارية التقاليد الكاتالونية تقاليد هورموز التقاليد بيغو التقاليد بسكوفيان فكرة التوسعة 2: تجار إضافيون فكرة بلوتوقراطية 4: تجارة حرة فكرة التجارة 2: التجارة الحرة فكرة التجارة 5: التجار في الخارج أندو فكرة 4: توسيع التجارة فكرة أراكانيس 3: خليج البنغال التجارة الكندية فكرة 2: شركة خليج هدسون فكرة كاندريد 1: اتصالات جينوز ديثمارشر فكرة 3: البعثات التجارية فكرة الهولندية 2: روح التجارة الهولندية استونية فكرة 5: التجارة البلطيق فكرة الغوجاراتية 7: الغوجاراتية الشتات ينزل على أفريقيا غوتنيش فكرة 5: غوتنيش التاجر المغامرين فكرة الهانزية 2: التزامات دوري قوي فكرة هولشتاين 4: كييلر أومسكلاغ هورون فكرة 1: التجارة البحيرات الكبرى فكرة جوان 4: التجارة بين آسيا آسيا فكرة كيفان 6: دعم التجار المحليين فكرة سلطنة عمان 1: تجارة المحيط الهندي فكرة مالي 6: البحث عن أسواق جديدة لمقديق مقديشان فكرة 1: تجارة المحيط الهندي فكرة مولوكان 3: وكلاء التجارة نوفغورود فكرة 4: السيطرة على الهانزية كونتور العمانية فكرة 7: توسيع الاتصالات التجارية أوشي فكرة 4: التجار من هاكاتا مدينة باتاني فكرة 5: فكرة & # xF4؛ ر فكرة كلب صغير 2: البوميرانيون التجار فكرة البرتغالية 4: تشجيع فكرة بانديرانتيس سامي 3: تنظيم التجارة مع الجنوبيين شوني فكرة 4: مدينة ناغازاكي السنهالية فكرة 3: لؤلؤة المحيط الهندي فكرة جنوب الهند 7: التجار الرأسماليين فكرة سوماتران 5: التجار من المحيط الهندي فكرة تومبوكا 7: مرحبا بكم السواحيلي التجار كامل التركيز التجارة طموح آشانتي طموح الهندي وسط طموح غاليسيان طموح إنتيرلاكوسترين الأيوني الطموح أودوييف الطموح الأرستقراطية التجارة: التجارة الاتصالات سياسة الدفاع-التجارة: قانون الحياد المسلح تحصل على التاجر +1 لكل واحد يسيطرون مع غالبية السلطة التجارية المقاطعة في المنطقة. تتلقى البلدان 1+ تاجر لكل دولة استعمارية مع 10 مقاطعات على الأقل. نطاق التجارة []
يمكن للتجار الوصول فقط العقد على هذه المسافة من مقاطعة محفور (أو مقاطعة محفور من دولة موضوع أو دولة تمنح حقوق باسينغ البحرية). تقاس المسافة إلى المقاطعة المركزية للعقدة، مرئية على وضع خريطة التجارة. يزداد نطاق التجارة الأساسية من خلال التكنولوجيا الدبلوماسية (100 في التكنولوجيا 1 و 400 في التكنولوجيا 32) وبعض القرارات والأفكار.
يتم زيادة نطاق التجارة من خلال أفكار وسياسات معينة. أفكار التقاليد المكافآت السياسات + 33٪ & # x2017؛ فكرة ريوكيوان 4: التجارة البحرية & # x2017؛ & # x2017؛ + 30٪ & # x2017؛ & # x2017؛ & # x2017؛ + 25٪ فكرة التجارة 3: مغامرات التاجر & # x2017؛ & # x2017؛ + 20٪ & # x2017؛ أيوثايان فكرة 5: تعزيز الروابط التجارية الفكرة الغوجاراتية 2: جاين اتصالات كونو فكرة 6: التجارة مع القارة القارية آسيا فكرة أمريكا الوسطى 7: فكرة سبج وجيد مقديشان 1: المحيط الهندي التجارة المحيط الهادئ شمال غرب فكرة 2: دوجوت الزوارق جنوب الهند فكرة 1: التجار من جنوب الهند & # x2017؛ الاستكشاف البحري: رسامو الخرائط المهرة + 15٪ تقاليد تقاليد هانزا سوماتران & # x2017؛ & # x2017؛ & # x2017؛ + 10٪ & # x2017؛ الفكرة الهولندية 2: روح التجارة الهولندية فكرة المملوكية 1: تجارة البحر الأحمر & # x2017؛ & # x2017؛ إجراءات التاجر []
Merchants can be sent to a trade node to perform one of two missions (as denoted in game interface):
Collect from trade sets merchant to convert trade value into trade income. The merchant sent to collect from trade node grants a +10% bonus to trade income. Note that nations will automatically collect from their home nodes even if they do not have a merchant present. Collecting trade income from a non-home node halves the country's trade power in that node. (The tooltip shows additive penalty to display -50% penalty applied multiplicatively after all bonuses. For example, if a nation has a +40% trade power modifier before the collecting penalty, the listed penalty will be -50%*140%, that is, -70% .) Transfer trade power (This is a misnomer) Allows the user to steer trade value. This allows the nation to choose the downstream link to transport value to. The destination link can be selected in Trade mapmode. Note that in the case of no merchant presence, the nation will still transport value to some link, but this default link is not configurable. Every steering merchant grants a nation +10% bonus to trade power in home node (capped at +100% for 10 merchants) but that applies only if no merchant is collecting in a non-home node. Trade income[]
The trade income a nation collects in a trade node is calculated as follows:
Trade efficiency is added as a bonus modifier to . Base trade efficiency is defined by diplomatic technology but it can also be increased by certain ideas and policies (capped at +200% ).
Privateering[] Main article:
Any fleet that contains light ships can be sent on a privateering mission to any trade node within trade range. The fleet will hoist the Jolly Roger and add the trade power of its light ships (plus a bonus) to a dummy "pirate" nation in the node, thus reducing the trade power share of everyone in the node - including their controller, though a portion of the trade value lost this way is returned to the controller, listed in accounts as "spoils of war". Unlike protecting trade, privateers can be sent to nodes a nation has no power in, making it a way of weakening the nation's enemies or gaining revenue from nodes it can't touch otherwise. Privateering a rival's trade generates .
Hunt pirates[] Main article:
This mission is available to fleets which contain at least one ship that isn't a transport. Fleets containing heavy ships or light ships may hunt pirates in any non-inland ; however, fleets containing only galleys (as well as fleets which are a mixture of galleys and transports) can only hunt pirates in nodes where all nearby sea provinces are .
Pirate-hunting fleets reduce the trade power taken by the dummy "pirates" nation in the chosen trade node by reducing their . They do not actually damage or take damage from any ships.
See also[] References[] See in /Europa Universalis IV/common/static_modifiers/00_static_modifiers. txt ().
This article may contain outdated information that is inaccurate for the current of the game. It was last updated for 1.18.
This is a guide to help improve understanding of trading in .
Producing trade value[]
The best place for a country to produce Trade Value is at the upstream end of a chain of Trade Nodes they control. The Trade Value can then be boosted as it moves down the chain.
Controlling trade nodes[] Trade power share[]
Control of a trade node is dictated by a country's Trade Power share in that node. Thus, to control a desired node, a country should increase its Trade Power share in that node. Merchants only provide a token amount of Trade Power, and sending power upstream is extremely inefficient due to the -80% penalty (stacks multiplicatively, not additively, with other modifiers) for doing so. Thus, Trade Power largely comes from provinces and Light Ships. Effective ways on increasing one's share of Trade Power in a node therefore include:
Sending Light Ships to that node and sinking the Light Ships of other countries. Constructing trade buildings in important centers of trade in that node. Since several buildings give a percentage increase to trade power, provinces with base increases from estuaries or centers of trade will benefit more . Conquering provinces in that node. If the node still has un-colonized provinces, colonization is an alternative. Embargoing other countries at that node.
Countries with low Trade Power share in a node benefit more from increasing their own Trade Power there than reducing the Trade Power of other countries. Likewise, countries with high Trade Power share in a node benefit more from reducing the Trade Power share of other countries than increasing their own Trade Power, although it is important to note that highly monopolized trade nodes increases the efficiency, adding the need to hunt pirates to avoid losing power and money; Conquering provinces is an attractive option to increase the trade power as it allows a country to do both (increasing their own Trade Power and reducing the Trade Power of other countries) at the same time.
Desirable trade nodes[]
Desirable trade nodes to control include:
Nodes with high Trade Value, whether from local production or from upstream nodes. Nodes with less competition from other countries, so that fewer resources need be expended to control the node. Nodes connected closely with other controlled nodes, to take maximum advantage of boost. End nodes, from which no money can be steered. Nodes downstream from the trade capital. The trade capital's node, where Trade Power is more effective.
Trade nodes that are critical to the global network include:
Gulf of Aden is a bottleneck for nearly all seabound trade from India and China to Europe. It determines whether trade flows to Alexandria and the Mediterranean, to Hormuz and the Middle East, or around Africa to the Americas and western Europe. (Indus is also important, since there's a link to Hormuz, but less so for European powers since value from there finds its way to the Mediterranean by a much shorter route.) Ivory Coast controls whether Asian and African trade flows to the Americas, to Tunisia, or to the various European nodes (Seville, Bordeaux, or the English Channel). Trade from the Americas collects primarily on the East coast; the best node to focus on is the Caribbean. From there, trade can end up in Sevilla (from the Caribbean directly), Bordeaux (from the Caribbean and Gulf of St. Lawrence), the English Channel (from Chesapeake Bay), or the North Sea/Denmark (from the Gulf of St. Lawrence). Though there are no end nodes in East Asia, almost all of the trade can be funneled into either Beijing in the north or Malacca in the south, and then routed from there to one's main trade port. Alternatively, Asian and Indian countries with strong navies and trade steering may be able to push trade across the Indian Ocean to Zanzibar and collect trade there, eventually steering trade south from the Gulf of Aden as well. Central Asian countries can use inland trading bonuses to earn a sizeable income from the paths of the Silk Road, pushing trade from Central China and the Asian Steppes through Samarkand to Persia. Embargoing[] It is rarely worth embargoing a country that is not a rival: Given that the attacker is willing to embargo the defender, they probably don't care about the diplomatic penalty for declaring rivals either. The Trade Efficiency penalty for embargoing without declaring a rival is only worth it if the defender is a serious enough competitor to the attacker. But any such competitor is probably worth declaring as a rival anyhow, assuming they are a valid rival. Embargoing a rival grants , while embargoing other countries does not. Embargoes are most effective when: The attacker already has a large but not overwhelming Trade Power share in the trade node(s)---about 50 to 80% before the embargo is best. The defender has most or all of the remaining Trade Power share. As embargoes give a penalty to Trade Efficiency and the number or rivals is limited, only a few countries can be efficiently embargoed at a time. The maximum absolute increase in Trade Power share at the base Embargo Efficiency is achieved when the attacker has a 65.4% share before the embargo. In this case, embargoing all of the other countries at that trade node increases the Trade Power share by 8.3% to 73.7%. Countries with the largest Trade Power share that are performing a competing action should be targeted first‗this removes the largest portion of competing Trade Power. If collecting, all other countries are competing. If pulling trade or steering, all countries that are collecting or steering in an undesired direction are competing. It is important to note, however, that embargoes are global. Be sure to check all of the relevant trade nodes before choosing whether or not to embargo a country, as countries which have shared interests in one node may have competing interests in another. Distributing merchants[]
Merchants are best sent where their country controls the most Trade Power, since the amount of income (when collecting) or steered trade (when steering) is proportional to the Trade Power controlled.
Collecting trade in capital[]
The capital trade node (or main trade port, with ) collects trade automatically, regardless whether a merchant is active there or not. Sending a merchant to collect in the capital merely adds an additional +10% Trade Income to that specific capital trade node, which is a bonus not granted to other nodes when collecting. Collecting in the capital is generally only worth it for countries that have Trade Power concentrated in fewer trade nodes than they have Merchants.
Stationing a Merchant in the capital increases the income there by 10%, whereas collecting with a Merchant in another node halves the Trade Power. Thus, in most cases a country would have to control more than five times as much Trade Value in the capital as another node to justify stationing a Merchant in the capital. For instance: If a country has 10 ducats worth of Trade Value in their main trade node and 2 ducats in another node, stationing a Merchant in their home node would increase their income by 10% to 11ducats, while stationing that same merchant in the other node would add 1 ducat to the 10 they're getting from their main trade port, giving them a total of 11 as well.
Where to steer trade[]
Merchants set to steer trade have two effects; these will determine whether it is worth using a merchant to steer trade at a particular node.
Steering Merchants determine which direction trade leaves a node. If a node only has one outgoing link, or trade is already being steered in a favorable direction, then a Merchant is not necessary, though increasing Trade Power can increase the proportion of Trade Value pulled forward. Light Ships can only be sent to nodes where the country already has Trade Power; however, a country with no Trade Power in a node can send a Merchant there, then follow up with Light Ships. Using Merchants to boost is generally better done: Near the end of a controlled chain of nodes, since this is where the amount of Trade Value to be boosted is often greatest. Where there are not already other Merchants boosting trade, since each Merchant increases boost by less than the last. Collecting versus steering[]
Ultimately, Trade Value has to be collected to be of any use. In most cases, it is better for a country to collect and gain 100% of their controlled Trade Value in a node than to send it downstream to somewhere that other countries will take a cut out of. However, if a country dominates the downstream node as well, the boost for steering trade can result in a net benefit. Therefore, some rules of thumb for collecting versus steering at a trade node are:
If a country has no Merchants or capital downstream of the node, they should collect on that node---transferring Trade Power upstream is extremely inefficient. If a country dominates trade downstream of the node all the way to a collector, then the boost may outweigh the cut taken by other countries along the way, and steering trade may be a good idea. As of Patch 1.2, the boost is relatively small, so near-complete dominance is required to make steering the better choice. If a country has enough Merchants and controls multiple trade nodes, it is advisable not to steer directly to the trade capital, but to make the money pass trough as many other nodes as possible, since it multiplies the amount of money by passing through a node. Moving the Trade Capital[]
It is advisable that a country moves its trade capital to an end-node (from which no money can be steered) over the course of the game. The end nodes available in the game are:
To be able to move its trade capital, a country must spend 200 diplomatic power. It is recommended that the player expands towards one of these wealthier nodes through the course of the game, and to make sure they have at least one center of trade in said node and enough light ships to be able to protect trade effectively against other powers in the area.
The marginal trade power share with respect to trade power in a node is.
For example, if a country controls 25% of a trade node that has 150 total trade power, the marginal increase in trade power share per trade power is (1 - 0.25) / 150 = 0.5%. Keep in mind that own trade power refers to the net trade power, not base trade power, and is affected by e. g. Trade Efficiency and the halving for collecting outside the capital.
If collecting, the marginal revenue collected (i. e. actual ducats) is.
"Trade value" is the sum of incoming and local trade value.
For example, if a country is collecting in its capital's trade node, the change in actual ducats generated per unit of trade power would be calculated as follows:
total trade power = Ptotal = 150 net trade power after modifiers = POwn_net = 37.5 net trade power share = POwn_share = POwn_net /Ptotal = .25 incoming trade value = Vincoming = 5 local trade value = Vlocal = 5 trade value = Vtotal = Vlocal+Vincoming = 5+5 = 10 trade revenue modifiers = rmodifiers = 0 trade revenue = R d(R)/d(POwn_net) = (100% + rmodifiers) * Vtotal * (1 - POwn_share) / Ptotal d(R)/d(POwn_net) = (100% + 0) * 10 * (1 - .25) / 150 d(R)/d(POwn_net) = .05.
This country would gain .05 ducats more each month if it added 1 trade power. If it added 100 trade power, the marginal change for another 1 trade power would be .018 ducats.
d(R)/d(POwn_net) = (100% + rmodifiers) * Vtotal * (1 - POwn_share) / Ptotal d(R)/d(POwn_net) = (100% + 0) * 10 * (1 - (37.5+100)/250) / (150+100) d(R)/d(POwn_net) = (100% + 0) * 10 * (1 - .55) / 250 d(R)/d(POwn_net) = .018 Forwarding[]
(Discrepancy between this section and previous correct information in the wiki: If a nation is not collecting in a node, nor any node downstream, even through multiple hops, then it is not eligible to influence trade value in this node. The nation's share of trade value is then redistributed among nations that are eligible. Thus trade power of the nation in this node is effectively wasted.)
Note that there is a difference between forwarding and steering power. Forwarding power is the total power of all nations not collecting in a node and determines how much total trade value is forwarded as opposed to retained. Only nations with a Merchant at a node have steering power.
The marginal steered value (in a particular direction) is determined as a share of the forwarded value and power. Merchant boost is also applied here.
Each nation that is not collecting at the node has only forwarding power. In this case, the effect on total steered value in any direction from base power is:
Each nation with a (non-collecting) merchant at the node has both forwarding and steering power. The effect on total steered value in the desired direction from base power is then:
Trade goods[] All of the value gained from improving trade good production will come from higher provincial value income and the larger value in trade nodes. Building a manufactory is the primary method to increase the amount of trade goods produced in a province. Manufactories should be prioritized in provinces with more valuable , then in provinces with high production. Increasing the amount of trade goods produced will also increase the total trade value of the province's trade node. It may be worth prioritizing building manufactories from provinces in trade nodes that the player is setup to harvest via trade. The "trading in" bonus from controlling a 20% trade share in a certain good ranges from entirely useless (dyes' +33% heir chance if playing as the Ottomans, a republic, or a theocracy) to potentially game-changing (ivory's +2 to diplomatic reputation). It may be worth using these as a reference for where to expand, and in some cases, they may even make low-income goods more desirable than high-income ones. Plan accordingly. Note that one doesn't actually need to control the production of a good to obtain the "trading in" bonus; what's more important is having high trade power in nodes where the good is produced. European trade goods[]
The best European trade goods are cloth, copper (early - to mid-game) and iron (mid - to late-game). Due to price events cloth gets +35% price and iron gets +50% by endgame. Copper also has +50% price between military tech 7 and 18, and remains at +15% afterwards. It is wise to prioritize building production buildings and manufactories on provinces producing iron, copper and cloth, and to avoid building them in provinces that produce wool, fish and grain. By late-game the price of wool and fish will decline by up to -30% and -20% , respectively. Salt is also relatively valuable to begin with, and increases by +10% about midway through the game. In a long run, mostly if planning to colonize North America, fur is going to get massive bonuses.
Colonial and Asian trade goods[]
Silk, ivory, cocoa, dyes, sugar, cotton, coffee, and tobacco are the best trade goods as they have price-increasing events that boost their prices further at different points throughout the game. Dyes start with relatively high price and gets +25% price increase mid-game, but will likely drop back to its normal value around 1700 when the "" event fires. Spices and chinaware both get +50% price increases mid-game, but decrease by -40% and -50% respectively later on.
A trader can amass money or send it further, in hope of making a larger profit.
To control trade, you use merchants. There is a base number of two per each country. This number can be increased through ideas (especially Trade that provides three extra merchants) and decisions. Furthermore, merchant republics have one more base merchant. You dispatch merchants to trade nodes (only within your trade range modified by diplomatic technology and ideas), where they attempt to seize as much control over the local trade route as possible.
You can order a merchant to do either of two things:
Collect money Steer the trade, conforming with the route, over to the next center.
The larger your control over a given trade node, the larger percentage of the money, coming from the total, you receive. What you want to do, then, is establish a transfer route from the starting point A, through B, to C, where you have great control and where you are going to collect the money (much more than if you collected it in points A and B, where your share in the market is low). How much money you are going to collect for yourself, depends on the current trade power.
Trade Power is a key factor of how much you actually are going to get. Note that it is not a value that has bearing on the amount of money in a node (that is what trade value is for). Trade power determines how much of the entire pie you are going to get. This value varies for each trade center (although some modifiers, e. g. for high stability, are global for all nodes). Trade power depends on the following factors:
Provinces, the more provinces you have in a given region, the higher the trade power, for the local node, you are going to generate. That is why it is immensely important to hold a stronghold in the distant regions e. g. in very rich India. Additionally, coastal provinces in the middle of the trade are going to generate higher TP than the remaining ones. Erecting new buildings also increases TP. Mercantilism. The current percentage multiplied by two is an additional TP generated by each province. Mercantilism can be modified by means of events. Half of the Trade Efficiency is an additional percentage of the Trade Power. Efficiency cannot exceed 200% (i. e. 100% of TP) Modifiers of the idea, system advisors, stability. Merchants, Each merchant increases TP by 2 in the region that he has been dispatched to. Trade steering. A merchant that sends money on, increases Trade Power in the next center. The effects cumulate, up to five merchants . And so, the first one increases trade power by 20%, the second one by 30%, the third one by 36.6%, fourth by 41.6% and fifth by 45.6. Note that merchants do not need to (and technically speaking cannot) be from the same country. This is the basis for establishing a good trade node. Send money from the weaker nodes, to the ones where you have a bigger share to increase income generated there. Determine how to best establish a transfer to maximize profits. A good solution will be to establish e. g. two three-layer node. But, sometimes, one long node, or three shorter ones, may turn out to be a better solution. Remember about transferring your money to the appropriate node! It is an element that is easy to overlook. Note that, in the above screenshot, directly next to the trade center in Gold Coast, right on the routes, there are small windows. Clicking any of these selects the direction in which you want to transfer money. And so, in the screenshot, money is being transferred to the North-East towards Mauretania, and on to Seville. It is easy to make an oversight here, which will result in money being sent into completely different trade point where you do not have any merchants, and in wasting all money! So, make sure that your node sends your money in the correct way. Ships. Each light ship that patrols the sea trade route increases the generated trade power. The base value is 3 per each ship but, this amount increases with each better ship model. It is an immensely effective way to increase income from trade so, build big fleet and try to determine, manually, the ratio of the number of ships to the navy financing in the budget that generates the highest income. The better you finance the navy, the better this influences the income from trade. So, it may turn out that it is more economical to spend more money on the navy, than make apparent savings by curbing the financing.
You should collect money where it is most effective after the establishment of the entire node, i. e. it is the ideal situation when it is a trade node with high trade value from production and from steering, and also very high trade power coming from market control (the more negligible the competition the easier it is to control, you will receive a lion's share in the market, somewhat by default, in the nod that your Capital belongs to.
Eventually, the game puts a merchant in the trade center of the capital to collect money there. Money in the capital is always collected automatically and the merchant presence modifies it only by 10%. Therefore, the most effective solution is to remove the merchant from there and put him in another node that you have strong control over. You need to take into consideration the fact that this will pretty much decrease the local trade power there but, if it still stays on a high level, this will be anyways more effective than the additional 10% from the capital. In general terms, a good solution for trade are two transfer routes, one that ends in the center that the capital belongs to and the other ending in another center, which you exercise vast control over.
To maximize your share in a trade center, you can consider imposing embargo on another country. Embargo will decrease this country's trade power in nodes, in which both of you have trade power. This will increase the income of the remaining countries from these nodes. The imposed penalty is a half of the owned TP in any other trade center. أي. the more power you have over a given center, the more effective the embargo is. Embargo effectiveness can be additionally increased by 33% by the Privateers idea from the Espionage group. Furthermore, England has a national idea that increases the effectiveness of embargo by 100%.
Embargo wil come with the decrease in the opinion of the other country by 15. Furthermore, each imposed embargo decreases trade effectiveness by 5%. This penalty can be avoided if you name another country your opponent.
Controlling the market comes with very nice bonuses.
For controlling the market of certain goods, you can receive special bonuses. If you are the leader of the world production, you will receive a 10% rise to the production of these goods. If you, on the other hand, control at least 20% of the world trade of these goods, you will receive a special bonus, which depends on the type of the goods. These bonuses are really big and worth obtaining. For example, controlling grain market, will increase the limit of the army by 25%, and controlling wine market wil decrease stability cost by 25%. Gold is the exception here because it provides no bonus. You can find detailed information about that in the log (Hotkey - L).
In this video I go over everything you need to know about the trading system in Europa Universalis 4, from the inception of trade value in provinces, to advanced strategies used to maximize trading income.
Trade in Europa Universalis IV.
Other Trade-Based Gameplay Mechanics.
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Trade zones, trade nodes, trade value, and other confusing concepts distilled down into a bumbling, incoherent guide. Check out the EU4 wiki for more.
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Trade steering is used for two primary purposes. To move trade from areas where you have low power to areas where you are dominant, and to move trade from a node to the node where your capital is to avoid taking a trade power penalty. Trade being pushed downstream occurs wihtout a merchant in nodes other than your capital, but you cannot change which direction trade flows downstream unless you have a merchant there.
Here is an example of a game where trade steering is useful:
In this game I have roughly 50 percent power in both the Tunis and the Sevilla nodes, but my capital is in Sevilla. Because of this, the best course is to move trade downstream from Tunis, which sends 2.5 gold out of 5 to the Sevilla trade node. In Sevilla, I can capture 50 percent of that trade and get a total of 1.25 gold from the tunis node, times my actual income modifiers. On the other hand, if I tried to collect trade in tunis, i would take a 55 percent penalty to trade power, leaving me with only around 25 percent power. That would let me collect only .66 gold times Actual income. Trade steering is twice as good here. If I had no merchant at all, my power would push trade downstream, but aragon would make that travel to genoa instead of Seville. I would lose out on ALL income.
This is what the trade map looks like with no merchant:
I get absolutely nothing from the Tunis trade node, because I have no merchant there. This is caused by Aragon steering trade toward Genoa.
While it is possible to steer trade upstream, it is virtually useless to use a merchant to do so because the trade power penalty is severe. Steer trade downstream, not upstream.
Instead, you should relocate your capital to a the node that is furthest downstream which you dominate, and then direct trade there.
Should you always steer trade to your capital? لا!
Usually you will want to direct trade downstream, but not always. You don't direct trade through nodes where other players/AI have a lot more trade power than you, especially your enemies.
One good example of a situation where directing trade would be a bad idea occurred in my most recent game as Netherlands. I had a large number of colonies in the Chesapeake bay node. However, if I directed trade downstream, it would have been collected by England or Norway, in The North Sea and London nodes between Chesapeake Bay and Antwerpen. Instead, it was better to just collect trade.
Many people will tell you that you should extract trade only at your capital. This is FALSE. Here is an example of how much you can pull out of a non-capital trade node, without investing any ideas in trade. This is more than even in my capital.
The key to note is that I control 93.5 percent trade power, even with the large penalty to trade from collecting without a capital present:
This is because the trade penalty for collecting from a non-capital node is a trade power penalty, which means if you still have a higher percent power in a non-capital node than in your capital after the penalty, you should definitely collect there.
Data napisania: 2 września 2018 o 9:44.
Date Posted: 21 Dec, 2018 @ 1:51pm.
Star and Crescent - 50 new Muslim themed event pictures, as well as several new events for the Muslim nations.
Unit packs have now been repackaged as content packs, but can still be purchased individually. They can be found under the expansion they were released with.
Native Americans Unit Pack.
Europa Universalis IV: Third Rome is now available! Press the image for more information.
Paradox Interactive, EUROPA UNIVERSALIS® Copyright© [2018] Paradox Interactive AB All rights reserved.
Use your economic strategy to crush history in EUIV.
The last expansion to the empire management grand strategy game EU4 was called Conquest of Paradise and it changed the world. No, really, for a game that can focus on exploration, knowing what the "New World" looked like was less fun than sending your ships into the unknown. Randomizing the map west of Europe was a big feature that vastly changed your strategy, and the release of Conquest of Paradise last month was huge for Thomas Johansson - the lead designer on EU4 - and the rest of the team. In contrast, Wealth of Nations will be a smaller expansion full of tiny features and tweaks that will improve the trade systems Europa Universalis IV. Wealth of Nations is set for release in Spring 2017.
Johansson's trade system was a big departure from the series previous iterations. In the new system, there are abstracted trade nodes set up around the world map in fixed locations. Players manipulated trade by sending merchants or ships to exert pressure on the node and move wealth to your country. While the system was cool to observe and change, players started to run up against certain weird variables that Johansson aims to fix with Wealth of Nations.
"The Polish player would almost always conquer the Teutonic Order first and move their capital," Johansson explained. "But in Wealth of Nations, you'll be able to set a trade capital to earn the most money from the Baltic Sea trade node while keeping your political capital in Krakow."
Trade capitals are a small feature, sure, but they will do a lot to enhance the historic feel of the game - that's what EU is about. Also true to history, you'll be able to use privateers to disrupt the trade of your rivals. These won't be new units to build, but the light ship category will have a "send privateers" mission available similar to how "protect trade" works now. Once selected these ships won't divert any trade income back to you - they are pirates after all - but will instead sluice income away from the trade node at a greater multiplier.
Of course, using privateers will give your enemies cause to declare war against you - the trade war "casus belli" or "CB" as Johansson calls it and the results of trade wars will also be vastly different in Wealth of Nations. In EU4 vanilla, sending trade power to the victor of war had a five year time limit, but the expansion will make that concession permanent until cancelled or another trade war is fought. That one tweak alone will vastly change the strategies of nations focused on dominating trade because a defeat could cripple you for a very long time.
Trade companies are another new feature, but Johansson admitted the exact details are still in flux. You will get a random event that will trigger the formation of a trade company - the British East India Company was a common example - and you'll be able to designate the trade nodes that company will have jurisdiction over. Once you take over a certain amount of trade in that region, you'll be rewarded with a merchant - a huge boost.
The details are all subject to change, as I said, but the implication is clear that Johansson wants to revise the trade system in EU4. I got the impression from early previews and conversations with him that successfully modeling a fun trade system was a large goal of his for EU4, and it was largely a success. Now with Wealth of Nations, Johansson has the chance to make it even more true to the history of Europa Universalis.
Look for Wealth of Nations on Steam in April or March 2017. It likely won't cost as much as Conquest of Paradise, so it will be an easy way to upgrade your game without too much investment.
About Paradox Development Studio.
Strategy is our game.
Paradox Development Studio is the developers behind successful strategy franchices such as Crusader Kings, Europa Universalis, Hearts of Iron & Victoria. Their strategy/RPG game Crusader Kings II is critically acclaimed and one of the highest rated games 2018 according to Metacritic. Paradox Development Studio is currently working on the upcoming empire building game Europa Universalis IV that will release the 13th of August, 2018. The studio has been a leading developer of globally renowned, PC-focused strategy games since 1995. Today the Stockholm-based studio is the center of a vast community of fans and modders both, with a reach that spans the entire globe and a strong presence in the United States and Europe.
Paradox Development Studios believes in the power of the sandbox strategy game ‘ a special kind of experience where you set your own goals and decide which tools you will use to reach them. Sandbox games give you unparalleled freedom to create your own destiny and write your own stories. When you play our games, we want you to feel that the fate of the world really does lie in your hands ‘ and only you decide what that fate means.
Paradox Development Studios games can be enjoyed solo or multiplayer ‘ up to 32 people can compete, co-operate or conspire in our rich historical games. Paradox Development Studio is also a big supporter of user created content; all of our games can be modded to match your heart’s desire. Continuing to re-invent and advance each of these, as well as create all-new titles, is just one way the studio keeps it's 500,000+ member community coming back for more. Just as important is the studio's passion for rich strategy, shared by their fans, and their legacy of providing games so deep and challenging that each offers hundreds of hours of gameplay.
Want to know more?
This article needs to be updated . Please update this article to reflect recent events or newly available information. (August 2018)
Europa Universalis IV is a in the series, developed by and published by . The game was released on 13 August 2018. It's a strategy game where players control a nation from the through the (1444 to 1821 ), conducting trade, administration, , , and warfare.
The game itself is an interactive map of Earth divided into the that compose nations. Each of these contribute to their country either positively or negatively, as can both provide resources to a nation and serve as a point of unrest and rebellion. The gameplay requires the player to lead a nation by finding a balance of military, , and . The player does so through their choices as sovereign of their nation, and through the spending of resources available to them: Prestige, Stability, (Ducats), Manpower, Legitimacy for Monarchies, Tradition for , Devotion for Theocracies, Horde Unity for Hordes and Monarch Power (Administrative, Diplomatic, Military).
Players can choose to conquer the world by military might, become a colonial superpower, establish trade dominance, etc. The game is a sandbox environment, and while there is no strict rule on winning the game, a loss occurs when the player's nation is removed, or annexed, from the map. is a large aspect of the game, as creating vassal states and tributaries, improving opinions and monitoring expansion and coalitions is vital to a player’s survival. Espionage can also be employed against enemy states in order to claim their territory, or incite in their , as well as other dubious methods. Combat can be done on both land and sea, and it attempts to simulate real world factors such as morale, discipline, competency of leaders, terrain, and supply lines.
Many major are present in and influence the game and provide distinct bonuses to their practitioners. Players can employ missionaries to convert their or can engage in policies of universal religious freedom. The faith makes use of the Papacy, which can allow a nation to have control over the or to use their influence for other rewards. Technological advancements are invested in over time, and will require the expense of monarch points.
Administrative technologies unlocks advancements such as increased productivity, new forms of government, new buildings, and the national idea system. Diplomatic technology unlocks advancements such as naval units, improvements in trade, new buildings, and improved colonial expansion. Military technology unlocks advancements such as land units, improved morale, combat tactics, and new buildings.
Gameplay is influenced by random events that arise each year for the player. These events can be either helpful or a hindrance. Some of these random events are driven by factual history pertaining to an individual country, while some are there to force a player to make tough decisions, and otherwise to enhance the flavor of the game. Players can choose to play single player mode versus the AI, or multiplayer over a LAN or the Internet against a mix of human and AI opponents. Single player also has the option of "Ironman" mode, which locks several settings such as difficulty, and removes the control of saving the game from the player. This means that any mistakes are irreversible. It is, however, the only way to receive any of the achievements that can be won.
Expansions and mods[]
All are optional, and may be applied to the base game in any combination. The largest DLCs come in the form of expansions, which significantly alter the mechanics and features of the game. There are also flavour packs (which add new events and minor mechanics, usually specific to one nation), music packs (which add more backing music) and cosmetic packs (which affect unit models, portraits and the map). There are also three e-books which have no impact on the game itself, but coincided with the release of expansions.
Expansions are often accompanied by a coinciding free patch to the game, which as well as adding fixes to the mechanics, also adds some content in the theme of the expansion.
Conquest of Paradise[]
Conquest of Paradise focuses on the . It adds an expansion to the mechanics of tribal nations, most prominently ones. It also adds a random new world generator which randomizes the landscape of and . The accompanying patch also added colonial regions, and new starting nations as well as many other small additions and fixes. Released 11 January 2017.
Wealth of Nations[]
Wealth of Nations includes new mechanics for trade and . The most prominent additions also include trade companies, privateering, and construction of the , , and canals. The accompanying patch included a new rival system, policies, and extra designs. Released 29 May 2017.
Res Publica focuses on governance and trade. New mechanics pertaining to elections are introduced, along with election events for the Dutch republics and a national focus. The Republican Dictatorship form of government is also included. The accompanying patch included extra idea groups and Merchant Republic factions. Released on 16 July 2017.
This expansion focuses on military mechanics. It expands on the and the , improves diplomacy (especially surrounding conflict and ), expands vassal mechanics and adds new options for waging war. The accompanying patch amongst other things overhauled rebel mechanics, improved the map and added large interface, AI and gameplay improvements. The map improvements increased the number of on the game map, in which previously lacked detail, such as and . It was released on 30 October 2017.
El Dorado, named after the mythical , improves largely on the nations of and . This includes , and religions, a "doom counter" for the Central American tribes, improved mechanics and added events. Exploration and colonisation of these areas is also expanded upon - for example, the is added and can explore into to search for the . A custom nation designer is included. The accompanying patch included new events for and , improved terrain and general improvements to gameplay. It was released on 26 February 2018.
Common Sense, named after the famous pamphlet written by Thomas Paine, focuses on , and internal development. New religious gameplay is added, focusing on and . are added, and a special parliamentary government is granted to England. The coinciding patch included new religions, improvements to the system and a reworking of the system. The number of building slots were also decreased, but the existing ones made more powerful. It was released on 9 June 2018.
The Cossacks, named after the , adds additional options and a wide variety of internal politics for peacetime. Primarily this is represented through the "Estate" system, which allows to be assigned noble landholders, the church, , and more in return for various bonuses and modifiers. Additionally, The adds mechanics for government types and adds mechanics to the religion. It was released on 1 December 2018.
Mare Nostrum, translated as "Our Sea" in Latin, was the Roman name for the Mediterranean Sea. As its name suggests, this expansion introduces new content connected to , trade and espionage. Now one can put ships on a naval mission or on a hunting naval mission. One can also create trade leagues, offer to other countries to fight and a new timeline feature where one can at any point through the campaign click it and watch how the world has evolved throughout the game. The accompanying patch made significant changes to espionage, added new map modes, two new systems for states, territories, and , as well as various new for and . It was released on 5 April 2018.
Rights of Man is the ninth expansion for Europa Universalis IV. It was announced on 19 August 2018. It was released on 11 October 2018 along with the 1.18 "Prussia" patch. The DLC and patch included a new Great Powers system where the eight most powerful nations were listed as "Great Powers" and could access new features such as making minor nations break their with other Great Powers. The patch also included new governments for and the , and a massive reworking of the technology system called the Institutions, which add penalties to any nation which hasn't embraced a given institution (such as , , etc.), and made the process of '' obsolete.
Mandate of Heaven[]
Mandate of Heaven, named after the , focuses on improving the region and contains new mechanics for , along with the ability of surrounding states to claim the title of the . There are also new Chinese meritocracy mechanics, the ability of tribes to raise , and a new system with events that allow Japan to become more or open in character. Outside of East Asia, there are now 'Ages' that focus gameplay on distinct historical periods in the , including Ages focusing on the of the Americas, the and in Europe, French-style , and the occurring in France and the Americas. The free 'Ming' 1.20 patch includes a new absolutism mechanic along with a province devastation feature. The expansion was released on 6 April 2017.
Aside from the official expansion packs, third-party are freely available. Most mods are available from the . The mods can modify or remove existing features, and add new features, such as new unit models or new gameplay mechanics.[]
Europa Universalis IV has a large following of . Popular mods include (which added history from 2 AD to 9999), (which adapted the world from the series into the game), and complete overhauls such as .[]
Reception[] Critical reception[]
Europa Universalis IV was met with generally favourable reviews, receiving a score of 87/100 on aggregate website . Critics praised the improvements from Europa Universalis III, especially the new mechanics and graphics. T. J. Hafer of described the game as an "engrossing simulation that conquers the common ground between your average Civilization V player and the long-time devotees of grand strategy". Negative feedback focused on the tutorials, combat mechanics and bugs. Nicholas Pellegatta acknowledged these bugs and other issues were likely to be addressed in later patches and expansions.
In 2018 Europa Universalis IV won the "Golden Horseshoe" award in the category of "Game of the Year" on the Polish website gikz. pl. It also won "Best Strategy" and "Best Historical" in Game Debate's 2018 awards.
As of February 2017, Europa Universalis IV had sold over 300,000 copies. By January 2018, over 900,000 games were registered on Steam. As of June 21, 2018, over 1 million copies have been sold.
In May 2017, Paradox Interactive normalized the prices of the game worldwide and its other products to account for the games being cheaper than intended in many non-western nations. This has led to massive backlash and boycotts by people from the affected nations, including a massive increase in negative user reviews on Steam in the following weeks.
This article may contain outdated information that is inaccurate for the current version of the game. It was last updated for 1.22.
Trade and production of trade goods are two of the three main sources of income for a country, the third being taxes. Every province produces trade goods, which give production income to their owner directly. The trade value of the goods then enters a system of trade nodes, where it is steered and eventually collected by merchants as trade income.
The trade system in game can be summarized as follows:
Trade nodes across the world are connected to form a global network of trade. Each node hosts the trade activity of a group of geographically associated provinces. Money in this global trade network can flow between trade nodes in unidirectional trade routes as well as terminate at end nodes. These connections between trade nodes are fixed and cannot be altered during the course of play. Trade value represents the monthly sum of locally produced and incoming trade goods in a trade node. Trade value is generated from the quantity and price of produced trade goods in each province. All provinces pool their trade value into the total trade value of their associated trade node. The trade tab provides an aggregate trade value in a node while the trade map mode displays a tooltip listing locally produced goods separately from incoming trade good values. Trade power is a number representing a country's control over trade in a node. The trade power of a country as a proportion of the total trade power of all countries present in the node determines what will happen to the trade value in each node. Power is used either to retain trade value within the node (if the nation is collecting with a merchant or at its home node), or to transfer it forward in the trade network (if the nation is steering from there with a merchant, or it's not its home node and it has no merchant). Trade power is generated by provinces, light ships, and merchants. Certain ideas, events and modifiers can also affect a country's trade power in a node. Merchants can be sent to a trade node to collect a portion of the node's trade value proportional to the nation's share of trade power in the node, or steer the node's trade value in a particular direction.
All trade income ultimately originates as provincial trade value .
Local trade value Edit.
The trade value of a province is equal to local goods produced × the price of the trade good that the province produces. This value can be seen in the province window. Trade value determines production income, but it is not itself affected by either production efficiency or local autonomy. See Trade goods § Goods produced for the details of goods produced; for trade purposes, the most noteworthy modifier is that merchant republics and trade companies give a bonus – in all provinces in the node, not just their own – to goods produced proportional to their share of trade power in a node, up to +50% .
The trade value of all provinces in the same trade node is added together to determine the local trade value of the node. This can be seen in the node's window, as well as the ledger and the trade tab.
Total trade value Edit.
The total trade value in a trade node is the sum of local trade value and incoming trade value from upstream trade nodes. For details of incoming trade value, see § Transferring trade below.
Each land province in the world belongs to exactly one trade node . The trade value from a province is added to the node's local trade value. In addition, most nodes have one or more other incoming nodes , and one or more other outgoing nodes . In this way all nodes are connected in a global network, with a handful (e. g. California, Siam, and Ethiopia) being origin nodes with nothing upstream of them, and three (English Channel, Genoa, and Venice) being end nodes with nothing downstream of them.
Relative trade power: competition over trade value Edit.
Nations use trade power to compete in manipulating the flow of trade value in several ways. The absolute amount of trade power is unimportant; what is important is the relative proportion of trade power wielded by a country and others it is cooperating with, compared to all countries it is competing with.
Each country's trade power is increased by their global trade power modifier for all uses.
Collecting trade Edit.
Each country has a main trade city . This is the same as the capital at the start of the game, and usually stays that way. In the trade node that this province belongs to, the country gets an extra +5 trade power and automatically collects trade. With the Wealth of Nations expansion, the main trade city can be changed at the cost of 200 diplomatic power. If the capital and main trade city are the same, moving the capital also moves the main trade city for free.
Countries can also collect trade by sending a merchant. In this case, the country's trade power is reduced by −50% . This is a multiplicative modifier, applied after all other modifiers. [1]
When collecting trade in a node, the country is allocated a portion of the node's total trade value equal to.
This amount is then multiplied by 1 + the country's trade efficiency, and that number of ducats is added to the country's treasury as trade income.
Each country collecting trade competes with all other countries collecting trade and all countries transferring trade.
Transferring trade Edit.
A country with trade power in a node who either has a merchant present and set to steer, or is not collecting there but is collecting in a node somewhere downstream (no matter how many hops away), is transferring. There are two stages to transferring trade:
Countries use trade power to increase the share of trade value that leaves the node ( outgoing trade value ). Countries transferring with merchants use their trade power to increase the share of outgoing trade value that flows into one particular outgoing node.
Pulling trade value forward Edit.
All countries transferring trade pool their trade power to pull trade out of the node. The amount of outgoing trade value is equal to.
At this stage, all countries transferring trade cooperate with each other, and compete with those collecting.
Steering trade Edit.
Each country transferring with a merchant present selects an outgoing node to steer trade to (the player does this from the trade map mode). All countries steering in a particular direction cooperate with each other, and compete with those steering in other directions as well as those collecting, whereas they neither compete nor cooperate at this stage with countries transferring but not steering. The amount of trade value steered towards a particular node is.
In this equation, "modified trade power" means the country's trade power multiplied by 1 + its trade steering modifier. If this would be a division by zero (i. e. no trade power is used to steer), it is instead set to.
In other words, if no one is steering in any direction, trade value is divided equally between all outgoing nodes.
There are two important consequences of this equation:
Countries that are not steering with a merchant have no influence whatsoever over the direction in which trade flows. They only influence how much trade value leaves the node. If the amount of trade power used to steer towards a particular outgoing node is zero, then value of trade steered there is zero (unless it is zero for all outgoing nodes). In other words, if there are merchants steering, but one outgoing node has no merchants steering to it, then that node receives no transferred trade value at all . If only one country is steering, all trade leaving the node goes to the node that country selected, no matter how tiny their trade power is.
Multiple merchant bonus Edit.
In addition to steering outgoing trade value through a particular outgoing link, each merchant applies a boost to the trade value on that link—that is, the steered trade value increases by a percentage as it passes between the two nodes, so that the incoming trade value of the downstream node is larger than the corresponding outgoing trade value of the upstream node. This affects all trade on that link, not just the merchant's country, so multiple merchants can boost trade on the same link. The total boost is:
Having more than five merchants will not increase the boost further. The boost is modified by the country's trade steering: for example, if the first merchant's country has +20% trade steering the boost from the merchant will be increased to +6.0%. Currently the merchant order is unsorted, so the merchant with the highest trade steering will not necessarily be first.
Provincial trade power Edit.
Every province contributes an amount of trade power to its controller's country in the local trade node. The exact amount and relevant calculations can be seen in province view under Trade category. It is determined by the following factors:
Provincial trade power modifiers Edit.
Certain ideas and policies improve provincial trade power.
Colonial idea 2: Continental Trade Mazovian idea 7: Central Emporium.
Mamluk ambition.
Gujarati idea 5: Hub of the Indian Ocean Trade Hanseatic idea 6: Regularized Contributions Wallachian idea 2: Foreign Trade Restriction.
Tverian traditions.
Ainu idea 3: Southern Traders Circassian idea 2: Merchants Of Genoa Client State idea 5: Mercantile Privileges Kanem Bornuan idea 7: Duties on Sahara Trade Yarkandi idea 7: Encourage Tarim Trade.
Huron ambition.
Kutai traditions Lan Na traditions Pegu traditions Rostov traditions Shirvani traditions Wurzburgian traditions.
Espionage idea 3: Vetting Amago idea 5: Dominate the Coastal Trade Andean idea 2: Mountain Roads Network Bremish idea 5: Vegesack Harbor Butuan idea 5: Balangay Golden Horde idea 4: Secure the Trade Routes Kongo idea 5: The Triangle Trade Malvi idea 7: Malwa Opium Orleanaise idea 2: Port of Orleans Sami idea 4: Encourage growth of the Winter Market Savoyard idea 6: Alpine Tolls Silesian idea 6: Hanseatic Ties Spanish idea 5: Treasure Fleet.
Transfers from traders downstream Edit.
Any nation that has at least 10 provincial trade power in the node enjoys the propagation of that power upstream . An amount equivalent to 20% of the nation's provincial trade power is added to the total trade power of that nation in every immediate upstream node, where it is denoted as transfers from traders downstream . Global trade power modifiers do not apply to the amount considered for propagation, but are applied in the upstream node instead. [2]
Age ability - Powerful Tradeships bonus:
+20% Ship tradepower propagation: An amount of 20% × 20% of ship tradepower also added to upstream node.
Trade company Edit.
A country that owns a province in a trade node that is not in their home node but is in a trade company region can add it to a trade company. Provinces in trade companies get +100% local trade power. There are 15 trade company regions throughout Asia and Africa. Nodes with trade companies in them count as domestic trade nodes and can be collected at by a merchant without incurring penalties for overextension.
Protect trade Edit.
A country may increase its trade power in maritime (non-inland) trade nodes by sending its light ships on Protect Trade mission. Ships can only be sent to protect trade in coastal nodes where the country already has trade power or a merchant. Each light ship increases trade power in the trade node in which they are protecting trade, the amount depending on how advanced it is; higher technology unlocks better light ships. Having the ships out of port for the Protect Trade mission costs −1 sailor per ship per month.
Some bonuses to ship trade power are:
No ideas or policies currently affect ship trade power.
Supply range Edit.
Light ships on protect trade missions can only be sent to trade nodes where the country already has trade power and the supply range is met. The limitation on supply range applies even when naval attrition is removed at diplomatic tech 22. If the trade range permits, a country can send a merchant to a node without any initial trade power and then follow up with light ships protecting trade (as long as these are within supply range). A good way to arrange for a favorable supply range is by gaining fleet basing rights from a nation in the vicinity of the target trade node.
Other sources of trade power Edit.
Merchant Present: The presence of a merchant increases a nation's trade power by +2 . Main trade port in area: A nation gets additional +5 trade power in its home node. Colonial nations provide their overlord with 50% of their trade power. With Mare Nostrum, members of a trade league: provide 50% of their trade power to the leader of the league provide an extra +0.025% trade steering to the leader of the league (cumulative with the bonus from other members) get an additional +20% ship trade power. Other nations can be persuaded (through diplomacy) or forced (through war) to enter into a Transfer Trade Power relation, which does not count towards the diplomatic relations limit. This transfers one country's trade power to another: a transfer enforced in a truce transfers 50%, while a diplomatically arranged transfer can transfer any amount from zero to 50%. Personal unions and vassals do not transfer trade power to their suzerain. With Common Sense, countries that have vassals or marches have a subject interaction for them to divert trade , which transfers 100% of their vassal's trade power, at a cost of +30% liberty desire.
Merchants are envoys used to alter the default trade route behaviour by collecting or steering trade. Merchants must be stationed at a trade node to do their work and can only travel a distance defined by a country's trade range, which increases with diplomatic technology, idea groups, and national ideas.
Trade with no merchant Edit.
In the absence of merchants:
In the country's home node, the country will collect trade. In non-home nodes that are not upstream from any nodes where the country is collecting trade, their trade power does not affect the flow of trade. It still propagates upstream if the country has at least 10 provincial trade power. In all other nodes, trade power is used to pull trade forward, increasing the share of trade value transferred . There is no influence on the direction of trade, only the amount transferred.
Merchant actions Edit.
Merchants can be sent to a trade node to perform one of two missions (as denoted in game interface):
Collect from Trade : Use the country's trade power to retain trade in the node, and turn it into income. This gives a bonus +10% trade efficiency in that node. In the country's home node, this also gives a bonus +2 trade power. In other nodes, this gives a multiplicative penalty of −50% trade power. [1] Transfer Trade Power : Use the country's trade power to pull trade forward in the trade network, and simultaneously to influence trade to flow preferentially into one of the downstream nodes (see § Steering trade above). The player can choose the direction to steer trade in using the trade map mode. (The name of this mission is a misnomer, as it is trade value that is being steered, not trade power.)
Although merchants steering provide no additional trade power on their own, they allow the country to send light ships to protect trade where they otherwise could not due to lacking trade power.
Gaining merchants Edit.
Every country has a base of 2 merchants. Permanent means of acquiring more include:
American traditions Bulgarian traditions Catalan traditions Hormuz traditions Pegu traditions Pskovian traditions.
Expansion idea 2: Additional Merchants Plutocratic idea 4: Free Merchants Trade idea 2: Free Trade Trade idea 5: Overseas Merchants Ando idea 4: Trade Expansion Arakanese idea 3: Bay of Bengal Trade Butuan idea 3: Butuan Trade Connections Canadian idea 2: The Hudson Bay Company Candarid idea 1: Genoese Connections Caspian idea 7: Promote Foreign Trade Dithmarscher idea 3: Trade Missions Dutch idea 2: Dutch Trading Spirit Estonian idea 5: Baltic Trade Gujarati idea 7: Gujarati Diaspora Descends on Africa Gutnish idea 5: Gutnish Merchant Adventurers Hanseatic idea 2: Strong League Obligations Holstein idea 4: Kieler Umschlag Huron idea 1: Great Lakes Trade Javan idea 4: Pan-Asia Trade Kievan idea 6: Support Local Traders Malayan sultanate idea 1: Indian Ocean Trade Malian idea 6: Seek New Markets for Salt Mogadishan idea 1: Indian Ocean Trade Moluccan idea 3: Agents of Trade Novgorod idea 4: Control of the Hanseatic Kontor Omani idea 7: Expansion of Trade Contacts Ouchi idea 4: The Merchants of Hakata City Pattani idea 5: Entrepôt Pomeranian idea 2: Pomeranian Merchants Portuguese idea 4: Encourage the Bandeirantes Sami idea 3: Regulate Trade with the Southerners Shirvani idea 7: Merchants of Baku Shoni idea 4: Nagasaki City Sinhalese idea 3: Pearl of the Indian Ocean South Indian idea 7: Merchant Capitalists Sumatran idea 5: Merchants of The Indian Ocean Tumbuka idea 7: Welcome Swahili Merchants Yemeni idea 6: Promoting the Yemeni Trade Ports.
Full Trade Focus Ashanti ambition Central Indian ambition Galician ambition Interlacustrine ambition Ionian ambition Odoyev ambition.
Aristocratic-Trade: Trade Connections Policy Defensive-Trade: The Armed Neutrality Act.
Merchant republics have +1 merchant. Some events can give a national modifier that temporarily provides +1 merchant. The “East India Trade Company” decision gives +1 merchant. This requires being a country with a European capital and the Global Trade instutition embraced, at least two ports, and one province in the East Asian Trade Ports region owned. The Netherlands has “Found Oost-Indische Compagnie” instead, which has different requirements, but likewise gives an extra merchant. Countries that control one of a number of trade nodes have the “Confirm Thalassocracy” decision (requires all maritime ideas and control of several specific trade nodes), which gives +1 merchant. With Wealth of Nations, a country gets +1 merchant for each trade company they control with the majority of the provincial trade power in a region. With El Dorado, a country gets +1 merchant for each colonial nation with at least 10 provinces. With The Cossacks, the Tengri religion with syncretic faith Zoroastrian provides +1 merchant.
Trade range Edit.
Merchants can only reach nodes at this distance from a cored province (or a cored province of a subject nation or a nation granting Naval Basing Rights). The distance is measured to the central province of the node, visible on the trade map mode. Base trade range is increased by Diplomatic technology (100 at tech 1 and 400 at tech 32) and some decisions and ideas.
Trade Range is increased by certain ideas and policies.
Ryukyuan idea 4: Maritime Commercialism.
Portuguese traditions.
Swahili traditions.
Trade idea 3: Merchant Adventures.
Ayutthayan idea 5: Promotion of Trading links Gujarati idea 2: Jain Connections Kono idea 6: Trade With Continental Asia Mesoamerican idea 7: Obsidian and Jade Mogadishan idea 1: Indian Ocean Trade Pacific Northwest idea 2: Dugout Canoes South Indian idea 1: Merchants of Southern India.
Naval-Exploration: Skilled Cartographers.
Traditions of The Hansa Sumatran traditions.
Dutch idea 2: Dutch Trading Spirit Mamluk idea 1: Red Sea Trade.
Trade policies Edit.
A nation can set a trade policy in any node where they have a merchant present. There is no cost to setting this policy and it can be changed every 12 months. Policies available to all nations are:
Maximize Profits: +5% Trade Power (Default policy). Hostile Trading: +25% Spy network construction with all other nations with their home node or a merchant located there. Improve inland routes: +10% Siege ability and +1 Artillery bonus versus forts for all provinces in the node (Only possible with more than 50% share of the trade power in the node). Establish communities: +15% Improve relations with all other nations with their home node or a merchant located there.
There is also a trade policy exclusively available to Muslim nations:
Propagate religion: A religious centre will be established in the node, automatically spreading the religion of the merchant's nation through the node. Can only be activated when the trade node is in a trade company region, and with a 50% or more share of the trade power in said node.
Global trade power modifier Edit.
Certain ideas and policies improve global trade power.
Italian (cU) traditions.
Expansion idea 7: Competitive Merchants Trade idea 1: Shrewd Commerce Practice Aragonese idea 5: Chartered Merchant Companies.
Gujarati ambition.
Danziger idea 2: Vistula River Trade Hamburger idea 1: Hanseatic City Romanian idea 6: Phanariote Traders.
Date ambition.
Münster traditions Traditions of Theodoro Venetian traditions.
Antemoro idea 6: Strengthen control over the Slave Trade Arabian idea 5: Bedouin Traders Arawak idea 3: Orinoco Trade Butuan idea 2: Northern Nusantara Byzantine idea 5: Byzantine Merchant Class Cham idea 3: South Indian Connections Chimu idea 6: Specialized Economy Gutnish idea 4: Rebuild the Trade Hanseatic idea 1: The End of the Victual Brothers Holstein idea 6: The Trade of Two Seas Hormuz idea 5: Maintain Trading Monopoly Indian Sultanate idea 5: Equality Under the Law Mesoamerican idea 2: Altepetl Milanese idea 6: Merchant Princes Mogadishan idea 3: East African Gold Trade Najdi idea 3: Ships of the Desert Norwegian idea 5: Seize the Opportunity Ogasawara idea 6: Improving the Nakasendo Pagarruyung idea 2: Gold Trade Portuguese idea 3: Feitorias Pskovian idea 6: Arts and Crafts of Pskov Rassid idea 3: Coffea Arabica Ruthenian idea 4: East and West Songhai idea 1: Gold To Salt Trade Sulawesi idea 6: Entrepot of Trade Vijayanagar idea 1: Promotion of Trade West African idea 3: Kola Nuts Yemeni idea 2: Coffea Arabica.
Berber ambition Cebu ambition Jaunpuri ambition Pomeranian ambition Swahili ambition.
Diplomatic-Expansion: Commercial Embassies Exploration-Innovative: Benign Neglect.
Mamluk idea 1: Red Sea Trade National idea 4: Contract Law Novgorod idea 4: Control of the Hanseatic Kontor.
Each colonial nation (of at least 10 provinces) provides +5% global trade power to its overlord. Prestige provides between −15% and +15% global trade power. Stability provides between −3% and +3% global trade power. Power projection provides between 0 and +20% global trade power. Reformed religion Fervor power Trade provides +10% global trade power modifier with Wealth of Nations DLC active.
Domestic trade power Edit.
A country's home node and nodes where a nation has the highest provincial trade power are considered domestic . Overseas provinces and trade company provinces can still be domestic. Domestic trade power refers to trade power in these nodes.
Certain ideas and policies improve domestic trade power.
Muiscan traditions Korean traditions.
Ashikaga idea 4: Tosen-Bugyo Beloozero idea 4: Northern Trade Hungarian idea 6: Strengthen the Towns Iroquois idea 3: Keepers of the Eastern Door Lur idea 2: Jadda-ye Atabak Timurid idea 6: Control of the Silk Road Transoxianian idea 6: Entrepôt of the Silk Road Zambezi idea 3: Control of the Zambezi Trade.
Ando idea 2: Ainu Trade Mutapan idea 6: Controlling the Mutapan Riches Ouchi idea 2: Korean Trade Ragusan idea 2: Center of Trade Trebizondian idea 6: Terminus of the Silk Road.
Kutai ambition.
Medri Bahri idea 6: Promote the Red Sea Trade Otomo idea 4: Welcoming the Nanban Trade Utsunomiya idea 3: Barrier of Shirakawa.
Afghan traditions Danziger traditions Hausan traditions Kono traditions K'iche traditions.
Andhra idea 7: Encourage Coromandel Trade Baluch idea 5: Control the Overland Trade French ducal idea 1: Men of Trade German idea 2: Frühlings− und Herbstmesse Granada idea 4: Strait of Gibraltar Isshiki idea 1: Shugo of Tango Hejazi idea 2: Red Sea Trade Pacific Northwest idea 4: Potlatch Feast Shan idea 4: Control of the Gem Trade Siberian idea 2: Siberian Fur Trade Sistani idea 5: Overland Trade Routes.
Butuan ambition Shoni ambition Sinhalese ambition Yarkandi ambition.
Trade power abroad Edit.
Trade nodes that are not domestic are considered abroad and will suffer from over-extension penalties. Trade power abroad refers to trade power in these nodes. Overextension imposes a penalty of −1% trade power abroad per percentage point.
Trade power abroad receives the following bonuses:
Plutocratic-Trade: Trade Kontor Network.
Aristocratic-Trade: Trade Connections Policy Naval-Trade: Fortified Trading Posts.
Hadramhi traditions Hormuz traditions Ragusan traditions.
Couronian idea 3: Duchy of Mercantilism Genoese idea 3: Rebuilding Genoese Trade Hosokawa idea 3: Sakai City Ionian idea 6: Entrepôt of the Eastern Mediterranean.
Mercantilism Edit.
Mercantilism provides the following effects (per percentage point):
+2% Local trade power +0.5% Embargo efficiency +0.25% Liberty desire (in colonial subjects) Wile most nations start the campaign with a base value of 10% mercantilism, a handful of nations begin with a higher starting base of 25% :
‘Promote Mercantilism’ increases mercantilism by 1% for 100 diplomatic power (only with ‘Mare Nostrum’ DLC enabled).
Certain events, decisions and missions give permanent increases or decreases to mercantilism, some of these are:
Trade steering Edit.
Trade steering is increased by certain ideas and policies.
Omani idea 1: Local Merchant Preference.
Mamluk traditions.
Trade idea 6: Trade Manipulation Navarran idea 5: Cross-Pyrenean Trade Pomeranian idea 3: Northern Ports.
Defensive-Trade: The Armed Neutrality Act.
Gujarati traditions Kutai traditions Ryukyuan traditions.
Aragonese idea 3: Mediterranean trade Huron idea 3: Birchbark Canoes Mapuche idea 4: Mapuche Weaving Pattani idea 2: South China Sea Trade Pskovian idea 7: Pskov Before All Others Shimazu idea 6: Okinawa Trade.
Danziger ambition Norwegian ambition Orissan ambition Transylvanian ambition.
Trade-Expansion: Encouragement of Merchant Navy.
Somali traditions.
Arabian idea 1: Indian Ocean Trade Canadian idea 6: Legacy of the Empire Luxembourg idea 3: The Moselle Trade Ouchi idea 5: Mercantile Diplomacy.
Bengali traditions Breton traditions Traditions of The Hansa Irish traditions Krakowian traditions Malayan sultanate traditions Medri Bahri traditions Orleanaise traditions.
Croatian idea 2: Pearl of the Adriatic Granada idea 4: Strait of Gibraltar Javan idea 4: Pan-Asia Trade Silesian idea 4: Raubritter Sulawesi idea 1: Intra-Asian Trade Network.
Burgundian ambition.
National idea 6: Mercantile Status.
Each point of navy tradition increases trade steering by 1% . With Mare Nostrum, the leader of a trade league gets +2.5% trade steering per member of the league.
Caravan power Edit.
A nation steering from, towards or collecting (only in main trading port) an inland trade node receives bonus trade power. This bonus, called caravan power, is a percentage equal to total development ÷ 3, to a maximum of +50% .
Caravan power is increased by certain ideas and policies. Can exceed 50 with these bonus.
Naval-Influence: The Cooperation Act.
Plutocratic idea 6: Free Cities Trade idea 7: Fast Negotiations.
Air traditions Baden traditions Lorraine traditions Maravi traditions Sadiyan traditions.
Berber idea 3: Trans−Saharan Trade Caspian idea 4: Protect the Caspian Trade Dali idea 2: The Tea-Horse Route Hausan idea 4: Sarakunan Kasuwa Khivan idea 3: Oasis of Merv Nizhny Novgorod idea 1: At The Confluence Of Giants Odoyev idea 7: Strengthen the Oka River Trade Persian idea 4: Improve the Silk Road Shirvani idea 5: Caspian Trade Songhai idea 7: Trans-Sahara Trade Tumbuka idea 5: Inter-African Trade Yarkandi idea 1: Northern Silk Road.
Pskovian traditions.
Kangra idea 5: Strengthen the Mountain Trade.
Nubian idea 4: Encourage Long-Distance Trade.
Merchant republics gain +33% bonus to Caravan power.
Trade efficiency Edit.
Trade efficiency is added as a bonus modifier to trade income. Base trade efficiency is defined by diplomatic technology but it can also be increased by certain ideas and policies (capped at +200% ).
ruler with ‘Entrepreneur’ personality Constitutional Republic Dutch Republic Free City Trading City Trader as advisor Zoroastrian religion Njord deity ( Norse religion) Surya deity ( Hindu religion) Fervent focus on trade ( Reformed religion) Tengri religion syncretic faith Sunni.
Parliament issue: Reduce trade regulations with discovered ‘East Indian Trade Route’
(depends on influence and loyalty)
ruler with ‘Indulgent’ personality during the Aristocratic Coup disaster.
Trade-Administrative: Importation Act Trade-Quality: Cloth Quality Edict.
Tuscan idea 5: Porto Franco.
Dutch ambition.
Ando traditions Aragonese traditions Beloozero traditions Butuan traditions Canadian traditions Danziger traditions Genoese traditions Irish traditions Italian traditions Kongo traditions Krakowian traditions Neapolitan traditions Ragusan traditions Shoni traditions Sinhalese traditions Venetian traditions Württemberger traditions Yarkandi traditions.
Trade idea 4: National Trade Policy Air idea 1: Taghlamt Al-Haasa idea 5: Entrepot of India Anatolian idea 5: Caravanserais Arakanese idea 7: Arakanese Trade Contracts Bahmani idea 4: Karimis Bengali idea 2: Ganges-Brahmaputra Confluence Beninese idea 7: Regulation of Trade Berber idea 3: Trans−Saharan Trade Bremish idea 4: Free Imperial City of Bremen Burgundian idea 5: Integrate the Towns in the Estates General Butua idea 7: Vashambadzi Carib idea 1: River Trade Cham idea 6: Agarwood Chickasaw idea 5: Slave Raids Circassian idea 3: Circassian Grain Trade English idea 4: The Navigation Acts Greek idea 5: Control the Mediterranean Trade Gujarati idea 6: Foreign Merchants set up Factories Hadramhi idea 4: Encouraging the Incense Trade Hormuz idea 1: A Vast Emporium Imagawa idea 2: Control of Tokaido Ionian idea 4: Gate to the Adriatic Javan idea 7: Terracotta Banking System Kaffan idea 7: Trade Reform Kazani idea 7: End Western Domination Khivan idea 5: Amu Darya Khmer idea 4: River Trade Khorasani idea 7: Protect the Caravan Routes Kongolese idea 7: The Ivory Trade Kutai idea 1: Earliest Indic State Ladakh idea 7: Invite Far-Away Traders Laotian idea 6: Southern Silk Road Malagasy idea 6: Control of the Foreign Traders Malian idea 7: West African Slave Trade Malvi idea 3: Protect the Delhi-Surat Trade Route Mamluk idea 7: Monopoly Ports Medri Bahri idea 1: Kings of the Sea Ming idea 5: Restore the Salt Monopoly Mogadishan idea 5: Mogadishan Currency Moldavian idea 7: Moldavian Trade Moluccan idea 1: The Spice Islands Mutapan idea 6: Curva Nizhny Novgorod idea 6: Open Up The River Trade Omani idea 4: Port Security Improvements Orissan idea 6: Encourage the Salt Trade Ottoman idea 6: Tulip Period Pegu idea 1: Riches of Pegu Permian idea 4: Great Perm Polotskian idea 5: Trade Hub Pomeranian idea 6: Dominate the Baltic Portuguese idea 7: Open up the Guilds Pueblo idea 4: Cotton Weaving Punjabi idea 2: Encourage Indo−Persian Trade Rajput idea 7: Rajput Trading Houses Rassid idea 7: Secure the Yemeni Trading Monopolies Rostov idea 4: Entrepot of Russia Ryukyuan idea 5: Sign Trade Agreements Sadiyan idea 5: Dihang Samtskhe idea 5: Protect the Trade Routes Siddi idea 6: Konkan Trade Silesian idea 5: Via Regia Sligonian idea 1: Promote the Trade Somali idea 5: Indian Ocean Trade Sukhothai idea 3: Sawankalok Ware Sumatran idea 1: Reliance on Trade Swahili idea 1: Indian Ocean Trade Tapuian idea 6: Open Trade Routes Tarascan idea 3: Merchant-Officials Theodorian idea 4: Port Avlita Tirhuti idea 2: Gateway to India Tverian idea 1: Tverian Merchants Venetian idea 3: Stato da Màr Vindhyan idea 6: Diamond Mines Yemeni idea 3: Control of the Red Sea.
Andean ambition Couronian ambition Estonian ambition Gutnish ambition Ambition of The Hansa Kono ambition Navarran ambition Ouchi ambition Pagarruyung ambition Pattani ambition South Indian ambition Sulawesi ambition Tumbuka ambition.
Innovative-Trade: The Banking System Maritime-Offensive: Naval Convoy System Naval-Administrative: Harbor Administration Naval-Trade: Fortified Trading Posts Offensive-Trade: The Anti-Smuggling Act Trade-Economic: The Statute of Monopolies Trade-Expansion: Encouragement of Merchant Navy.
Huron traditions Portuguese traditions.
German idea 2: Frühlings - und Herbstmesse Mesoamerican idea 7: Obsidian and Jade West African idea 6: The Great River.
Embargoing is an option in the diplomacy screen that allows a country to leverage their trade power against another nation's, decreasing that nation's trade power in shared trade nodes. The trade screen shows icons for each nation embargoed and those embargoing your nation. Placing the mouse over each nation icon breaks down the penalties in each shared trade node.
Embargoing a country has the following effects: [5]
The defending country suffers a penalty to trade power in all trade nodes that both countries have power in. The base magnitude of the penalty is half of the attacker's trade power share in the trade node before the embargo. This penalty stacks multiplicatively with other modifiers. The defending country's opinion of the attacking country is modified by −15 . The defender also gains a Trade Dispute casus belli against the attacker unless the embargo is mutual. The attacking country's trade efficiency suffers a −5% penalty unless the defender is a rival. Embargoes do not count against the Diplomatic Relation limit. The attacking country gains up to +10 power projection if the target is a rival, the amount depending on how severely the embargo affects the target's trade.
Embargo Efficiency can be increased by the following:
English traditions.
Espionage idea 6: Privateers.
Offensive-Trade: The Anti-Smuggling Act.
Betsimisaraka idea 2: Pirate Ports Cebu idea 5: 'The Place for Trading' Cypriot idea 7: Raid Turkish Commerce Malagasy idea 3: Pirate Ports Mindanao idea 7: Pirates of Mindanao Montenegrin idea 4: Balkan Gusars Naxian idea 3: Archipelago Of Opportunities Pomeranian idea 1: Legacy of Pirates.
Any fleet that contains light ships can be sent on a privateering mission to any trade node within trade range. The fleet will hoist the Jolly Roger and add the trade power of its light ships (plus a bonus) to a dummy "pirate" nation in the node, thus reducing the trade power share of everyone in the node – including their controller, though a portion of the trade value lost this way is returned to the controller, listed in accounts as "spoils of war". This effectively behaves as though they are collecting. Unlike protecting trade, privateers can be sent to nodes a nation has no power in, making it a way of weakening the nation's enemies or gaining revenue from nodes it can't touch otherwise. Privateering a rival's trade generates power projection.
Hunt pirates Edit.
This mission is available to fleets which contain at least one ship that isn't a transport. Fleets containing heavy ships or light ships may hunt pirates in any non-inland trade node; however, fleets containing only galleys (as well as fleets which are a mixture of galleys and transports) can only hunt pirates in nodes where all nearby sea provinces are inland seas.
Pirate-hunting fleets reduce the trade power taken by the dummy "pirates" nation in the chosen trade node by reducing their privateer efficiency. They do not actually damage or take damage from any ships.
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تتناول هذه المقالة شبكة التجارة ودخل التجارة. للحصول على معلومات حول السلع التجارية وإنتاجها وقيمتها، انظر.
إن التجارة وإنتاج السلع التجارية هما مصدران رئيسيان لبلد ما، والثالث هو. كل مقاطعة تنتج، والتي تعطي الدخل لصاحبها مباشرة. ثم تدخل القيمة التجارية للبضائع إلى نظام، حيث يتم توجيهه وجمعه في نهاية المطاف من قبل التجار كدخل تجاري.
ويمكن تلخيص النظام التجاري في اللعبة على النحو التالي:
في جميع أنحاء العالم ترتبط لتشكيل شبكة عالمية من التجارة. وتستضيف كل عقدة النشاط التجاري لمجموعة من المقاطعات المرتبطة جغرافيا. المال في هذه الشبكة التجارية العالمية يمكن أن تتدفق بين العقد التجارية في اتجاهات التجارة أحادي الاتجاه وكذلك إنهاء في العقد نهاية. هذه الوصلات بين العقد التجارية ثابتة ولا يمكن تغييرها أثناء اللعب. يمثل المبلغ الشهري للسلع التجارية المنتجة محليا والواردة في عقدة تجارية. وتولد القيمة التجارية من كمية وسعر الإنتاج في كل مقاطعة. وتجمع جميع المحافظات قيمتها التجارية في القيمة التجارية الإجمالية لعقدة التجارة المرتبطة بها. توفر علامة التبويب التجارة قيمة تجارية مجمعة في عقدة بينما يعرض وضع الخريطة التجارية أداة تلميح مدرجة محليا يتم إنتاجها بشكل منفصل عن القيم الجيدة للتجارة الواردة. هو رقم خام يمثل رقابة البلد على التجارة في العقدة. وتحدد القدرة التجارية الأولية للبلد على مجموع القدرة التجارية لجميع البلدان الموجودة في العقدة ما سيحدث لقيمة التجارة في كل عقدة. وتستخدم القوة إما للاحتفاظ بالقيمة التجارية داخل العقدة (إذا كانت الدولة تجمع مع تاجر أو في عقدة منزلها)، أو نقلها إلى الأمام في الشبكة التجارية (إذا كانت الأمة تتوجه من هناك مع التاجر، أو أنه و أبوس ؛ ق ليس عقدة المنزل وليس لديها التاجر). يتم توليد الطاقة التجارية من قبل المحافظات، والتجار. ويمكن أن تؤثر الأحداث والمعدلات أيضا على قدرة تجارية للبلد في عقدة. يمكن إرسالها إلى عقدة تجارية لجمع جزء من القيمة التجارية للعقدة والقيمة النسبية تتناسب مع حصة الدولة من القوة التجارية في العقدة أو توجيه القيمة التجارية للعقد في اتجاه معين. العقد التجارية [] انظر أيضا:
وتنقسم المقاطعات في العالم إلى مناطق ترتبط كل منها بعقدة تجارية.
كل عقدة تجارية لديها مجموعة محددة مسبقا من العقد المنبع والمصب، والتي يمكن أن تتدفق قيمة التجارة من وإلى، على التوالي. كل قيمة التجارة التي تدخل عقدة تجارية من المنبع إما سيتم جمعها هناك أو نقل المصب إلى عقدة تجارية أخرى. ويؤدي الجمع في عقدة تجارية إلى تحويل حصة البلد من القيمة التجارية إلى الدوقات مباشرة.
القيمة التجارية تأتي من مصدرين، قيمة التجارة المحلية والقيمة التجارية الواردة. وتنتج المحافظات الأساسية قيمة التجارة المحلية. واردة هي القيم التي تأتي من العقد المنبع.
الدول التي لها قوة تجارية في عقدة لها تأثير على قيمة العقدة والقيمة النسبية بما يتناسب مع حصتها من إجمالي الطاقة التجارية.
يمارس هذا التأثير بإحدى طريقتين:
جمع القيمة التجارية: تتحول الحصة الوطنية من القيمة التجارية إلى دخل. يحدث هذا تلقائيا إذا كانت العقدة هي العقدة الرئيسية، أو إذا تم إرسال تاجر للقيام بذلك. وسيؤدي جمع التجارة في عقدة غير منزلية إلى خفض القوة التجارية للأمة إلى النصف في تلك العقدة. نقل قيمة التجارة إلى الأمام: يتم إرسال حصة وطنية من القيمة التجارية إلى الأمام إلى واحدة من العقد المصب. وإذا لم تجمع الأمة في عقدة، فإن حصتها من القيمة التجارية سترسل إلى أحد العقدة المتصلة مباشرة. يتم اختيار عقدة الوجهة تلقائيا، ولكنها قابلة للتهيئة إذا تم إرسال تاجر إلى & كوت؛ نقل الطاقة التجارية & كوت؛ (تسمية خاطئة).
عقدة المنزل هي العقدة التجارية التي تقع فيها المدينة التجارية الرئيسية في البلاد. وستقوم جميع الدول تلقائيا بجمع حصتها من القيمة التجارية من عقدها المنزلية، وإرسال قيمة تجارية نحوها من العقد الأخرى إن أمكن. يقع الميناء التجاري الرئيسي عادة في عاصمة الدولة، ولكن يمكن نقله ل 200 مع دلك.
وتصنف جميع العقد غير المنزلية على أنها محلية أو أجنبية. وتسمى العقدة المحلية إذا كان 20٪ من السلطة التجارية المقاطعة محتفظ بها من قبل الأمة. ولهذه الأغراض تعتبر العقدة المنزلية محلية .. ويأتي التمييز في حالتين:
وبعض الأفكار والتقاليد وما إلى ذلك تعطي مكافأة للسلطة التجارية على وجه التحديد في العقد أو التجارة، إذا واجهت الدولة أنها تعاني من عقوبة -1٪ إلى القوة التجارية لكل نقطة من التوسع الزائد في العقد الأجنبية ولكن ليس في العقد المحلية.
إذا لم يتم جمع الأمة في عقدة، ولا أي عقدة المصب، حتى من خلال القفزات متعددة، ثم أنها ليست مؤهلة للتأثير على قيمة التجارة في هذه العقدة. ثم يعاد توزيع حصة الدولة من القيمة التجارية بين الدول المؤهلة. وبالتالي فإن القوة التجارية للأمة في هذه العقدة تهدر بشكل فعال. ولا يزال بإمكان الأمة الاستفادة من ذلك. إرسال مثل هذه العقدة إما لجمع أو نقل سيجعل الأمة مؤهلة للحصول على قيمة التجارة بطريقة طبيعية.
القيمة التجارية [] انظر أيضا:
وتمثل القيمة التجارية الدوقات (النقود) في الشبكة التجارية.
قيمة التجارة المحلية []
قيمة التجارة المحلية للعقدة هي مجموع القيمة التجارية لجميع المحافظات التي تنتمي إلى العقدة. وعلى مستوى المقاطعات، تمثل القيمة التجارية كمية السلع المحلية المنتجة مضروبا في سعرها. في وضع خريطة التجارة تحوم الماوس فوق عقدة تجارية وفتح مربع يظهر قيمة التجارة المحلية.
إجمالي قيمة التجارة []
القيمة الإجمالية للتجارة في العقدة التجارية هي مجموع قيمة التجارة المحلية (من المحافظات)، والقيمة التجارية الواردة (من عقد التجارة المنبع)، ناقص القيمة التجارية الصادرة (إلى عقد التجارة في المراحل النهائية). وتوزع القيمة الإجمالية للتجارة بين البلدان ذات القوة التجارية في العقدة. ويمكن العثور على إجمالي القيمة التجارية للعقد التجارية في فئة عقود التجارة / التجارة في قائمة العقد التجارية. ويمكن الاطلاع على ملخص القيمة التجارية في لوحة عرض العقدة التجارية كخطوة تبين القيمة التجارية المحتجزة التي تمثل القيمة التجارية الإجمالية ناقصا قيمة التجارة الخارجية.
مكافأة تجارية متعددة []
بالإضافة إلى توجيه قيمة التجارة الصادرة من خلال وصلة خاصة معينة، فإن كل تاجر يطبق دفعة للقيمة التجارية على تلك الوصلة --- أي أن قيمة التجارة الموجهة تزداد بنسبة مئوية عند مرورها بين العقدتين، القيمة التجارية واردة من عقدة المصب هو أكبر من القيمة التجارية المنتهية ولايته المقابلة للعقدة المنبع. وهذا يؤثر على جميع التجارة على هذا الرابط، وليس فقط البلد التاجر، لذلك التجار متعددة يمكن أن تعزز التجارة على نفس الرابط. مجموع دفعة هو:
زيادة التراكمي 0 0.0٪ 0.0٪ 1 + 5.0٪ + 5.0٪ 2 + 2.5٪ + 7.5٪ 3 + 1.6٪ + 9.1٪ 4 + 1.2٪ + 10.3٪ 5 + 1.0٪ + 11.3٪
وجود أكثر من خمسة التجار لن تزيد من دفعة أخرى. يتم تعديل دفعة من قبل الدولة & أمبير؛ s توجيه التجارة: على سبيل المثال، إذا كان أول بلد تاجر و s + + 20٪ توجيه التجارة دفعة من التاجر سيتم زيادة إلى + 6.0٪. حاليا أمر التاجر غير مفلس، وبالتالي فإن التاجر مع أعلى التوجيه التجاري لن يكون بالضرورة أولا.
وتحدد القوة التجارية حصة السيطرة على القيمة التجارية للأمة في العقدة.
(القيمة المحلية + القيمة الواردة) * ترادبور / توتال تريدور.
ويمكن إما جمع هذه القيمة (تتحول إلى دخل)، أو أن يتم نقلها في اتجاه المصب.
مصادر الطاقة التجارية []
يتم تحديد القدرة التجارية للبلد في العقدة التجارية من خلال:
السلطة التجارية الإقليمية [] المراكز التاريخية للتجارة وغيرها من معدلات السلطة التجارية المقاطعات في 1444.
وتساهم كل مقاطعة بمبلغ من الطاقة التجارية في بلدها المراقب في عقدة التجارة المحلية. ويمكن رؤية المبلغ الدقيق والحسابات ذات الصلة في إطار فئة التجارة. وتبلغ الطاقة التجارية الأساسية 0.2 لكل تنمية في المقاطعات. (10 +)، والميناء الطبيعي المهم (+10)، ومصبات الأنهار (+10) أو الرسوم الصوتية (+20). ويشار إلى هذه الرموز الخاصة مرئية على الخريطة التجارية، وعند اختيار المحافظة في السؤال. وتتعرض القوة التجارية للمقاطعة لمعدلات مختلفة على الصعيد العالمي (مثل 2٪ لكل نقطة من أركان البلد)، والمحلية (على سبيل المثال، تحصل المقاطعات الساحلية على 25٪ من مكافآت الطاقة التجارية). توفر التجارة أيضا مكافأة الطاقة التجارية (تصل إلى + 125٪).
وتتاح للجمهوريات التجارية خيار بناء مركز تجاري واحد (+10) لكل عقدة تجارية في مقاطعة مملوكة (باستثناء العقدة المنزلية) ل -50 نقطة دخول. معدلات القوة التجارية الإقليمية [] بعض الأفكار والسياسات تحسن القوة التجارية للمقاطعات. تقاليد أفكار المكافآت السياسات + 25٪ & # x2017؛ فكرة الاستعمارية 2: التجارة كونتيننتال فكرة مازوفيان 7: المتجر المركزي & # x2017؛ + 20٪ & # x2017؛ فكرة الغوجاراتية 5: محور التجارة في المحيط الهندي فكرة هانزيتيك 6: المساهمات المنتظمة فكرة والاشيان 2: تقييد التجارة الخارجية & # x2017؛ & # x2017؛ + 15٪ فكرة الشركس 2: التجار من جنوة العميل فكرة الدولة 5: امتيازات التجارية كانم بورنوان فكرة 7: واجبات على الصحراء التجارة ياركاندي فكرة 7: تشجيع التجارة تاريم & # x2017؛ + 10٪ تقاليد كوتاي تقاليد لان نا تقاليد بيغو تقاليد روستوف تقاليد ورزبورجية فكرة التجسس 3: فحص فكرة أماغو 5: تسيطر على فكرة التجارة الأنديز الساحلية 2: شبكة الطرق الجبلية فكرة بريميش 5: فيجيزاك هاربور غولدن هورد إيديا 4: تأمين الطرق التجارية كونغو الفكرة 5: المثلث التجارة مالفي فكرة 7: مالوا الأفيون أورلانيس فكرة 2: بورت أورليانز سامي فكرة 4: تشجيع نمو السوق الشتوية سافويارد فكرة 6: جبال الألب تولس سيليزيان فكرة 6: العلاقات الهانزية فكرة الإسبانية 5: أسطول الكنز & # x2017 . & # x2017؛ التحويلات من التجار أسفل النهر []
وتتمتع أي دولة لديها ما لا يقل عن 10 نقاط قوة تجارية للمقاطعات في العقدة بانتشار تلك السلطة في اتجاه المنبع. ويضاف مبلغ يعادل 20 في المائة من القوة التجارية للمقاطعات الوطنية إلى مجموع القوة التجارية لتلك الدولة في كل عقدة مباشرة في اتجاه المنبع حيث يشار إليها على أنها تحويلات من التجار في اتجاه المجرى.
يوفر ميركانتيليسم مكافأة للسلطة التجارية المقاطعة يساوي ضعف نسبة ميركانتيليسم المدرجة. ارتفاع ميركانتيليسم يزيد رغبة الحرية في الموضوعات الاستعمارية تصل إلى 25٪.
وتبلغ نسبة الزخم المرکزي الأولي 10٪ ولکن بعض البلدان تبدأ بنسبة 25٪:
بعض الأحداث والقرارات والبعثات تعطي زيادات أو نقصان دائمة للزئبق، وبعضها:
شركة تجارية [] المقال الرئيسي:
المقاطعات في الحصول على + 100٪ السلطة التجارية المحافظات. هناك 15 منطقة في جميع أنحاء آسيا وأفريقيا التي قد يكون لها شركة تجارية. . العقد مع شركات التجارة فيها تعتبر العقد التجارية المحلية ويمكن جمعها من قبل التاجر دون فرض عقوبات على الإفراط في التوسع.
السفن الخفيفة [] حماية التجارة []
ويجوز لأي بلد أن يزيد من قوته التجارية في الملاحة البحرية (غير الداخلية) بإرسال سفن خفيفة في مهمة حماية التجارة. زيادة الطاقة التجارية في العقدة التجارية التي تحمي التجارة فيها بقاعدة تتراوح بين 2 في السفينة (بارك، التكنولوجيا الدبلوماسية 2) تصل إلى 5 في السفينة (الفرقاطة الكبرى، التكنولوجيا الدبلوماسية 26).
الاسم الوصف 2 بارك 2 8 10 10 كان بارك هو سفينة شراعية صغيرة، تستخدم أصلا للتجارة. وقد وفر تكييف هذه الحروب بديلا أصغر وأسرع للمراكب الأكبر حجما. 9 كارافيل 2.5 10 13 10 كان كارافيل سفينة صغيرة جدا المناورة التي يمكن أن تبحر مع دقة عالية في رحلات اكتشاف طويلة. على الرغم من أن تصاميم متنوعة، كان كارافيل فورسيل، مربع رئيسي و أتين ميزن. حجمها أصغر حصر عدد البنادق على متن الطائرة، ولكنه يعني أيضا أن هذه السفينة الخفيفة يمكن استكشاف المياه الضحلة الساحلية ومصبات الأنهار. فاسكو دا غاما، كابوت، كولومبوس وماجلان تستخدم كارافيلز خلال أواخر القرن الخامس عشر وأوائل القرن السادس عشر الرحلات. 15 التباطؤ المبكر 3 12 15 10 مع تزايد التجارة الخارجية، كانت هناك حاجة إلى سفينة مرافقة سريعة لتوفير رحلة آمنة. وقد وضعت فرقاطات في وقت مبكر لهذا الغرض. وكانت سفن أصغر حجما وأقل حجما من الحروب مع سطح مسدس واحد، ووفرت الحماية من القرصنة في المياه الخطرة. 19 فريغيت 3.5 16 20 10 مع مرور الوقت، تطورت الفرقاطة. أصبحت أكبر ومدججة بالسلاح، وأحيانا مع اثنين من الطوابق بندقية. الفرقاطة & نبسب؛ ق مزيج من السرعة وقوة النيران يعني أنه يمكن تجاوز أي سفينة مع المزيد من البنادق و أوغون أي أسرع السفن. وكان الأسطول الذي بناؤه كومنولث إنجلترا في 1650s تقريبا تقريبا من الفرقاطات. 23 فريغات ثقيلة 4 20 25 10 سفينتان مغطيتان تحملان عادة 40 بندقية. 26 الفرقاطة الكبرى 5 24 30 10 نوع أكبر من الفرقاطة، يحملون أسلحة إضافية.
لاحظ أن كل سفينة خفيفة يزيد أيضا من إجمالي الطاقة التجارية في العقدة، وبالتالي فإن الزيادة النسبية لكل سفينة خفيفة هي:
وهكذا، على سبيل المثال، فإن إضافة سفينة واحدة ذات قوة تجارية من 2 إلى عقدة مع قوة تجارية إجمالية قدرها 20 ستكون زيادة نسبية قدرها 2 / (20 + 2) = 0.0909 & # x2026؛، بينما تضيف سفينة ثانية من هذا القبيل إلى العقدة ستكون زيادة نسبية قدرها 2 / (22 + 2) = 0.0833 & # x2026؛.
بعض العلاوات لسفينة التجارة هي:
بشأن حماية بعثات التجارة لا يمكن إرسالها إلا إلى حيث كان البلد بالفعل والوفاء بها. ينطبق القيد على نطاق العرض حتى عندما يتم إزالة الاستنزاف البحري في التكنولوجيا الدبلوماسية 22. إذا كانت التصاريح، يمكن لأي بلد أن يرسل إلى عقدة دون أي قوة تجارية أولية ومن ثم المتابعة مع السفن الخفيفة التي تحمي التجارة (طالما أن هذه هي ضمن مجموعة التوريد). وهناك طريقة جيدة للترتيب للحصول على مجموعة إمدادات مواتية هي من خلال كسب من دولة في محيط العقدة التجارية المستهدفة.
مصادر أخرى للسلطة التجارية [] التاجر الحالي: وجود تاجر يزيد من القوة التجارية للدولة من قبل +2. الميناء التجاري الرئيسي في المنطقة: أمة يحصل على +5 قوة تجارية إضافية في عقدة الوطن. في حين يمكن إقناع دول أخرى (من خلال الدبلوماسية) أو إجبار (من خلال الحرب) على نقل ما يصل إلى 50٪ من قوتها التجارية أيضا (اتفاقات نقل التجارة لم تعد تأخذ فتحة علاقة دبلوماسية) ). وكملاحظة، لا تنقل النقابات والأوساط الشخصية السلطة التجارية إلى أهلها. وعلى هذا النحو، فإن الاتحادات والنقابات الشخصية قد توجه التجارة بعيدا عن طريق مفضل أو عقدة تجارية منزلية. ومع ذلك، قد يطلب من سوزيرين 50٪ من السلطة التجارية و أبوس؛ ق، بتكلفة رغبة الحرية. معدلات الطاقة التجارية [] معدل القدرة التجارية العالمية [] تحسن بعض الأفكار والسياسات قوة التجارة العالمية. تقاليد الأفكار المكافآت السياسات + 20٪ فكرة التوسع 7: التجار تنافسية فكرة التجارة 1: الدعاية التجارة الممارسة أراغونيز فكرة 5: شركات التاجر تشارترد & # x2017؛ + 15٪ & # x2017؛ فكرة دانزيجر 2: فيستولا نهر التجارة همبرغر فكرة 1: مدينة الهانزية فكرة الرومانية 6: فاناريوت التجار & # x2017؛ + 10٪ M & # شفك؛ تقاليد نستر تقاليد ثيودورو البندقية التقاليد فكرة أنتيمورو 6: تعزيز السيطرة على تجارة الرقيق الفكرة العربية 5: البدو التجار أراواك فكرة 3: أورينوكو التجارة الفكرة البيزنطية 5: فئة التاجر البيزنطي تشام فكرة 3: تشيمو فكرة 6: اقتصاد متخصص فكرة غوتنيش 4: إعادة بناء فكرة الهانزية التجارة 1: نهاية الاخوة الانتصاريين فكرة هولشتاين 6: التجارة بين البحار هورمز فكرة 5: الحفاظ على تجارة الاحتكار سلطنة عمان فكرة 5: المساواة بموجب القانون فكرة أمريكا الوسطى 2: ألتيبيتل ميلانيس فكرة 6: التاجر برينسس مقديشان فكرة 3: تجارة الذهب شرق أفريقيا فكرة نجدي 3: سفن الصحراء النرويجية فكرة 5: اغتنام الفرصة أوغاساوارا فكرة 6: تحسين ناكاسيندو باغارويونغ فكرة 2: تجارة الذهب الفكرة البرتغالية 3: فيتورياس بسكوفيان فكرة 6: الفنون والحرف من بسكوف روثنيان الفكرة 4: الشرق والغرب سونغاي فكرة 1: الذهب لتجارة الملح سولاويسي فكرة 6: منظم التجارة فيجاياناغار فكرة 1: تعزيز التجارة فكرة غرب أفريقيا 3: كولا المكسرات البربر الطموح جونبوري الطموح طموح طموح الطموح السواحلية الدبلوماسية التوسع: السفارات التجارية الاستكشاف-مبتكرة: إهمال حميدة + 5٪ & # x2017؛ الفكرة المملوكية 1: تجارة البحر الأحمر الفكرة الوطنية 4: قانون العقود نوفغورود الفكرة 4: السيطرة على الكونزية الهانزية & # x2017؛ & # x2017؛ معدل قوة التجارة الداخلية [] العقدة الرئيسية والعقد حيث تعتبر الدولة لديها أعلى قوة تجارية في المقاطعات تعتبر محلية. كلا المحافظات الخارج ومحافظات شركة التجارة العد. وتشير قوة التجارة الداخلية إلى القوة التجارية في هذه العقد. لا تعاني عقد التجارة الداخلية من الإفراط في التوسع. بعض الأفكار والسياسات تحسن قوة التجارة المحلية. التقاليد أفكار المكافآت السياسات + 25٪ تقاليد ميسكان التقاليد الكورية أشيكاجا فكرة 4: توسن-بوجيو بيلوزيرو فكرة 4: التجارة الشمالية فكرة المجرية 6: تعزيز المدن إيروقويز فكرة 3: حراس الباب الشرقي فكرة تيموري 6: السيطرة على طريق الحرير زامبيزي فكرة 3: السيطرة على تجارة زامبيزي & # x2017؛ & # x2017؛ + 20٪ & # x2017؛ أندو فكرة 2: إينو التجارة موتابان فكرة 6: السيطرة على ثروات موتابان فكرة أوشي 2: التجارة الكورية راجوسان فكرة 2: مركز التجارة تريبيزونديان فكرة 6: محطات طريق الحرير & # x2017؛ + 15٪ & # x2017؛ مدري بهري فكرة 6: تعزيز التجارة البحر الأحمر أوتومو فكرة 4: الترحيب نانبان التجارة أوتسونوميا فكرة 3: حاجز شيراكاوا & # x2017؛ & # x2017؛ + 10٪ التقاليد الأفغانية تقاليد دانزيجر تقاليد الهوسان تقاليد كونو التقاليد الكندية أندرا الفكرة 7: تشجيع كورومانديل التجارة فكرة البلوش 5: السيطرة على التجارة الخارجية فكرة الدوقية الفرنسية 1: رجال التجارة الفكرة الألمانية 2: فر & # شفك؛ هلينغس & # x2212؛ أوند هيربستميس غرناطة الفكرة 4: مضيق جبل طارق إسهيكي فكرة 1: شوغو من التانغو فكرة حجازي 2: تجارة البحر الأحمر فكرة شمال غرب المحيط الهادئ 4: عيد بوتاتش فكرة شان 4: السيطرة على جوهرة التجارة فكرة سيبيريا 2: تجارة الفور سيبيريا شوني الطموح الطموح السنهالي ياركاندي طموح & # x2017؛ معدل قوة التجارة الخارجية [] العقود التجارية غير المحلية تعتبر أجنبية وستعاني من عقوبات مفرطة التمديد. وتشير القوة التجارية في الخارج إلى القوة التجارية في هذه العقد. التجارة الخارجية في الخارج تتلقى المكافآت التالية: أفكار التقاليد المكافآت السياسات + 30٪ & # x2017؛ & # x2017؛ & # x2017؛ بلوتوكراتيك-تريد: تريد كونتورك نيتورك + 15٪ & # x2017؛ & # x2017؛ & # x2017؛ أرستقراطية التجارة: التجارة الروابط سياسة التجارة البحرية: المشاركات التجارية المحصنة + 10٪ تقاليد هرمز تقاليد راجوسان فكرة كورونيان 3: دوقية ميركانتيليسم فكرة الجينوي 3: إعادة بناء التجارة الجينية هوسوكاوا فكرة 3: مدينة ساكاي الفكرة الأيونية 6: إنترب & # xF4؛ من شرق المتوسط & # x2017؛ & # x2017؛ -1٪ تساوي أوفيركستنسيون، هذا المعدل هو غير مقيد (على الأقل إلى 300٪). التوجيه التجاري []
يتم تطبيق التوجيه التجاري كمكافأة مضاعفة للسلطة التجارية المستخدمة للتوجيه عند تحديد التجارة العقدة الصادرة.
ويزداد توجيه التجارة ببعض الأفكار والسياسات. أفكار التقاليد المكافآت السياسات + 33٪ & # x2017؛ العمانية الفكرة 1: التاجر المحلي التفضيل و # x2017؛ & # x2017؛ + 25٪ فكرة التجارة 6: التلاعب التجارة فكرة نافاران 5: عبر بيرينان التجارة فكرة كلب صغير صغير 3: الموانئ الشمالية & # x2017؛ الدفاع عن النفس: قانون الحياد المسلح + 20٪ التقاليد الغوجاراتية التقاليد كوتاي التقاليد ريوكيوان فكرة أراغوني 3: التجارة المتوسطية فكرة هورون 3: زوارق بيرشابارك فكرة مابوتشي 4: مابوتشي النسيج باتاني فكرة 2: جنوب بحر الصين التجارة بسكوفيان فكرة 7: بسكوف قبل الجميع أوكيناوا التجارة دانيزيجر الطموح طموح النرويج طموح أوريسان طموح ترانسيلفانيا توسيع التجارة: تشجيع البحرية التجارية + 15٪ فكرة عربية 1: تجارة المحيط الهندي فكرة كندي 6: تراث الإمبراطورية لوكسمبورغ فكرة 3: فكرة موزيل التجارة أوشي 5: ميركانتيل ديبلوماسي & # x2017؛ & # x2017؛ + 10٪ التقاليد البنغالية تقاليد البريتونية تقاليد تقاليد هانزا الأيرلندية التقاليد كراكوي التقاليد السلطانية السلطانية تقاليد مدري بحري تقاليد أورلانيس الفكرة الكرواتية 2: لؤلؤة الأدرياتيك فكرة غرناطة 4: مضيق جبل طارق فكرة جوان 4: التجارة في آسيا فكرة سيليزيا 4: راوبريتر سولاويسي فكرة 1: إنترا-أسيان تريد نيتورك & # x2017؛ + 5٪ & # x2017؛ الفكرة الوطنية 6: الحالة التجارية & # x2017؛ & # x2017؛
كل نقطة من التقاليد البحرية أيضا يزيد من كفاءة توجيه التجارة بنسبة 1٪.
قافلة الطاقة [] ملاحظة: يتم عرض القيم تحت معدلات البلد من واجهة الحكومة حتى من دون ثروة الأمم دلك، ولكن من دون تأثير في العقد التجارية.
فالأمة التي توجه من، نحو أو جمع (في ميناء تجاري رئيسي فقط) عقدة تجارية داخلية تتلقى قوة تجارية إضافية. قوة القافلة هي التطوير الكلي / 3 والحد الأقصى في 50.
كسب + 33٪ مكافأة لقوة القافلة.
تزداد قوة القافلة من خلال أفكار وسياسات معينة. يمكن أن تتجاوز 50 مع هذه المكافأة. أفكار التقاليد المكافآت السياسات + 33٪ & # x2017؛ & # x2017؛ & # x2017؛ التأثير البحري: قانون التعاون + 25٪ & # x2017؛ الفكرة البلوتوقراطية 6: المدن الحرة فكرة التجارة 7: المفاوضات السريعة & # x2017؛ & # x2017؛ + 20٪ التقاليد الجوية تقاليد بادن تقاليد لورين تقاليد مارافي تقاليد ساديان فكرة بربرية 3: ترانس & # x2212؛ سهاران تريد فكرة دالي 2: طريق الحصان الشاي فكرة هوسان 4: ساراكونان كاسوا خيفان فكرة 3: واحة ميرف نيجني نوفغورود فكرة 1: في التقاء العمالقة أودويف فكرة 7: تعزيز نهر أوكا التجارة الفارسية فكرة 4: تحسين طريق الحرير سونغاي فكرة 7: التجارة عبر الصحراء فكرة تومبوكا 5: التجارة بين البلدان الأفريقية ياركاندي فكرة 1: طريق الحرير الشمالي & # x2017؛ & # x2017؛ + 15٪ فكرة كانغرا 5: تعزيز التجارة الجبلية & # x2017؛ & # x2017؛ + 10٪ & # x2017؛ الفكرة النوبية 4: تشجيع التجارة لمسافات طويلة & # x2017؛ & # x2017؛ حظر []
إمبارجينغ هو خيار في شاشة الدبلوماسية التي تسمح للبلاد للاستفادة من قوتها التجارية ضد دولة أخرى، وبالتالي، مما يقلل من قوة الدولة في التجارة في العقد التجارية المشتركة. شاشة التجارة يظهر الرموز لكل دولة محظورة وأولئك إمبارغينغ أمتك. وضع الماوس فوق كل رمز الأمة يكسر العقوبات في كل عقدة تجارية مشتركة.
إبعاد بلد ما له الآثار التالية:
وتعاقب الدولة المدافعة على القوة التجارية في جميع العقود التجارية التي تتمتع بها كلتا الدولتين. ويصل حجم العقوبة إلى نصف حصة المهاجم والقوة التجارية في العقدة التجارية قبل الحصار. هذه العقوبة تكدس بشكل مضاعف مع معدلات أخرى. يتم تعديل الدولة المدافعة عن الدولة المهاجمة من قبل -15. ويكتسب المدافع أيضا نزاعا تجاريا ضد المهاجم ما لم يكن الحصار متبادلا. وتعاني الدولة المهاجمة وكفاءة التجارة من عقوبة -5٪ ما لم يكن المدافع منافسا. لا تحسب العقوبات ضد الحد الأدنى للعلاقات الدبلوماسية. ويكسب البلد المهاجم ما يصل إلى + 10 إسقاطات الطاقة إذا كان الهدف منافسا، وهذا المبلغ يتوقف على مدى تأثير الحصار بشدة على التجارة المستهدفة.
يمكن زيادة كفاءة الحظر بما يلي:
أفكار التقاليد المكافآت السياسات + 33٪ & # x2017؛ & # x2017؛ & # x2017؛ + 25٪ & # x2017؛ فكرة التجسس 6: بريفاتيرز & # x2017؛ التجارة المسيئة: قانون مكافحة التهريب + 10٪ & # x2017؛ بيتسيميساراكا فكرة 2: القراصنة الموانئ الفكرة القبرصية 7: غارة التركية التجارة فكرة الملغاشية 3: موانئ القراصنة الجبل الأسود فكرة 4: البلقان غوسارس ناكسيان فكرة 3: أرخبيل الفرص فكرة كلب صغير صغير 1: تراث القراصنة & # x2017؛ & # x2017؛ التجار []
يستخدم التجار لتغيير سلوك مسار التجارة الافتراضي عن طريق جمع أو توجيه التجارة. يجب أن يكون التجار متمركزين في عقدة تجارية للقيام بعملهم، ويمكن أن يسافروا فقط مسافة يحددها بلد ما، مما يزيد مع، و.
لاحظ أن توظيف التجار ليس واجبا على النظام التجاري للعمل. كل دولة سوف تجمع تلقائيا من عقدة منزلها، وإرسال التجارة نحو ذلك إذا كان ذلك ممكنا. التجار عادة:
وجمع في العقد الأخرى من عقدة المنزل، والتوجيه التجاري، وهذا هو، والتحكم في الطريقة التي يتم نقل القيمة التجارية الصادرة المصب، كشرط مسبق لإرسال لحماية التجارة في العقد حيث الأمة ليس لديها قوة تجارية أولية. اكتساب التجار []
كل بلد لديه قاعدة من اثنين من التجار. وتشمل الوسائل الدائمة للحصول على المزيد:
التقاليد الأفكار المكافآت السياسات +1 التقاليد الأمريكية التقاليد البلغارية التقاليد الكاتالونية تقاليد هورموز التقاليد بيغو التقاليد بسكوفيان فكرة التوسعة 2: تجار إضافيون فكرة بلوتوقراطية 4: تجارة حرة فكرة التجارة 2: التجارة الحرة فكرة التجارة 5: التجار في الخارج أندو فكرة 4: توسيع التجارة فكرة أراكانيس 3: خليج البنغال التجارة الكندية فكرة 2: شركة خليج هدسون فكرة كاندريد 1: اتصالات جينوز ديثمارشر فكرة 3: البعثات التجارية فكرة الهولندية 2: روح التجارة الهولندية استونية فكرة 5: التجارة البلطيق فكرة الغوجاراتية 7: الغوجاراتية الشتات ينزل على أفريقيا غوتنيش فكرة 5: غوتنيش التاجر المغامرين فكرة الهانزية 2: التزامات دوري قوي فكرة هولشتاين 4: كييلر أومسكلاغ هورون فكرة 1: التجارة البحيرات الكبرى فكرة جوان 4: التجارة بين آسيا آسيا فكرة كيفان 6: دعم التجار المحليين فكرة سلطنة عمان 1: تجارة المحيط الهندي فكرة مالي 6: البحث عن أسواق جديدة لمقديق مقديشان فكرة 1: تجارة المحيط الهندي فكرة مولوكان 3: وكلاء التجارة نوفغورود فكرة 4: السيطرة على الهانزية كونتور العمانية فكرة 7: توسيع الاتصالات التجارية أوشي فكرة 4: التجار من هاكاتا مدينة باتاني فكرة 5: فكرة & # xF4؛ ر فكرة كلب صغير 2: البوميرانيون التجار فكرة البرتغالية 4: تشجيع فكرة بانديرانتيس سامي 3: تنظيم التجارة مع الجنوبيين شوني فكرة 4: مدينة ناغازاكي السنهالية فكرة 3: لؤلؤة المحيط الهندي فكرة جنوب الهند 7: التجار الرأسماليين فكرة سوماتران 5: التجار من المحيط الهندي فكرة تومبوكا 7: مرحبا بكم السواحيلي التجار كامل التركيز التجارة طموح آشانتي طموح الهندي وسط طموح غاليسيان طموح إنتيرلاكوسترين الأيوني الطموح أودوييف الطموح الأرستقراطية التجارة: التجارة الاتصالات سياسة الدفاع-التجارة: قانون الحياد المسلح تحصل على التاجر +1 لكل واحد يسيطرون مع غالبية السلطة التجارية المقاطعة في المنطقة. تتلقى البلدان 1+ تاجر لكل دولة استعمارية مع 10 مقاطعات على الأقل. نطاق التجارة []
يمكن للتجار الوصول فقط العقد على هذه المسافة من مقاطعة محفور (أو مقاطعة محفور من دولة موضوع أو دولة تمنح حقوق باسينغ البحرية). تقاس المسافة إلى المقاطعة المركزية للعقدة، مرئية على وضع خريطة التجارة. يزداد نطاق التجارة الأساسية من خلال التكنولوجيا الدبلوماسية (100 في التكنولوجيا 1 و 400 في التكنولوجيا 32) وبعض القرارات والأفكار.
يتم زيادة نطاق التجارة من خلال أفكار وسياسات معينة. أفكار التقاليد المكافآت السياسات + 33٪ & # x2017؛ فكرة ريوكيوان 4: التجارة البحرية & # x2017؛ & # x2017؛ + 30٪ & # x2017؛ & # x2017؛ & # x2017؛ + 25٪ فكرة التجارة 3: مغامرات التاجر & # x2017؛ & # x2017؛ + 20٪ & # x2017؛ أيوثايان فكرة 5: تعزيز الروابط التجارية الفكرة الغوجاراتية 2: جاين اتصالات كونو فكرة 6: التجارة مع القارة القارية آسيا فكرة أمريكا الوسطى 7: فكرة سبج وجيد مقديشان 1: المحيط الهندي التجارة المحيط الهادئ شمال غرب فكرة 2: دوجوت الزوارق جنوب الهند فكرة 1: التجار من جنوب الهند & # x2017؛ الاستكشاف البحري: رسامو الخرائط المهرة + 15٪ تقاليد تقاليد هانزا سوماتران & # x2017؛ & # x2017؛ & # x2017؛ + 10٪ & # x2017؛ الفكرة الهولندية 2: روح التجارة الهولندية فكرة المملوكية 1: تجارة البحر الأحمر & # x2017؛ & # x2017؛ إجراءات التاجر []
Merchants can be sent to a trade node to perform one of two missions (as denoted in game interface):
Collect from trade sets merchant to convert trade value into trade income. The merchant sent to collect from trade node grants a +10% bonus to trade income. Note that nations will automatically collect from their home nodes even if they do not have a merchant present. Collecting trade income from a non-home node halves the country's trade power in that node. (The tooltip shows additive penalty to display -50% penalty applied multiplicatively after all bonuses. For example, if a nation has a +40% trade power modifier before the collecting penalty, the listed penalty will be -50%*140%, that is, -70% .) Transfer trade power (This is a misnomer) Allows the user to steer trade value. This allows the nation to choose the downstream link to transport value to. The destination link can be selected in Trade mapmode. Note that in the case of no merchant presence, the nation will still transport value to some link, but this default link is not configurable. Every steering merchant grants a nation +10% bonus to trade power in home node (capped at +100% for 10 merchants) but that applies only if no merchant is collecting in a non-home node. Trade income[]
The trade income a nation collects in a trade node is calculated as follows:
Trade efficiency is added as a bonus modifier to . Base trade efficiency is defined by diplomatic technology but it can also be increased by certain ideas and policies (capped at +200% ).
Privateering[] Main article:
Any fleet that contains light ships can be sent on a privateering mission to any trade node within trade range. The fleet will hoist the Jolly Roger and add the trade power of its light ships (plus a bonus) to a dummy "pirate" nation in the node, thus reducing the trade power share of everyone in the node - including their controller, though a portion of the trade value lost this way is returned to the controller, listed in accounts as "spoils of war". Unlike protecting trade, privateers can be sent to nodes a nation has no power in, making it a way of weakening the nation's enemies or gaining revenue from nodes it can't touch otherwise. Privateering a rival's trade generates .
Hunt pirates[] Main article:
This mission is available to fleets which contain at least one ship that isn't a transport. Fleets containing heavy ships or light ships may hunt pirates in any non-inland ; however, fleets containing only galleys (as well as fleets which are a mixture of galleys and transports) can only hunt pirates in nodes where all nearby sea provinces are .
Pirate-hunting fleets reduce the trade power taken by the dummy "pirates" nation in the chosen trade node by reducing their . They do not actually damage or take damage from any ships.
See also[] References[] See in /Europa Universalis IV/common/static_modifiers/00_static_modifiers. txt ().
This article may contain outdated information that is inaccurate for the current of the game. It was last updated for 1.18.
This is a guide to help improve understanding of trading in .
Producing trade value[]
The best place for a country to produce Trade Value is at the upstream end of a chain of Trade Nodes they control. The Trade Value can then be boosted as it moves down the chain.
Controlling trade nodes[] Trade power share[]
Control of a trade node is dictated by a country's Trade Power share in that node. Thus, to control a desired node, a country should increase its Trade Power share in that node. Merchants only provide a token amount of Trade Power, and sending power upstream is extremely inefficient due to the -80% penalty (stacks multiplicatively, not additively, with other modifiers) for doing so. Thus, Trade Power largely comes from provinces and Light Ships. Effective ways on increasing one's share of Trade Power in a node therefore include:
Sending Light Ships to that node and sinking the Light Ships of other countries. Constructing trade buildings in important centers of trade in that node. Since several buildings give a percentage increase to trade power, provinces with base increases from estuaries or centers of trade will benefit more . Conquering provinces in that node. If the node still has un-colonized provinces, colonization is an alternative. Embargoing other countries at that node.
Countries with low Trade Power share in a node benefit more from increasing their own Trade Power there than reducing the Trade Power of other countries. Likewise, countries with high Trade Power share in a node benefit more from reducing the Trade Power share of other countries than increasing their own Trade Power, although it is important to note that highly monopolized trade nodes increases the efficiency, adding the need to hunt pirates to avoid losing power and money; Conquering provinces is an attractive option to increase the trade power as it allows a country to do both (increasing their own Trade Power and reducing the Trade Power of other countries) at the same time.
Desirable trade nodes[]
Desirable trade nodes to control include:
Nodes with high Trade Value, whether from local production or from upstream nodes. Nodes with less competition from other countries, so that fewer resources need be expended to control the node. Nodes connected closely with other controlled nodes, to take maximum advantage of boost. End nodes, from which no money can be steered. Nodes downstream from the trade capital. The trade capital's node, where Trade Power is more effective.
Trade nodes that are critical to the global network include:
Gulf of Aden is a bottleneck for nearly all seabound trade from India and China to Europe. It determines whether trade flows to Alexandria and the Mediterranean, to Hormuz and the Middle East, or around Africa to the Americas and western Europe. (Indus is also important, since there's a link to Hormuz, but less so for European powers since value from there finds its way to the Mediterranean by a much shorter route.) Ivory Coast controls whether Asian and African trade flows to the Americas, to Tunisia, or to the various European nodes (Seville, Bordeaux, or the English Channel). Trade from the Americas collects primarily on the East coast; the best node to focus on is the Caribbean. From there, trade can end up in Sevilla (from the Caribbean directly), Bordeaux (from the Caribbean and Gulf of St. Lawrence), the English Channel (from Chesapeake Bay), or the North Sea/Denmark (from the Gulf of St. Lawrence). Though there are no end nodes in East Asia, almost all of the trade can be funneled into either Beijing in the north or Malacca in the south, and then routed from there to one's main trade port. Alternatively, Asian and Indian countries with strong navies and trade steering may be able to push trade across the Indian Ocean to Zanzibar and collect trade there, eventually steering trade south from the Gulf of Aden as well. Central Asian countries can use inland trading bonuses to earn a sizeable income from the paths of the Silk Road, pushing trade from Central China and the Asian Steppes through Samarkand to Persia. Embargoing[] It is rarely worth embargoing a country that is not a rival: Given that the attacker is willing to embargo the defender, they probably don't care about the diplomatic penalty for declaring rivals either. The Trade Efficiency penalty for embargoing without declaring a rival is only worth it if the defender is a serious enough competitor to the attacker. But any such competitor is probably worth declaring as a rival anyhow, assuming they are a valid rival. Embargoing a rival grants , while embargoing other countries does not. Embargoes are most effective when: The attacker already has a large but not overwhelming Trade Power share in the trade node(s)---about 50 to 80% before the embargo is best. The defender has most or all of the remaining Trade Power share. As embargoes give a penalty to Trade Efficiency and the number or rivals is limited, only a few countries can be efficiently embargoed at a time. The maximum absolute increase in Trade Power share at the base Embargo Efficiency is achieved when the attacker has a 65.4% share before the embargo. In this case, embargoing all of the other countries at that trade node increases the Trade Power share by 8.3% to 73.7%. Countries with the largest Trade Power share that are performing a competing action should be targeted first‗this removes the largest portion of competing Trade Power. If collecting, all other countries are competing. If pulling trade or steering, all countries that are collecting or steering in an undesired direction are competing. It is important to note, however, that embargoes are global. Be sure to check all of the relevant trade nodes before choosing whether or not to embargo a country, as countries which have shared interests in one node may have competing interests in another. Distributing merchants[]
Merchants are best sent where their country controls the most Trade Power, since the amount of income (when collecting) or steered trade (when steering) is proportional to the Trade Power controlled.
Collecting trade in capital[]
The capital trade node (or main trade port, with ) collects trade automatically, regardless whether a merchant is active there or not. Sending a merchant to collect in the capital merely adds an additional +10% Trade Income to that specific capital trade node, which is a bonus not granted to other nodes when collecting. Collecting in the capital is generally only worth it for countries that have Trade Power concentrated in fewer trade nodes than they have Merchants.
Stationing a Merchant in the capital increases the income there by 10%, whereas collecting with a Merchant in another node halves the Trade Power. Thus, in most cases a country would have to control more than five times as much Trade Value in the capital as another node to justify stationing a Merchant in the capital. For instance: If a country has 10 ducats worth of Trade Value in their main trade node and 2 ducats in another node, stationing a Merchant in their home node would increase their income by 10% to 11ducats, while stationing that same merchant in the other node would add 1 ducat to the 10 they're getting from their main trade port, giving them a total of 11 as well.
Where to steer trade[]
Merchants set to steer trade have two effects; these will determine whether it is worth using a merchant to steer trade at a particular node.
Steering Merchants determine which direction trade leaves a node. If a node only has one outgoing link, or trade is already being steered in a favorable direction, then a Merchant is not necessary, though increasing Trade Power can increase the proportion of Trade Value pulled forward. Light Ships can only be sent to nodes where the country already has Trade Power; however, a country with no Trade Power in a node can send a Merchant there, then follow up with Light Ships. Using Merchants to boost is generally better done: Near the end of a controlled chain of nodes, since this is where the amount of Trade Value to be boosted is often greatest. Where there are not already other Merchants boosting trade, since each Merchant increases boost by less than the last. Collecting versus steering[]
Ultimately, Trade Value has to be collected to be of any use. In most cases, it is better for a country to collect and gain 100% of their controlled Trade Value in a node than to send it downstream to somewhere that other countries will take a cut out of. However, if a country dominates the downstream node as well, the boost for steering trade can result in a net benefit. Therefore, some rules of thumb for collecting versus steering at a trade node are:
If a country has no Merchants or capital downstream of the node, they should collect on that node---transferring Trade Power upstream is extremely inefficient. If a country dominates trade downstream of the node all the way to a collector, then the boost may outweigh the cut taken by other countries along the way, and steering trade may be a good idea. As of Patch 1.2, the boost is relatively small, so near-complete dominance is required to make steering the better choice. If a country has enough Merchants and controls multiple trade nodes, it is advisable not to steer directly to the trade capital, but to make the money pass trough as many other nodes as possible, since it multiplies the amount of money by passing through a node. Moving the Trade Capital[]
It is advisable that a country moves its trade capital to an end-node (from which no money can be steered) over the course of the game. The end nodes available in the game are:
To be able to move its trade capital, a country must spend 200 diplomatic power. It is recommended that the player expands towards one of these wealthier nodes through the course of the game, and to make sure they have at least one center of trade in said node and enough light ships to be able to protect trade effectively against other powers in the area.
The marginal trade power share with respect to trade power in a node is.
For example, if a country controls 25% of a trade node that has 150 total trade power, the marginal increase in trade power share per trade power is (1 - 0.25) / 150 = 0.5%. Keep in mind that own trade power refers to the net trade power, not base trade power, and is affected by e. g. Trade Efficiency and the halving for collecting outside the capital.
If collecting, the marginal revenue collected (i. e. actual ducats) is.
"Trade value" is the sum of incoming and local trade value.
For example, if a country is collecting in its capital's trade node, the change in actual ducats generated per unit of trade power would be calculated as follows:
total trade power = Ptotal = 150 net trade power after modifiers = POwn_net = 37.5 net trade power share = POwn_share = POwn_net /Ptotal = .25 incoming trade value = Vincoming = 5 local trade value = Vlocal = 5 trade value = Vtotal = Vlocal+Vincoming = 5+5 = 10 trade revenue modifiers = rmodifiers = 0 trade revenue = R d(R)/d(POwn_net) = (100% + rmodifiers) * Vtotal * (1 - POwn_share) / Ptotal d(R)/d(POwn_net) = (100% + 0) * 10 * (1 - .25) / 150 d(R)/d(POwn_net) = .05.
This country would gain .05 ducats more each month if it added 1 trade power. If it added 100 trade power, the marginal change for another 1 trade power would be .018 ducats.
d(R)/d(POwn_net) = (100% + rmodifiers) * Vtotal * (1 - POwn_share) / Ptotal d(R)/d(POwn_net) = (100% + 0) * 10 * (1 - (37.5+100)/250) / (150+100) d(R)/d(POwn_net) = (100% + 0) * 10 * (1 - .55) / 250 d(R)/d(POwn_net) = .018 Forwarding[]
(Discrepancy between this section and previous correct information in the wiki: If a nation is not collecting in a node, nor any node downstream, even through multiple hops, then it is not eligible to influence trade value in this node. The nation's share of trade value is then redistributed among nations that are eligible. Thus trade power of the nation in this node is effectively wasted.)
Note that there is a difference between forwarding and steering power. Forwarding power is the total power of all nations not collecting in a node and determines how much total trade value is forwarded as opposed to retained. Only nations with a Merchant at a node have steering power.
The marginal steered value (in a particular direction) is determined as a share of the forwarded value and power. Merchant boost is also applied here.
Each nation that is not collecting at the node has only forwarding power. In this case, the effect on total steered value in any direction from base power is:
Each nation with a (non-collecting) merchant at the node has both forwarding and steering power. The effect on total steered value in the desired direction from base power is then:
Trade goods[] All of the value gained from improving trade good production will come from higher provincial value income and the larger value in trade nodes. Building a manufactory is the primary method to increase the amount of trade goods produced in a province. Manufactories should be prioritized in provinces with more valuable , then in provinces with high production. Increasing the amount of trade goods produced will also increase the total trade value of the province's trade node. It may be worth prioritizing building manufactories from provinces in trade nodes that the player is setup to harvest via trade. The "trading in" bonus from controlling a 20% trade share in a certain good ranges from entirely useless (dyes' +33% heir chance if playing as the Ottomans, a republic, or a theocracy) to potentially game-changing (ivory's +2 to diplomatic reputation). It may be worth using these as a reference for where to expand, and in some cases, they may even make low-income goods more desirable than high-income ones. Plan accordingly. Note that one doesn't actually need to control the production of a good to obtain the "trading in" bonus; what's more important is having high trade power in nodes where the good is produced. European trade goods[]
The best European trade goods are cloth, copper (early - to mid-game) and iron (mid - to late-game). Due to price events cloth gets +35% price and iron gets +50% by endgame. Copper also has +50% price between military tech 7 and 18, and remains at +15% afterwards. It is wise to prioritize building production buildings and manufactories on provinces producing iron, copper and cloth, and to avoid building them in provinces that produce wool, fish and grain. By late-game the price of wool and fish will decline by up to -30% and -20% , respectively. Salt is also relatively valuable to begin with, and increases by +10% about midway through the game. In a long run, mostly if planning to colonize North America, fur is going to get massive bonuses.
Colonial and Asian trade goods[]
Silk, ivory, cocoa, dyes, sugar, cotton, coffee, and tobacco are the best trade goods as they have price-increasing events that boost their prices further at different points throughout the game. Dyes start with relatively high price and gets +25% price increase mid-game, but will likely drop back to its normal value around 1700 when the "" event fires. Spices and chinaware both get +50% price increases mid-game, but decrease by -40% and -50% respectively later on.
A trader can amass money or send it further, in hope of making a larger profit.
To control trade, you use merchants. There is a base number of two per each country. This number can be increased through ideas (especially Trade that provides three extra merchants) and decisions. Furthermore, merchant republics have one more base merchant. You dispatch merchants to trade nodes (only within your trade range modified by diplomatic technology and ideas), where they attempt to seize as much control over the local trade route as possible.
You can order a merchant to do either of two things:
Collect money Steer the trade, conforming with the route, over to the next center.
The larger your control over a given trade node, the larger percentage of the money, coming from the total, you receive. What you want to do, then, is establish a transfer route from the starting point A, through B, to C, where you have great control and where you are going to collect the money (much more than if you collected it in points A and B, where your share in the market is low). How much money you are going to collect for yourself, depends on the current trade power.
Trade Power is a key factor of how much you actually are going to get. Note that it is not a value that has bearing on the amount of money in a node (that is what trade value is for). Trade power determines how much of the entire pie you are going to get. This value varies for each trade center (although some modifiers, e. g. for high stability, are global for all nodes). Trade power depends on the following factors:
Provinces, the more provinces you have in a given region, the higher the trade power, for the local node, you are going to generate. That is why it is immensely important to hold a stronghold in the distant regions e. g. in very rich India. Additionally, coastal provinces in the middle of the trade are going to generate higher TP than the remaining ones. Erecting new buildings also increases TP. Mercantilism. The current percentage multiplied by two is an additional TP generated by each province. Mercantilism can be modified by means of events. Half of the Trade Efficiency is an additional percentage of the Trade Power. Efficiency cannot exceed 200% (i. e. 100% of TP) Modifiers of the idea, system advisors, stability. Merchants, Each merchant increases TP by 2 in the region that he has been dispatched to. Trade steering. A merchant that sends money on, increases Trade Power in the next center. The effects cumulate, up to five merchants . And so, the first one increases trade power by 20%, the second one by 30%, the third one by 36.6%, fourth by 41.6% and fifth by 45.6. Note that merchants do not need to (and technically speaking cannot) be from the same country. This is the basis for establishing a good trade node. Send money from the weaker nodes, to the ones where you have a bigger share to increase income generated there. Determine how to best establish a transfer to maximize profits. A good solution will be to establish e. g. two three-layer node. But, sometimes, one long node, or three shorter ones, may turn out to be a better solution. Remember about transferring your money to the appropriate node! It is an element that is easy to overlook. Note that, in the above screenshot, directly next to the trade center in Gold Coast, right on the routes, there are small windows. Clicking any of these selects the direction in which you want to transfer money. And so, in the screenshot, money is being transferred to the North-East towards Mauretania, and on to Seville. It is easy to make an oversight here, which will result in money being sent into completely different trade point where you do not have any merchants, and in wasting all money! So, make sure that your node sends your money in the correct way. Ships. Each light ship that patrols the sea trade route increases the generated trade power. The base value is 3 per each ship but, this amount increases with each better ship model. It is an immensely effective way to increase income from trade so, build big fleet and try to determine, manually, the ratio of the number of ships to the navy financing in the budget that generates the highest income. The better you finance the navy, the better this influences the income from trade. So, it may turn out that it is more economical to spend more money on the navy, than make apparent savings by curbing the financing.
You should collect money where it is most effective after the establishment of the entire node, i. e. it is the ideal situation when it is a trade node with high trade value from production and from steering, and also very high trade power coming from market control (the more negligible the competition the easier it is to control, you will receive a lion's share in the market, somewhat by default, in the nod that your Capital belongs to.
Eventually, the game puts a merchant in the trade center of the capital to collect money there. Money in the capital is always collected automatically and the merchant presence modifies it only by 10%. Therefore, the most effective solution is to remove the merchant from there and put him in another node that you have strong control over. You need to take into consideration the fact that this will pretty much decrease the local trade power there but, if it still stays on a high level, this will be anyways more effective than the additional 10% from the capital. In general terms, a good solution for trade are two transfer routes, one that ends in the center that the capital belongs to and the other ending in another center, which you exercise vast control over.
To maximize your share in a trade center, you can consider imposing embargo on another country. Embargo will decrease this country's trade power in nodes, in which both of you have trade power. This will increase the income of the remaining countries from these nodes. The imposed penalty is a half of the owned TP in any other trade center. أي. the more power you have over a given center, the more effective the embargo is. Embargo effectiveness can be additionally increased by 33% by the Privateers idea from the Espionage group. Furthermore, England has a national idea that increases the effectiveness of embargo by 100%.
Embargo wil come with the decrease in the opinion of the other country by 15. Furthermore, each imposed embargo decreases trade effectiveness by 5%. This penalty can be avoided if you name another country your opponent.
Controlling the market comes with very nice bonuses.
For controlling the market of certain goods, you can receive special bonuses. If you are the leader of the world production, you will receive a 10% rise to the production of these goods. If you, on the other hand, control at least 20% of the world trade of these goods, you will receive a special bonus, which depends on the type of the goods. These bonuses are really big and worth obtaining. For example, controlling grain market, will increase the limit of the army by 25%, and controlling wine market wil decrease stability cost by 25%. Gold is the exception here because it provides no bonus. You can find detailed information about that in the log (Hotkey - L).
In this video I go over everything you need to know about the trading system in Europa Universalis 4, from the inception of trade value in provinces, to advanced strategies used to maximize trading income.
Trade in Europa Universalis IV.
Other Trade-Based Gameplay Mechanics.
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Trade zones, trade nodes, trade value, and other confusing concepts distilled down into a bumbling, incoherent guide. Check out the EU4 wiki for more.
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Trade steering is used for two primary purposes. To move trade from areas where you have low power to areas where you are dominant, and to move trade from a node to the node where your capital is to avoid taking a trade power penalty. Trade being pushed downstream occurs wihtout a merchant in nodes other than your capital, but you cannot change which direction trade flows downstream unless you have a merchant there.
Here is an example of a game where trade steering is useful:
In this game I have roughly 50 percent power in both the Tunis and the Sevilla nodes, but my capital is in Sevilla. Because of this, the best course is to move trade downstream from Tunis, which sends 2.5 gold out of 5 to the Sevilla trade node. In Sevilla, I can capture 50 percent of that trade and get a total of 1.25 gold from the tunis node, times my actual income modifiers. On the other hand, if I tried to collect trade in tunis, i would take a 55 percent penalty to trade power, leaving me with only around 25 percent power. That would let me collect only .66 gold times Actual income. Trade steering is twice as good here. If I had no merchant at all, my power would push trade downstream, but aragon would make that travel to genoa instead of Seville. I would lose out on ALL income.
This is what the trade map looks like with no merchant:
I get absolutely nothing from the Tunis trade node, because I have no merchant there. This is caused by Aragon steering trade toward Genoa.
While it is possible to steer trade upstream, it is virtually useless to use a merchant to do so because the trade power penalty is severe. Steer trade downstream, not upstream.
Instead, you should relocate your capital to a the node that is furthest downstream which you dominate, and then direct trade there.
Should you always steer trade to your capital? لا!
Usually you will want to direct trade downstream, but not always. You don't direct trade through nodes where other players/AI have a lot more trade power than you, especially your enemies.
One good example of a situation where directing trade would be a bad idea occurred in my most recent game as Netherlands. I had a large number of colonies in the Chesapeake bay node. However, if I directed trade downstream, it would have been collected by England or Norway, in The North Sea and London nodes between Chesapeake Bay and Antwerpen. Instead, it was better to just collect trade.
Many people will tell you that you should extract trade only at your capital. This is FALSE. Here is an example of how much you can pull out of a non-capital trade node, without investing any ideas in trade. This is more than even in my capital.
The key to note is that I control 93.5 percent trade power, even with the large penalty to trade from collecting without a capital present:
This is because the trade penalty for collecting from a non-capital node is a trade power penalty, which means if you still have a higher percent power in a non-capital node than in your capital after the penalty, you should definitely collect there.
Data napisania: 2 września 2018 o 9:44.
Date Posted: 21 Dec, 2018 @ 1:51pm.
Star and Crescent - 50 new Muslim themed event pictures, as well as several new events for the Muslim nations.
Unit packs have now been repackaged as content packs, but can still be purchased individually. They can be found under the expansion they were released with.
Native Americans Unit Pack.
Europa Universalis IV: Third Rome is now available! Press the image for more information.
Paradox Interactive, EUROPA UNIVERSALIS® Copyright© [2018] Paradox Interactive AB All rights reserved.
Use your economic strategy to crush history in EUIV.
The last expansion to the empire management grand strategy game EU4 was called Conquest of Paradise and it changed the world. No, really, for a game that can focus on exploration, knowing what the "New World" looked like was less fun than sending your ships into the unknown. Randomizing the map west of Europe was a big feature that vastly changed your strategy, and the release of Conquest of Paradise last month was huge for Thomas Johansson - the lead designer on EU4 - and the rest of the team. In contrast, Wealth of Nations will be a smaller expansion full of tiny features and tweaks that will improve the trade systems Europa Universalis IV. Wealth of Nations is set for release in Spring 2017.
Johansson's trade system was a big departure from the series previous iterations. In the new system, there are abstracted trade nodes set up around the world map in fixed locations. Players manipulated trade by sending merchants or ships to exert pressure on the node and move wealth to your country. While the system was cool to observe and change, players started to run up against certain weird variables that Johansson aims to fix with Wealth of Nations.
"The Polish player would almost always conquer the Teutonic Order first and move their capital," Johansson explained. "But in Wealth of Nations, you'll be able to set a trade capital to earn the most money from the Baltic Sea trade node while keeping your political capital in Krakow."
Trade capitals are a small feature, sure, but they will do a lot to enhance the historic feel of the game - that's what EU is about. Also true to history, you'll be able to use privateers to disrupt the trade of your rivals. These won't be new units to build, but the light ship category will have a "send privateers" mission available similar to how "protect trade" works now. Once selected these ships won't divert any trade income back to you - they are pirates after all - but will instead sluice income away from the trade node at a greater multiplier.
Of course, using privateers will give your enemies cause to declare war against you - the trade war "casus belli" or "CB" as Johansson calls it and the results of trade wars will also be vastly different in Wealth of Nations. In EU4 vanilla, sending trade power to the victor of war had a five year time limit, but the expansion will make that concession permanent until cancelled or another trade war is fought. That one tweak alone will vastly change the strategies of nations focused on dominating trade because a defeat could cripple you for a very long time.
Trade companies are another new feature, but Johansson admitted the exact details are still in flux. You will get a random event that will trigger the formation of a trade company - the British East India Company was a common example - and you'll be able to designate the trade nodes that company will have jurisdiction over. Once you take over a certain amount of trade in that region, you'll be rewarded with a merchant - a huge boost.
The details are all subject to change, as I said, but the implication is clear that Johansson wants to revise the trade system in EU4. I got the impression from early previews and conversations with him that successfully modeling a fun trade system was a large goal of his for EU4, and it was largely a success. Now with Wealth of Nations, Johansson has the chance to make it even more true to the history of Europa Universalis.
Look for Wealth of Nations on Steam in April or March 2017. It likely won't cost as much as Conquest of Paradise, so it will be an easy way to upgrade your game without too much investment.
About Paradox Development Studio.
Strategy is our game.
Paradox Development Studio is the developers behind successful strategy franchices such as Crusader Kings, Europa Universalis, Hearts of Iron & Victoria. Their strategy/RPG game Crusader Kings II is critically acclaimed and one of the highest rated games 2018 according to Metacritic. Paradox Development Studio is currently working on the upcoming empire building game Europa Universalis IV that will release the 13th of August, 2018. The studio has been a leading developer of globally renowned, PC-focused strategy games since 1995. Today the Stockholm-based studio is the center of a vast community of fans and modders both, with a reach that spans the entire globe and a strong presence in the United States and Europe.
Paradox Development Studios believes in the power of the sandbox strategy game ‘ a special kind of experience where you set your own goals and decide which tools you will use to reach them. Sandbox games give you unparalleled freedom to create your own destiny and write your own stories. When you play our games, we want you to feel that the fate of the world really does lie in your hands ‘ and only you decide what that fate means.
Paradox Development Studios games can be enjoyed solo or multiplayer ‘ up to 32 people can compete, co-operate or conspire in our rich historical games. Paradox Development Studio is also a big supporter of user created content; all of our games can be modded to match your heart’s desire. Continuing to re-invent and advance each of these, as well as create all-new titles, is just one way the studio keeps it's 500,000+ member community coming back for more. Just as important is the studio's passion for rich strategy, shared by their fans, and their legacy of providing games so deep and challenging that each offers hundreds of hours of gameplay.
Want to know more?
This article needs to be updated . Please update this article to reflect recent events or newly available information. (August 2018)
Europa Universalis IV is a in the series, developed by and published by . The game was released on 13 August 2018. It's a strategy game where players control a nation from the through the (1444 to 1821 ), conducting trade, administration, , , and warfare.
The game itself is an interactive map of Earth divided into the that compose nations. Each of these contribute to their country either positively or negatively, as can both provide resources to a nation and serve as a point of unrest and rebellion. The gameplay requires the player to lead a nation by finding a balance of military, , and . The player does so through their choices as sovereign of their nation, and through the spending of resources available to them: Prestige, Stability, (Ducats), Manpower, Legitimacy for Monarchies, Tradition for , Devotion for Theocracies, Horde Unity for Hordes and Monarch Power (Administrative, Diplomatic, Military).
Players can choose to conquer the world by military might, become a colonial superpower, establish trade dominance, etc. The game is a sandbox environment, and while there is no strict rule on winning the game, a loss occurs when the player's nation is removed, or annexed, from the map. is a large aspect of the game, as creating vassal states and tributaries, improving opinions and monitoring expansion and coalitions is vital to a player’s survival. Espionage can also be employed against enemy states in order to claim their territory, or incite in their , as well as other dubious methods. Combat can be done on both land and sea, and it attempts to simulate real world factors such as morale, discipline, competency of leaders, terrain, and supply lines.
Many major are present in and influence the game and provide distinct bonuses to their practitioners. Players can employ missionaries to convert their or can engage in policies of universal religious freedom. The faith makes use of the Papacy, which can allow a nation to have control over the or to use their influence for other rewards. Technological advancements are invested in over time, and will require the expense of monarch points.
Administrative technologies unlocks advancements such as increased productivity, new forms of government, new buildings, and the national idea system. Diplomatic technology unlocks advancements such as naval units, improvements in trade, new buildings, and improved colonial expansion. Military technology unlocks advancements such as land units, improved morale, combat tactics, and new buildings.
Gameplay is influenced by random events that arise each year for the player. These events can be either helpful or a hindrance. Some of these random events are driven by factual history pertaining to an individual country, while some are there to force a player to make tough decisions, and otherwise to enhance the flavor of the game. Players can choose to play single player mode versus the AI, or multiplayer over a LAN or the Internet against a mix of human and AI opponents. Single player also has the option of "Ironman" mode, which locks several settings such as difficulty, and removes the control of saving the game from the player. This means that any mistakes are irreversible. It is, however, the only way to receive any of the achievements that can be won.
Expansions and mods[]
All are optional, and may be applied to the base game in any combination. The largest DLCs come in the form of expansions, which significantly alter the mechanics and features of the game. There are also flavour packs (which add new events and minor mechanics, usually specific to one nation), music packs (which add more backing music) and cosmetic packs (which affect unit models, portraits and the map). There are also three e-books which have no impact on the game itself, but coincided with the release of expansions.
Expansions are often accompanied by a coinciding free patch to the game, which as well as adding fixes to the mechanics, also adds some content in the theme of the expansion.
Conquest of Paradise[]
Conquest of Paradise focuses on the . It adds an expansion to the mechanics of tribal nations, most prominently ones. It also adds a random new world generator which randomizes the landscape of and . The accompanying patch also added colonial regions, and new starting nations as well as many other small additions and fixes. Released 11 January 2017.
Wealth of Nations[]
Wealth of Nations includes new mechanics for trade and . The most prominent additions also include trade companies, privateering, and construction of the , , and canals. The accompanying patch included a new rival system, policies, and extra designs. Released 29 May 2017.
Res Publica focuses on governance and trade. New mechanics pertaining to elections are introduced, along with election events for the Dutch republics and a national focus. The Republican Dictatorship form of government is also included. The accompanying patch included extra idea groups and Merchant Republic factions. Released on 16 July 2017.
This expansion focuses on military mechanics. It expands on the and the , improves diplomacy (especially surrounding conflict and ), expands vassal mechanics and adds new options for waging war. The accompanying patch amongst other things overhauled rebel mechanics, improved the map and added large interface, AI and gameplay improvements. The map improvements increased the number of on the game map, in which previously lacked detail, such as and . It was released on 30 October 2017.
El Dorado, named after the mythical , improves largely on the nations of and . This includes , and religions, a "doom counter" for the Central American tribes, improved mechanics and added events. Exploration and colonisation of these areas is also expanded upon - for example, the is added and can explore into to search for the . A custom nation designer is included. The accompanying patch included new events for and , improved terrain and general improvements to gameplay. It was released on 26 February 2018.
Common Sense, named after the famous pamphlet written by Thomas Paine, focuses on , and internal development. New religious gameplay is added, focusing on and . are added, and a special parliamentary government is granted to England. The coinciding patch included new religions, improvements to the system and a reworking of the system. The number of building slots were also decreased, but the existing ones made more powerful. It was released on 9 June 2018.
The Cossacks, named after the , adds additional options and a wide variety of internal politics for peacetime. Primarily this is represented through the "Estate" system, which allows to be assigned noble landholders, the church, , and more in return for various bonuses and modifiers. Additionally, The adds mechanics for government types and adds mechanics to the religion. It was released on 1 December 2018.
Mare Nostrum, translated as "Our Sea" in Latin, was the Roman name for the Mediterranean Sea. As its name suggests, this expansion introduces new content connected to , trade and espionage. Now one can put ships on a naval mission or on a hunting naval mission. One can also create trade leagues, offer to other countries to fight and a new timeline feature where one can at any point through the campaign click it and watch how the world has evolved throughout the game. The accompanying patch made significant changes to espionage, added new map modes, two new systems for states, territories, and , as well as various new for and . It was released on 5 April 2018.
Rights of Man is the ninth expansion for Europa Universalis IV. It was announced on 19 August 2018. It was released on 11 October 2018 along with the 1.18 "Prussia" patch. The DLC and patch included a new Great Powers system where the eight most powerful nations were listed as "Great Powers" and could access new features such as making minor nations break their with other Great Powers. The patch also included new governments for and the , and a massive reworking of the technology system called the Institutions, which add penalties to any nation which hasn't embraced a given institution (such as , , etc.), and made the process of '' obsolete.
Mandate of Heaven[]
Mandate of Heaven, named after the , focuses on improving the region and contains new mechanics for , along with the ability of surrounding states to claim the title of the . There are also new Chinese meritocracy mechanics, the ability of tribes to raise , and a new system with events that allow Japan to become more or open in character. Outside of East Asia, there are now 'Ages' that focus gameplay on distinct historical periods in the , including Ages focusing on the of the Americas, the and in Europe, French-style , and the occurring in France and the Americas. The free 'Ming' 1.20 patch includes a new absolutism mechanic along with a province devastation feature. The expansion was released on 6 April 2017.
Aside from the official expansion packs, third-party are freely available. Most mods are available from the . The mods can modify or remove existing features, and add new features, such as new unit models or new gameplay mechanics.[]
Europa Universalis IV has a large following of . Popular mods include (which added history from 2 AD to 9999), (which adapted the world from the series into the game), and complete overhauls such as .[]
Reception[] Critical reception[]
Europa Universalis IV was met with generally favourable reviews, receiving a score of 87/100 on aggregate website . Critics praised the improvements from Europa Universalis III, especially the new mechanics and graphics. T. J. Hafer of described the game as an "engrossing simulation that conquers the common ground between your average Civilization V player and the long-time devotees of grand strategy". Negative feedback focused on the tutorials, combat mechanics and bugs. Nicholas Pellegatta acknowledged these bugs and other issues were likely to be addressed in later patches and expansions.
In 2018 Europa Universalis IV won the "Golden Horseshoe" award in the category of "Game of the Year" on the Polish website gikz. pl. It also won "Best Strategy" and "Best Historical" in Game Debate's 2018 awards.
As of February 2017, Europa Universalis IV had sold over 300,000 copies. By January 2018, over 900,000 games were registered on Steam. As of June 21, 2018, over 1 million copies have been sold.
In May 2017, Paradox Interactive normalized the prices of the game worldwide and its other products to account for the games being cheaper than intended in many non-western nations. This has led to massive backlash and boycotts by people from the affected nations, including a massive increase in negative user reviews on Steam in the following weeks.
This article may contain outdated information that is inaccurate for the current version of the game. It was last updated for 1.22.
Trade and production of trade goods are two of the three main sources of income for a country, the third being taxes. Every province produces trade goods, which give production income to their owner directly. The trade value of the goods then enters a system of trade nodes, where it is steered and eventually collected by merchants as trade income.
The trade system in game can be summarized as follows:
Trade nodes across the world are connected to form a global network of trade. Each node hosts the trade activity of a group of geographically associated provinces. Money in this global trade network can flow between trade nodes in unidirectional trade routes as well as terminate at end nodes. These connections between trade nodes are fixed and cannot be altered during the course of play. Trade value represents the monthly sum of locally produced and incoming trade goods in a trade node. Trade value is generated from the quantity and price of produced trade goods in each province. All provinces pool their trade value into the total trade value of their associated trade node. The trade tab provides an aggregate trade value in a node while the trade map mode displays a tooltip listing locally produced goods separately from incoming trade good values. Trade power is a number representing a country's control over trade in a node. The trade power of a country as a proportion of the total trade power of all countries present in the node determines what will happen to the trade value in each node. Power is used either to retain trade value within the node (if the nation is collecting with a merchant or at its home node), or to transfer it forward in the trade network (if the nation is steering from there with a merchant, or it's not its home node and it has no merchant). Trade power is generated by provinces, light ships, and merchants. Certain ideas, events and modifiers can also affect a country's trade power in a node. Merchants can be sent to a trade node to collect a portion of the node's trade value proportional to the nation's share of trade power in the node, or steer the node's trade value in a particular direction.
All trade income ultimately originates as provincial trade value .
Local trade value Edit.
The trade value of a province is equal to local goods produced × the price of the trade good that the province produces. This value can be seen in the province window. Trade value determines production income, but it is not itself affected by either production efficiency or local autonomy. See Trade goods § Goods produced for the details of goods produced; for trade purposes, the most noteworthy modifier is that merchant republics and trade companies give a bonus – in all provinces in the node, not just their own – to goods produced proportional to their share of trade power in a node, up to +50% .
The trade value of all provinces in the same trade node is added together to determine the local trade value of the node. This can be seen in the node's window, as well as the ledger and the trade tab.
Total trade value Edit.
The total trade value in a trade node is the sum of local trade value and incoming trade value from upstream trade nodes. For details of incoming trade value, see § Transferring trade below.
Each land province in the world belongs to exactly one trade node . The trade value from a province is added to the node's local trade value. In addition, most nodes have one or more other incoming nodes , and one or more other outgoing nodes . In this way all nodes are connected in a global network, with a handful (e. g. California, Siam, and Ethiopia) being origin nodes with nothing upstream of them, and three (English Channel, Genoa, and Venice) being end nodes with nothing downstream of them.
Relative trade power: competition over trade value Edit.
Nations use trade power to compete in manipulating the flow of trade value in several ways. The absolute amount of trade power is unimportant; what is important is the relative proportion of trade power wielded by a country and others it is cooperating with, compared to all countries it is competing with.
Each country's trade power is increased by their global trade power modifier for all uses.
Collecting trade Edit.
Each country has a main trade city . This is the same as the capital at the start of the game, and usually stays that way. In the trade node that this province belongs to, the country gets an extra +5 trade power and automatically collects trade. With the Wealth of Nations expansion, the main trade city can be changed at the cost of 200 diplomatic power. If the capital and main trade city are the same, moving the capital also moves the main trade city for free.
Countries can also collect trade by sending a merchant. In this case, the country's trade power is reduced by −50% . This is a multiplicative modifier, applied after all other modifiers. [1]
When collecting trade in a node, the country is allocated a portion of the node's total trade value equal to.
This amount is then multiplied by 1 + the country's trade efficiency, and that number of ducats is added to the country's treasury as trade income.
Each country collecting trade competes with all other countries collecting trade and all countries transferring trade.
Transferring trade Edit.
A country with trade power in a node who either has a merchant present and set to steer, or is not collecting there but is collecting in a node somewhere downstream (no matter how many hops away), is transferring. There are two stages to transferring trade:
Countries use trade power to increase the share of trade value that leaves the node ( outgoing trade value ). Countries transferring with merchants use their trade power to increase the share of outgoing trade value that flows into one particular outgoing node.
Pulling trade value forward Edit.
All countries transferring trade pool their trade power to pull trade out of the node. The amount of outgoing trade value is equal to.
At this stage, all countries transferring trade cooperate with each other, and compete with those collecting.
Steering trade Edit.
Each country transferring with a merchant present selects an outgoing node to steer trade to (the player does this from the trade map mode). All countries steering in a particular direction cooperate with each other, and compete with those steering in other directions as well as those collecting, whereas they neither compete nor cooperate at this stage with countries transferring but not steering. The amount of trade value steered towards a particular node is.
In this equation, "modified trade power" means the country's trade power multiplied by 1 + its trade steering modifier. If this would be a division by zero (i. e. no trade power is used to steer), it is instead set to.
In other words, if no one is steering in any direction, trade value is divided equally between all outgoing nodes.
There are two important consequences of this equation:
Countries that are not steering with a merchant have no influence whatsoever over the direction in which trade flows. They only influence how much trade value leaves the node. If the amount of trade power used to steer towards a particular outgoing node is zero, then value of trade steered there is zero (unless it is zero for all outgoing nodes). In other words, if there are merchants steering, but one outgoing node has no merchants steering to it, then that node receives no transferred trade value at all . If only one country is steering, all trade leaving the node goes to the node that country selected, no matter how tiny their trade power is.
Multiple merchant bonus Edit.
In addition to steering outgoing trade value through a particular outgoing link, each merchant applies a boost to the trade value on that link—that is, the steered trade value increases by a percentage as it passes between the two nodes, so that the incoming trade value of the downstream node is larger than the corresponding outgoing trade value of the upstream node. This affects all trade on that link, not just the merchant's country, so multiple merchants can boost trade on the same link. The total boost is:
Having more than five merchants will not increase the boost further. The boost is modified by the country's trade steering: for example, if the first merchant's country has +20% trade steering the boost from the merchant will be increased to +6.0%. Currently the merchant order is unsorted, so the merchant with the highest trade steering will not necessarily be first.
Provincial trade power Edit.
Every province contributes an amount of trade power to its controller's country in the local trade node. The exact amount and relevant calculations can be seen in province view under Trade category. It is determined by the following factors:
Provincial trade power modifiers Edit.
Certain ideas and policies improve provincial trade power.
Colonial idea 2: Continental Trade Mazovian idea 7: Central Emporium.
Mamluk ambition.
Gujarati idea 5: Hub of the Indian Ocean Trade Hanseatic idea 6: Regularized Contributions Wallachian idea 2: Foreign Trade Restriction.
Tverian traditions.
Ainu idea 3: Southern Traders Circassian idea 2: Merchants Of Genoa Client State idea 5: Mercantile Privileges Kanem Bornuan idea 7: Duties on Sahara Trade Yarkandi idea 7: Encourage Tarim Trade.
Huron ambition.
Kutai traditions Lan Na traditions Pegu traditions Rostov traditions Shirvani traditions Wurzburgian traditions.
Espionage idea 3: Vetting Amago idea 5: Dominate the Coastal Trade Andean idea 2: Mountain Roads Network Bremish idea 5: Vegesack Harbor Butuan idea 5: Balangay Golden Horde idea 4: Secure the Trade Routes Kongo idea 5: The Triangle Trade Malvi idea 7: Malwa Opium Orleanaise idea 2: Port of Orleans Sami idea 4: Encourage growth of the Winter Market Savoyard idea 6: Alpine Tolls Silesian idea 6: Hanseatic Ties Spanish idea 5: Treasure Fleet.
Transfers from traders downstream Edit.
Any nation that has at least 10 provincial trade power in the node enjoys the propagation of that power upstream . An amount equivalent to 20% of the nation's provincial trade power is added to the total trade power of that nation in every immediate upstream node, where it is denoted as transfers from traders downstream . Global trade power modifiers do not apply to the amount considered for propagation, but are applied in the upstream node instead. [2]
Age ability - Powerful Tradeships bonus:
+20% Ship tradepower propagation: An amount of 20% × 20% of ship tradepower also added to upstream node.
Trade company Edit.
A country that owns a province in a trade node that is not in their home node but is in a trade company region can add it to a trade company. Provinces in trade companies get +100% local trade power. There are 15 trade company regions throughout Asia and Africa. Nodes with trade companies in them count as domestic trade nodes and can be collected at by a merchant without incurring penalties for overextension.
Protect trade Edit.
A country may increase its trade power in maritime (non-inland) trade nodes by sending its light ships on Protect Trade mission. Ships can only be sent to protect trade in coastal nodes where the country already has trade power or a merchant. Each light ship increases trade power in the trade node in which they are protecting trade, the amount depending on how advanced it is; higher technology unlocks better light ships. Having the ships out of port for the Protect Trade mission costs −1 sailor per ship per month.
Some bonuses to ship trade power are:
No ideas or policies currently affect ship trade power.
Supply range Edit.
Light ships on protect trade missions can only be sent to trade nodes where the country already has trade power and the supply range is met. The limitation on supply range applies even when naval attrition is removed at diplomatic tech 22. If the trade range permits, a country can send a merchant to a node without any initial trade power and then follow up with light ships protecting trade (as long as these are within supply range). A good way to arrange for a favorable supply range is by gaining fleet basing rights from a nation in the vicinity of the target trade node.
Other sources of trade power Edit.
Merchant Present: The presence of a merchant increases a nation's trade power by +2 . Main trade port in area: A nation gets additional +5 trade power in its home node. Colonial nations provide their overlord with 50% of their trade power. With Mare Nostrum, members of a trade league: provide 50% of their trade power to the leader of the league provide an extra +0.025% trade steering to the leader of the league (cumulative with the bonus from other members) get an additional +20% ship trade power. Other nations can be persuaded (through diplomacy) or forced (through war) to enter into a Transfer Trade Power relation, which does not count towards the diplomatic relations limit. This transfers one country's trade power to another: a transfer enforced in a truce transfers 50%, while a diplomatically arranged transfer can transfer any amount from zero to 50%. Personal unions and vassals do not transfer trade power to their suzerain. With Common Sense, countries that have vassals or marches have a subject interaction for them to divert trade , which transfers 100% of their vassal's trade power, at a cost of +30% liberty desire.
Merchants are envoys used to alter the default trade route behaviour by collecting or steering trade. Merchants must be stationed at a trade node to do their work and can only travel a distance defined by a country's trade range, which increases with diplomatic technology, idea groups, and national ideas.
Trade with no merchant Edit.
In the absence of merchants:
In the country's home node, the country will collect trade. In non-home nodes that are not upstream from any nodes where the country is collecting trade, their trade power does not affect the flow of trade. It still propagates upstream if the country has at least 10 provincial trade power. In all other nodes, trade power is used to pull trade forward, increasing the share of trade value transferred . There is no influence on the direction of trade, only the amount transferred.
Merchant actions Edit.
Merchants can be sent to a trade node to perform one of two missions (as denoted in game interface):
Collect from Trade : Use the country's trade power to retain trade in the node, and turn it into income. This gives a bonus +10% trade efficiency in that node. In the country's home node, this also gives a bonus +2 trade power. In other nodes, this gives a multiplicative penalty of −50% trade power. [1] Transfer Trade Power : Use the country's trade power to pull trade forward in the trade network, and simultaneously to influence trade to flow preferentially into one of the downstream nodes (see § Steering trade above). The player can choose the direction to steer trade in using the trade map mode. (The name of this mission is a misnomer, as it is trade value that is being steered, not trade power.)
Although merchants steering provide no additional trade power on their own, they allow the country to send light ships to protect trade where they otherwise could not due to lacking trade power.
Gaining merchants Edit.
Every country has a base of 2 merchants. Permanent means of acquiring more include:
American traditions Bulgarian traditions Catalan traditions Hormuz traditions Pegu traditions Pskovian traditions.
Expansion idea 2: Additional Merchants Plutocratic idea 4: Free Merchants Trade idea 2: Free Trade Trade idea 5: Overseas Merchants Ando idea 4: Trade Expansion Arakanese idea 3: Bay of Bengal Trade Butuan idea 3: Butuan Trade Connections Canadian idea 2: The Hudson Bay Company Candarid idea 1: Genoese Connections Caspian idea 7: Promote Foreign Trade Dithmarscher idea 3: Trade Missions Dutch idea 2: Dutch Trading Spirit Estonian idea 5: Baltic Trade Gujarati idea 7: Gujarati Diaspora Descends on Africa Gutnish idea 5: Gutnish Merchant Adventurers Hanseatic idea 2: Strong League Obligations Holstein idea 4: Kieler Umschlag Huron idea 1: Great Lakes Trade Javan idea 4: Pan-Asia Trade Kievan idea 6: Support Local Traders Malayan sultanate idea 1: Indian Ocean Trade Malian idea 6: Seek New Markets for Salt Mogadishan idea 1: Indian Ocean Trade Moluccan idea 3: Agents of Trade Novgorod idea 4: Control of the Hanseatic Kontor Omani idea 7: Expansion of Trade Contacts Ouchi idea 4: The Merchants of Hakata City Pattani idea 5: Entrepôt Pomeranian idea 2: Pomeranian Merchants Portuguese idea 4: Encourage the Bandeirantes Sami idea 3: Regulate Trade with the Southerners Shirvani idea 7: Merchants of Baku Shoni idea 4: Nagasaki City Sinhalese idea 3: Pearl of the Indian Ocean South Indian idea 7: Merchant Capitalists Sumatran idea 5: Merchants of The Indian Ocean Tumbuka idea 7: Welcome Swahili Merchants Yemeni idea 6: Promoting the Yemeni Trade Ports.
Full Trade Focus Ashanti ambition Central Indian ambition Galician ambition Interlacustrine ambition Ionian ambition Odoyev ambition.
Aristocratic-Trade: Trade Connections Policy Defensive-Trade: The Armed Neutrality Act.
Merchant republics have +1 merchant. Some events can give a national modifier that temporarily provides +1 merchant. The “East India Trade Company” decision gives +1 merchant. This requires being a country with a European capital and the Global Trade instutition embraced, at least two ports, and one province in the East Asian Trade Ports region owned. The Netherlands has “Found Oost-Indische Compagnie” instead, which has different requirements, but likewise gives an extra merchant. Countries that control one of a number of trade nodes have the “Confirm Thalassocracy” decision (requires all maritime ideas and control of several specific trade nodes), which gives +1 merchant. With Wealth of Nations, a country gets +1 merchant for each trade company they control with the majority of the provincial trade power in a region. With El Dorado, a country gets +1 merchant for each colonial nation with at least 10 provinces. With The Cossacks, the Tengri religion with syncretic faith Zoroastrian provides +1 merchant.
Trade range Edit.
Merchants can only reach nodes at this distance from a cored province (or a cored province of a subject nation or a nation granting Naval Basing Rights). The distance is measured to the central province of the node, visible on the trade map mode. Base trade range is increased by Diplomatic technology (100 at tech 1 and 400 at tech 32) and some decisions and ideas.
Trade Range is increased by certain ideas and policies.
Ryukyuan idea 4: Maritime Commercialism.
Portuguese traditions.
Swahili traditions.
Trade idea 3: Merchant Adventures.
Ayutthayan idea 5: Promotion of Trading links Gujarati idea 2: Jain Connections Kono idea 6: Trade With Continental Asia Mesoamerican idea 7: Obsidian and Jade Mogadishan idea 1: Indian Ocean Trade Pacific Northwest idea 2: Dugout Canoes South Indian idea 1: Merchants of Southern India.
Naval-Exploration: Skilled Cartographers.
Traditions of The Hansa Sumatran traditions.
Dutch idea 2: Dutch Trading Spirit Mamluk idea 1: Red Sea Trade.
Trade policies Edit.
A nation can set a trade policy in any node where they have a merchant present. There is no cost to setting this policy and it can be changed every 12 months. Policies available to all nations are:
Maximize Profits: +5% Trade Power (Default policy). Hostile Trading: +25% Spy network construction with all other nations with their home node or a merchant located there. Improve inland routes: +10% Siege ability and +1 Artillery bonus versus forts for all provinces in the node (Only possible with more than 50% share of the trade power in the node). Establish communities: +15% Improve relations with all other nations with their home node or a merchant located there.
There is also a trade policy exclusively available to Muslim nations:
Propagate religion: A religious centre will be established in the node, automatically spreading the religion of the merchant's nation through the node. Can only be activated when the trade node is in a trade company region, and with a 50% or more share of the trade power in said node.
Global trade power modifier Edit.
Certain ideas and policies improve global trade power.
Italian (cU) traditions.
Expansion idea 7: Competitive Merchants Trade idea 1: Shrewd Commerce Practice Aragonese idea 5: Chartered Merchant Companies.
Gujarati ambition.
Danziger idea 2: Vistula River Trade Hamburger idea 1: Hanseatic City Romanian idea 6: Phanariote Traders.
Date ambition.
Münster traditions Traditions of Theodoro Venetian traditions.
Antemoro idea 6: Strengthen control over the Slave Trade Arabian idea 5: Bedouin Traders Arawak idea 3: Orinoco Trade Butuan idea 2: Northern Nusantara Byzantine idea 5: Byzantine Merchant Class Cham idea 3: South Indian Connections Chimu idea 6: Specialized Economy Gutnish idea 4: Rebuild the Trade Hanseatic idea 1: The End of the Victual Brothers Holstein idea 6: The Trade of Two Seas Hormuz idea 5: Maintain Trading Monopoly Indian Sultanate idea 5: Equality Under the Law Mesoamerican idea 2: Altepetl Milanese idea 6: Merchant Princes Mogadishan idea 3: East African Gold Trade Najdi idea 3: Ships of the Desert Norwegian idea 5: Seize the Opportunity Ogasawara idea 6: Improving the Nakasendo Pagarruyung idea 2: Gold Trade Portuguese idea 3: Feitorias Pskovian idea 6: Arts and Crafts of Pskov Rassid idea 3: Coffea Arabica Ruthenian idea 4: East and West Songhai idea 1: Gold To Salt Trade Sulawesi idea 6: Entrepot of Trade Vijayanagar idea 1: Promotion of Trade West African idea 3: Kola Nuts Yemeni idea 2: Coffea Arabica.
Berber ambition Cebu ambition Jaunpuri ambition Pomeranian ambition Swahili ambition.
Diplomatic-Expansion: Commercial Embassies Exploration-Innovative: Benign Neglect.
Mamluk idea 1: Red Sea Trade National idea 4: Contract Law Novgorod idea 4: Control of the Hanseatic Kontor.
Each colonial nation (of at least 10 provinces) provides +5% global trade power to its overlord. Prestige provides between −15% and +15% global trade power. Stability provides between −3% and +3% global trade power. Power projection provides between 0 and +20% global trade power. Reformed religion Fervor power Trade provides +10% global trade power modifier with Wealth of Nations DLC active.
Domestic trade power Edit.
A country's home node and nodes where a nation has the highest provincial trade power are considered domestic . Overseas provinces and trade company provinces can still be domestic. Domestic trade power refers to trade power in these nodes.
Certain ideas and policies improve domestic trade power.
Muiscan traditions Korean traditions.
Ashikaga idea 4: Tosen-Bugyo Beloozero idea 4: Northern Trade Hungarian idea 6: Strengthen the Towns Iroquois idea 3: Keepers of the Eastern Door Lur idea 2: Jadda-ye Atabak Timurid idea 6: Control of the Silk Road Transoxianian idea 6: Entrepôt of the Silk Road Zambezi idea 3: Control of the Zambezi Trade.
Ando idea 2: Ainu Trade Mutapan idea 6: Controlling the Mutapan Riches Ouchi idea 2: Korean Trade Ragusan idea 2: Center of Trade Trebizondian idea 6: Terminus of the Silk Road.
Kutai ambition.
Medri Bahri idea 6: Promote the Red Sea Trade Otomo idea 4: Welcoming the Nanban Trade Utsunomiya idea 3: Barrier of Shirakawa.
Afghan traditions Danziger traditions Hausan traditions Kono traditions K'iche traditions.
Andhra idea 7: Encourage Coromandel Trade Baluch idea 5: Control the Overland Trade French ducal idea 1: Men of Trade German idea 2: Frühlings− und Herbstmesse Granada idea 4: Strait of Gibraltar Isshiki idea 1: Shugo of Tango Hejazi idea 2: Red Sea Trade Pacific Northwest idea 4: Potlatch Feast Shan idea 4: Control of the Gem Trade Siberian idea 2: Siberian Fur Trade Sistani idea 5: Overland Trade Routes.
Butuan ambition Shoni ambition Sinhalese ambition Yarkandi ambition.
Trade power abroad Edit.
Trade nodes that are not domestic are considered abroad and will suffer from over-extension penalties. Trade power abroad refers to trade power in these nodes. Overextension imposes a penalty of −1% trade power abroad per percentage point.
Trade power abroad receives the following bonuses:
Plutocratic-Trade: Trade Kontor Network.
Aristocratic-Trade: Trade Connections Policy Naval-Trade: Fortified Trading Posts.
Hadramhi traditions Hormuz traditions Ragusan traditions.
Couronian idea 3: Duchy of Mercantilism Genoese idea 3: Rebuilding Genoese Trade Hosokawa idea 3: Sakai City Ionian idea 6: Entrepôt of the Eastern Mediterranean.
Mercantilism Edit.
Mercantilism provides the following effects (per percentage point):
+2% Local trade power +0.5% Embargo efficiency +0.25% Liberty desire (in colonial subjects) Wile most nations start the campaign with a base value of 10% mercantilism, a handful of nations begin with a higher starting base of 25% :
‘Promote Mercantilism’ increases mercantilism by 1% for 100 diplomatic power (only with ‘Mare Nostrum’ DLC enabled).
Certain events, decisions and missions give permanent increases or decreases to mercantilism, some of these are:
Trade steering Edit.
Trade steering is increased by certain ideas and policies.
Omani idea 1: Local Merchant Preference.
Mamluk traditions.
Trade idea 6: Trade Manipulation Navarran idea 5: Cross-Pyrenean Trade Pomeranian idea 3: Northern Ports.
Defensive-Trade: The Armed Neutrality Act.
Gujarati traditions Kutai traditions Ryukyuan traditions.
Aragonese idea 3: Mediterranean trade Huron idea 3: Birchbark Canoes Mapuche idea 4: Mapuche Weaving Pattani idea 2: South China Sea Trade Pskovian idea 7: Pskov Before All Others Shimazu idea 6: Okinawa Trade.
Danziger ambition Norwegian ambition Orissan ambition Transylvanian ambition.
Trade-Expansion: Encouragement of Merchant Navy.
Somali traditions.
Arabian idea 1: Indian Ocean Trade Canadian idea 6: Legacy of the Empire Luxembourg idea 3: The Moselle Trade Ouchi idea 5: Mercantile Diplomacy.
Bengali traditions Breton traditions Traditions of The Hansa Irish traditions Krakowian traditions Malayan sultanate traditions Medri Bahri traditions Orleanaise traditions.
Croatian idea 2: Pearl of the Adriatic Granada idea 4: Strait of Gibraltar Javan idea 4: Pan-Asia Trade Silesian idea 4: Raubritter Sulawesi idea 1: Intra-Asian Trade Network.
Burgundian ambition.
National idea 6: Mercantile Status.
Each point of navy tradition increases trade steering by 1% . With Mare Nostrum, the leader of a trade league gets +2.5% trade steering per member of the league.
Caravan power Edit.
A nation steering from, towards or collecting (only in main trading port) an inland trade node receives bonus trade power. This bonus, called caravan power, is a percentage equal to total development ÷ 3, to a maximum of +50% .
Caravan power is increased by certain ideas and policies. Can exceed 50 with these bonus.
Naval-Influence: The Cooperation Act.
Plutocratic idea 6: Free Cities Trade idea 7: Fast Negotiations.
Air traditions Baden traditions Lorraine traditions Maravi traditions Sadiyan traditions.
Berber idea 3: Trans−Saharan Trade Caspian idea 4: Protect the Caspian Trade Dali idea 2: The Tea-Horse Route Hausan idea 4: Sarakunan Kasuwa Khivan idea 3: Oasis of Merv Nizhny Novgorod idea 1: At The Confluence Of Giants Odoyev idea 7: Strengthen the Oka River Trade Persian idea 4: Improve the Silk Road Shirvani idea 5: Caspian Trade Songhai idea 7: Trans-Sahara Trade Tumbuka idea 5: Inter-African Trade Yarkandi idea 1: Northern Silk Road.
Pskovian traditions.
Kangra idea 5: Strengthen the Mountain Trade.
Nubian idea 4: Encourage Long-Distance Trade.
Merchant republics gain +33% bonus to Caravan power.
Trade efficiency Edit.
Trade efficiency is added as a bonus modifier to trade income. Base trade efficiency is defined by diplomatic technology but it can also be increased by certain ideas and policies (capped at +200% ).
ruler with ‘Entrepreneur’ personality Constitutional Republic Dutch Republic Free City Trading City Trader as advisor Zoroastrian religion Njord deity ( Norse religion) Surya deity ( Hindu religion) Fervent focus on trade ( Reformed religion) Tengri religion syncretic faith Sunni.
Parliament issue: Reduce trade regulations with discovered ‘East Indian Trade Route’
(depends on influence and loyalty)
ruler with ‘Indulgent’ personality during the Aristocratic Coup disaster.
Trade-Administrative: Importation Act Trade-Quality: Cloth Quality Edict.
Tuscan idea 5: Porto Franco.
Dutch ambition.
Ando traditions Aragonese traditions Beloozero traditions Butuan traditions Canadian traditions Danziger traditions Genoese traditions Irish traditions Italian traditions Kongo traditions Krakowian traditions Neapolitan traditions Ragusan traditions Shoni traditions Sinhalese traditions Venetian traditions Württemberger traditions Yarkandi traditions.
Trade idea 4: National Trade Policy Air idea 1: Taghlamt Al-Haasa idea 5: Entrepot of India Anatolian idea 5: Caravanserais Arakanese idea 7: Arakanese Trade Contracts Bahmani idea 4: Karimis Bengali idea 2: Ganges-Brahmaputra Confluence Beninese idea 7: Regulation of Trade Berber idea 3: Trans−Saharan Trade Bremish idea 4: Free Imperial City of Bremen Burgundian idea 5: Integrate the Towns in the Estates General Butua idea 7: Vashambadzi Carib idea 1: River Trade Cham idea 6: Agarwood Chickasaw idea 5: Slave Raids Circassian idea 3: Circassian Grain Trade English idea 4: The Navigation Acts Greek idea 5: Control the Mediterranean Trade Gujarati idea 6: Foreign Merchants set up Factories Hadramhi idea 4: Encouraging the Incense Trade Hormuz idea 1: A Vast Emporium Imagawa idea 2: Control of Tokaido Ionian idea 4: Gate to the Adriatic Javan idea 7: Terracotta Banking System Kaffan idea 7: Trade Reform Kazani idea 7: End Western Domination Khivan idea 5: Amu Darya Khmer idea 4: River Trade Khorasani idea 7: Protect the Caravan Routes Kongolese idea 7: The Ivory Trade Kutai idea 1: Earliest Indic State Ladakh idea 7: Invite Far-Away Traders Laotian idea 6: Southern Silk Road Malagasy idea 6: Control of the Foreign Traders Malian idea 7: West African Slave Trade Malvi idea 3: Protect the Delhi-Surat Trade Route Mamluk idea 7: Monopoly Ports Medri Bahri idea 1: Kings of the Sea Ming idea 5: Restore the Salt Monopoly Mogadishan idea 5: Mogadishan Currency Moldavian idea 7: Moldavian Trade Moluccan idea 1: The Spice Islands Mutapan idea 6: Curva Nizhny Novgorod idea 6: Open Up The River Trade Omani idea 4: Port Security Improvements Orissan idea 6: Encourage the Salt Trade Ottoman idea 6: Tulip Period Pegu idea 1: Riches of Pegu Permian idea 4: Great Perm Polotskian idea 5: Trade Hub Pomeranian idea 6: Dominate the Baltic Portuguese idea 7: Open up the Guilds Pueblo idea 4: Cotton Weaving Punjabi idea 2: Encourage Indo−Persian Trade Rajput idea 7: Rajput Trading Houses Rassid idea 7: Secure the Yemeni Trading Monopolies Rostov idea 4: Entrepot of Russia Ryukyuan idea 5: Sign Trade Agreements Sadiyan idea 5: Dihang Samtskhe idea 5: Protect the Trade Routes Siddi idea 6: Konkan Trade Silesian idea 5: Via Regia Sligonian idea 1: Promote the Trade Somali idea 5: Indian Ocean Trade Sukhothai idea 3: Sawankalok Ware Sumatran idea 1: Reliance on Trade Swahili idea 1: Indian Ocean Trade Tapuian idea 6: Open Trade Routes Tarascan idea 3: Merchant-Officials Theodorian idea 4: Port Avlita Tirhuti idea 2: Gateway to India Tverian idea 1: Tverian Merchants Venetian idea 3: Stato da Màr Vindhyan idea 6: Diamond Mines Yemeni idea 3: Control of the Red Sea.
Andean ambition Couronian ambition Estonian ambition Gutnish ambition Ambition of The Hansa Kono ambition Navarran ambition Ouchi ambition Pagarruyung ambition Pattani ambition South Indian ambition Sulawesi ambition Tumbuka ambition.
Innovative-Trade: The Banking System Maritime-Offensive: Naval Convoy System Naval-Administrative: Harbor Administration Naval-Trade: Fortified Trading Posts Offensive-Trade: The Anti-Smuggling Act Trade-Economic: The Statute of Monopolies Trade-Expansion: Encouragement of Merchant Navy.
Huron traditions Portuguese traditions.
German idea 2: Frühlings - und Herbstmesse Mesoamerican idea 7: Obsidian and Jade West African idea 6: The Great River.
Embargoing is an option in the diplomacy screen that allows a country to leverage their trade power against another nation's, decreasing that nation's trade power in shared trade nodes. The trade screen shows icons for each nation embargoed and those embargoing your nation. Placing the mouse over each nation icon breaks down the penalties in each shared trade node.
Embargoing a country has the following effects: [5]
The defending country suffers a penalty to trade power in all trade nodes that both countries have power in. The base magnitude of the penalty is half of the attacker's trade power share in the trade node before the embargo. This penalty stacks multiplicatively with other modifiers. The defending country's opinion of the attacking country is modified by −15 . The defender also gains a Trade Dispute casus belli against the attacker unless the embargo is mutual. The attacking country's trade efficiency suffers a −5% penalty unless the defender is a rival. Embargoes do not count against the Diplomatic Relation limit. The attacking country gains up to +10 power projection if the target is a rival, the amount depending on how severely the embargo affects the target's trade.
Embargo Efficiency can be increased by the following:
English traditions.
Espionage idea 6: Privateers.
Offensive-Trade: The Anti-Smuggling Act.
Betsimisaraka idea 2: Pirate Ports Cebu idea 5: 'The Place for Trading' Cypriot idea 7: Raid Turkish Commerce Malagasy idea 3: Pirate Ports Mindanao idea 7: Pirates of Mindanao Montenegrin idea 4: Balkan Gusars Naxian idea 3: Archipelago Of Opportunities Pomeranian idea 1: Legacy of Pirates.
Any fleet that contains light ships can be sent on a privateering mission to any trade node within trade range. The fleet will hoist the Jolly Roger and add the trade power of its light ships (plus a bonus) to a dummy "pirate" nation in the node, thus reducing the trade power share of everyone in the node – including their controller, though a portion of the trade value lost this way is returned to the controller, listed in accounts as "spoils of war". This effectively behaves as though they are collecting. Unlike protecting trade, privateers can be sent to nodes a nation has no power in, making it a way of weakening the nation's enemies or gaining revenue from nodes it can't touch otherwise. Privateering a rival's trade generates power projection.
Hunt pirates Edit.
This mission is available to fleets which contain at least one ship that isn't a transport. Fleets containing heavy ships or light ships may hunt pirates in any non-inland trade node; however, fleets containing only galleys (as well as fleets which are a mixture of galleys and transports) can only hunt pirates in nodes where all nearby sea provinces are inland seas.
Pirate-hunting fleets reduce the trade power taken by the dummy "pirates" nation in the chosen trade node by reducing their privateer efficiency. They do not actually damage or take damage from any ships.
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Includes additional DLC:
- Horsemen of the Crescent Unit Pack.
- Star and Crescent DLC.
- Conquest of Constantinople Music pack.
- Women in History.
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EU4 Dev Diary - The 2017 Christmas wrapper.
12 декабря.
1.24 Japan Update Is out!
We're currently rolling out our 1.24 Japan Update including free additions to the Pacific region. Click the image below for a short overview and read todays Dev Diary to get a look at the patchnotes!
“A hallmark of excellence.”
Издание Digital Deluxe Edition.
The Digital Extreme Edition includes the following:
Star and Crescent - 50 new Muslim themed event pictures, as well as several new events for the Muslim nations.
Популярный дополнительный контент.
Unit packs have now been repackaged as content packs, but can still be purchased individually. They can be found under the expansion they were released with.
Conquest of Paradise Content Pack contains:
Native Americans Unit Pack.
Wealth of Nations Content Pack contains:
Trade Nations Unit Pack.
Res Publica Content Pack contains:
Indian Subcontinent Unit Pack.
Art of War Content Pack contains:
Evangelical Union Unit Pack.
New Expansion Available!
Europa Universalis IV: Cradle of Civilization is now available! Press the image for more information.
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